BTW, contrary to what Charles said, if you protest and appeal the decision, and you win the appeal, your targets are counted.
How's that work Ray? You use a piece of equipment the RO deems outside the rules, and are disqualified. You can protest at the match, but if the RO says the original decision stands, the match goes on without you. Winners are posted, and everybody goes home. If you don't take your targets off the wall, somebody will.
Now you can appeal to the IBS or NBRSA board, and they just might uphold your protest. But those targets are long gone, there is no way you will win the match.
BTW, it is hard to predict just when a reule will suddenly get enforced. I remember a match a few years back when the "can't take targets down until the protest period is over" became real important. We stopped for lunch -- officially, not just relay 1. Went to lunch, came back 45 minutes later. I, and a few others took down our morning targets. We were disqualified, because as it turns out, there had been a computer problem, & by the time they got it fixed, the protest period was still officially going.
For a short while, everybody paid attention to that one. They even announced over the PA when the protest period had expired. I haven't been to many point-blank matches lately, but those I've been to seem pretty relaxed, no announcement now, no real effort to check when you take your targets, & no DQs.
You just gotta go with the flow.