Future of group shooting


Actually the supershoot was won several years ago with a falling block rifle. I hope Jeff and someone from the NBRSA will address this here. If I was holding a shoot....I would more than welcome you to shoot a falling block or an AR for that matter.....with the proper precautions.

Come on out and start shooting with us. Fun comes first, Fish stories second, Winning.....way down the line.

Thanks for the invite Hovis,
If I'm allowed to use the Falling Block you can bet I'll be at more than a few shoots, I agree, fun comes first, Fish stories, well I have never done that, but I can tell a lot of shooting stories about when I used to shoot standing up, winning, I've been there and done that a few times and at my age I could care less about it.
I see no reason why an open bolt safety flag can't take the place of a bolt out. It would work for me if I was running the match. I don't want to scare anyone away. There are plenty of colored cable tie straps at the IBS ranges as they are placed in a stripped bolt when setting OAL. They would suffice as an open bolt safety flag also.

S/S: you show "At the range" as your address; where are you located?
The NRA has been using open-bolt flags for years in classes like Service Rifle where the M1, M14, M16 and the like are shot. Matter of fact the NRA sells them for about a buck. Or, do like I did and bum one of the IBS fluorescent pink wire ties off Kent Harshman.
future of group shooting

We had one shooter at Camillus with a falling block 2 years ago {NO PROBLEM
The safety officer just made sure the rifles breach was open. It went well.
No problems Mate'''
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future of group shooting

goes with the pink rifle:D
actually i don't have to do that very often.
The bump gauge takes care of that part along with my vernier:D
I see no reason why an open bolt safety flag can't take the place of a bolt out. It would work for me if I was running the match. I don't want to scare anyone away. There are plenty of colored cable tie straps at the IBS ranges as they are placed in a stripped bolt when setting OAL. They would suffice as an open bolt safety flag also.

S/S: you show "At the range" as your address; where are you located?

I'm not new to handling and / or shooting, been doing it for about 50 years now, but rules are rules and I try to go by them. As long as it's ok with IBS and the Range Officer I'm good to go. Most all of my shooting has been in matches but not BR, just started shooting off the bench about three years ago, most of it has been Schutzen BR, lead bullet's and all that breech seating stuff, that's the reason for me shooting a Falling Block, they want to try an keep everything some what traditional so don't allow bolt guns or jacketed bullets, but we can use modern scopes thank God they allow that.

Having a new falling Block built this winter for a 30 BR. Hopefully I can use it in both IBS events with jacketed bullets and ASSRA events with lead bullets. I shoot with 4 other Schutzen shooters in the ASSRA events, I'm sure I can talk them into shooting some jacketed bullets in there Falling Blocks if it was ok with IBS and the Range Officer.

At the Range is in PA, right now it's way to cold for me to be outside enjoying the shooting sports. I know some guys like it cool but it's a medical thing with me. Come May I'll be back at it.
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future of group shooting

oops wrong jerry] :D
I think i missed siomething too'
s s did you see the pink rifle?
Its on 6mmbr.com in the gun of the week,
Looks like NRA has done it again this year, with 1500 High Power Rifle events, and again 10,000 + total sanctioned events.

Anyone care to guess how many shooters it takes to just support 1500 High Power Rifle events.

Looks like the Shooting Sports is growing for the NRA.
To bad they don't do Bench Rest.

This just in from Mike Krei, Director
NRA Competitive Shooting Division

Strong Finish to 2009

High Power Rifle, 200/300/600 yard, tournaments led all of the NRA shooting disciplines in sanctioned tournaments with 1500. Smallbore Silhouette tournaments fell just a few tournaments under 1000. Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette and Outdoor Conventional Pistol Tournaments topped 700 for a very strong year. Number of classifications followed these tournament numbers very closely with the only exception being Indoor Conventional Pistol Classifications out numbering Outdoor Conventional Pistol Classifications.

NRA's new Action Pistol, Production Class had great success this year in both number of tournaments and an increase in classified shooters, we anticipate this new classification to have a dramatic increase over the next few years. The largest increase for the year came in Smallbore Conventional Prone tournaments with an 8.9 % increase.

NRA Competitive Shooting Staff would like to give a great big Thank You to all of the clubs that hold NRA sanctioned tournaments. 2009 will again break the 10,000 sanctioned tournament mark. To all of the shooter's that attend these matches, we greatly appreciate your support. We are very optimistic that 2010 will be another great year for NRA competitive shooting with new courses of fire, new championships, easier sanctioning processes and easier tournament reporting processes.

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mike Krei, Director
NRA Competitive Shooting Division
There are a lot of differences between what the NRA does and BR. One, they have been around a lot longer. In the beginning, the goverment supported, funded and promoted what the NRA does now. Ranges for these type of events are more easily built and they have a direct feed of shooters from the military and their dependants. Also, you have the excuse factor, excuses come a lot easier in High Power than in BR for poor shooting. BR flusters most people because they start out thinking it's easy or they don't even start because they think it's to easy. One thing is for certain, BR has influenced High Power a lot more than High Power has influenced BR. Custom barrels, custom actions, case prep, load developement, scopes, triggers, bullets, fiberglass stocks that High Power uses have their origins and developement in BR.

I used to shoot a lot of service rifle and service pistol for divisional teams and still like to watch. Some of those shooters just amaze me but physical limitations keep me from even thinking about competing in High Power type of events. Cowboy events are fashion and cool factor and have next to nothing to do with real accuracy. BR is all about ultimate accuracy....that alone drives most away. If the BR organizations would pass a rule that all competitors had to wear a ghillie suit....they would have to start turning people away. Just the way it is.

Hi Hovis,
I hear what your saying, still it takes a lot of shooters to participate in 10,000 + events, just think what would happen to BR shooting if only a few % of those shooters thought BR shooting was fun enough to participate in.

My outlook on the way things are is that there's at least two reasons that BR does not grow like other shooting sports have, maybe there's more than two reasons but these two are the ones that always come to mind.

The rules are set up in such a way that a guys like me ( and there's a lot of us ) were not allowed to shoot because we cant remove our bolt when a cease fire is called. I and others that I know do not shoot bolt actions, I've been shooting a Win High Wall single shot, I know, the range official will probably let me use a chamber flag, but that's done on an individual range, some may not let a shooter do that because the rule book does not say that they can.

I now see that IBS is now going to allow those "evil black rifles" to compete along with the bolt guns, good for them, someone is starting to pay attention that guys shoot other types of rifles that are not bolt guns.

I and about 4 or 5 of my single shot buddies are going to try an shoot some bench matches this coming year, we're not so young or so old that we will forget if we have a round in the chamber, but when a cease fire is called we will open the action and insert a chamber flag.

Reason number two,
Classes, all NRA rifle events have classes, the last I knew they ran from Marksman to Master, may be different now, that was many years ago.

It means that it creates a lot more level playing field for the shooters. It seems that the BR game has classes for guns but not the shooters. Most shooters want a chance to win something, that's one of the reasons why a lot of them are shooting the NRA events, even if it's the lower Marksman class it still gives them a chance to win something.

An open class does nothing for a new or beginning shooter other than chase him away. I think IBS is taking steps in the right direction, all they have to do now is level out the playing field a bit more and I believe that BR shooting may start to grow. Lets face it, someone has to try something, it does not seem to be growing at all the way it is and may not survive the way it's going.

Long live IBS for trying some new ideas.
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