Denton Aug.9th 100yd match **9:00 start**


J Conley

Just a quick reminder. Denton will start its August 9th club match at 9:00am. We will draw for benches at 8:00. This is out of request from many shooters. It should help with the heat and get us home a little earlier.
We are holding our regional on the 15th & 16th so this match will be a good way to get ready. $25.00 for a day of shooting. Hope to see you there..
Thanks Jon,

I'll pass the 9:00am start time on..........

Start at 9:00 am!!!!! Do you realize what time I have to get up to get to Denton by 8:00 am. You guys that live in the DFW area don't have a problem. Us Okies have to drive 135-165 miles to get there. Don't know if I can make it that soon. But.....I will give it due consideration..

I understand where you’re coming from. I will do whatever I can to help you get setup. If you like I can draw you a bench that way you wouldn’t need to be there at 8:00..
Thank you Jon. You are a true gentleman. I will let you know. Got a lot going on right now, but sure do love to come shoot with you guys. At least when I attend, no one else has to fear finishing last.:eek:

Ahh come on Don, You know youll have to be there. You whooped on me last month so you have to give me a chance to redeem myself:)

Glenn and I are leaving a 3:15, trying to talk my wife into driving so we can be rested up but not sure how that will go. From the look on her face, may not happen.

I just wanted this to go back up top. Remember 9:00..

We had this very same discussion last Sunday at our Club Match at Tomball. It was suggested that next time we start at 8:00 instead of 9:00, reason being it is hot, and we could finish in case we went to three relays.

Several shooters offered objections, saying they had to get up too early to get there, plus, we have info out all over advertising the matches as starting at 9:00.

So, as mactch director, I decided to leave it as is. You will find that it is usually not a good thing to change something in mid-stream, such as a start time. Sure, it is put out over the Internet, but all you have to have is a couple of shooters not get the word, show up late, and all of your good intentions are flushed down the toilet.

That is why at Registered Matches, (another animal), you cannot change the start times once published.

Hopefully, the word will get out to every shooter you are trying to reach.......jackie
Hi Jon,

Will the boys be the target crew on Sunday?

Looks like I will make it. If I am not there by 8:00 draw me a .200 agg bench number. Cale can't make it, unless something changes. I think he is in Kansas City or some other strange place trying to fix their package sorting system.

I think the girls will be running targets this week.

Will do Donald, thanks..
Just wanted to offer a Big Thank You, to everyone for their hospitality today. Managed to get out this moring for the first half of the match and observe. What a fantastic group of shooters, matched only by their good natured picking and ribbing.

Was really impressed with all the information everyone shared with me and how much each person was willing to help me in anyway they could to get me shooting with them. A bit humbling after watching these guys shoot, to say the least. What I considered a pretty good wind, did not seem to affect them much at all.

Jon - Thanks for all you did this moring, and Paul - well Paul let me shoot his rifle, with that excellent front rest and that extra ordinary nice new March scope, Man what what a blast. My wife was wanting to know if I had already line up a new rifle to buy (problem with that is she expects something of equal or greater value).

You guys gave me alot to think about, and much more work to be done on my part. But to see the results was really a blast....Thanks!!
You guys gave me alot to think about, and much more work to be done on my part. But to see the results was really a blast....Thanks!!


Warning... run as quick as you can. That sucking sound is not the stock market continuing to crash but the never ending investment for the latest and greatest gadget to make your groups ever smaller. What a wonderful game they play. And they are a nice bunch of guys. tiny
Just wanted to offer a Big Thank You, to everyone for their hospitality today. Managed to get out this moring for the first half of the match and observe. What a fantastic group of shooters, matched only by their good natured picking and ribbing.

Was really impressed with all the information everyone shared with me and how much each person was willing to help me in anyway they could to get me shooting with them. A bit humbling after watching these guys shoot, to say the least. What I considered a pretty good wind, did not seem to affect them much at all.

Jon - Thanks for all you did this moring, and Paul - well Paul let me shoot his rifle, with that excellent front rest and that extra ordinary nice new March scope, Man what what a blast. My wife was wanting to know if I had already line up a new rifle to buy (problem with that is she expects something of equal or greater value).

You guys gave me alot to think about, and much more work to be done on my part. But to see the results was really a blast....Thanks!!

Man alive, did you ever make a big mistake. You actually went to a match and actually shot one of those space zappers and with a MARCH scope. Actually I can't afford a March so I shoot a February scope.:cool:. You are headed down the slippery slope. No turning back now. Just relax and let the poison work. :D

... with a MARCH scope. Actually I can't afford a March so I shoot a February scope.:cool:. You are headed down the slippery slope. No turning back now. Just relax and let the poison work. :D


LOL Thanks Don, that gave me a good laugh......Are the February scopes are a little shorter than all of the others.
Februray Scopes have heart shaped adjustment knobs.

Tiny, where were you? Don,Glenn and I needed help fending off all those Texans!:D
Steve & Tiny,
Yep, the Texans won again. Course they have field advantage. I think some of those guys live at the range. And we were out numbered. We need Mike to get that hot shooting 30ppc out of mothballs. Yep, the February scope is knobs. Had to cut 2 days out somewhere. Besides there is something un American about shooting a Japanese scope that costs more than my American rifle.

Tiny, where were you? Don,Glenn and I needed help fending off all those Texans!:D

Nope. I was all packed up to come and we had a family emergency that night that required a trip to the hospital. Got home way too late to get in a few hours to make the drive. How were the conditions? I shot at Tishomingo on Saturday. Pretty strong and variable winds our of the South. Figure you guys have the same thing yesterday. tiny