cz accessories

is the floating rear dovetail action screw thingy exclusive to the CZ rifle or do other manufacturers use it ??

anything floaty besides the barrel makes me nervous
gambler, their 455 american which they just unveiled does not have a floating dovetail. just straight to a d&t tang. they claim improved accuracy so that tells me something. jb weld works great along with kiwi neutral polish so it doesn't adhere to the stock. 31 degrees here off to the range, all the way to 50 degrees today shorts and and t shirt were in the middle of a heat wave.
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i suppose you have to put this together before it drys so the screw holes will
line up..causing the need for the release agent
yesterday shot some centerx in multiple rifles, including 2 cz's compared to wolf me and lapua midas l there is no comparison, fact is it shot so well sent charlie scott an email last night to see if he had more of that lot.
gambler, their 455 american which they just unveiled does not have a floating dovetail. just straight to a d&t tang. they claim improved accuracy so that tells me something. jb weld works great along with kiwi neutral polish so it doesn't adhere to the stock. 31 degrees here off to the range, all the way to 50 degrees today shorts and and t shirt were in the middle of a heat wave.
When someone like Lilja makes a drop-in barrel and someone does a dropin br stock that 455 is going to make a fine toy if someone would just do the darn trigger!
after cleaning the tang i JB welded that floatin dovesass, tried to keep it neat..even covered the
mess with scotch tape (trimmed the excess) to keep it from runnin, it's going to set for 24 tape woulda worked:eek:..that's good stuff:D
you know just about the time you have this tricked out the club is going to say it's only for 10-22's :eek:
they were going to allow me to drop it in a stith sporter stock, cuz they wanted one, but when they discovered that the prices were 5 years old the ship really hit the sand, that rule lasted bout 8 hours...they allow savage makos and a marlin 3000.:mad:..jest call me squirrel..i'm playin with a bunch of nutz:D
It aint that far to Owensville...If you've got a rest, I'll loan you a gun. Just let me know when you're comming to make sure I'm making the trip.
owensville is about 100 miles, i've got a hoehn windage top on a hart base, sold my fudd a couple tears ago:eek: but still planning to go to owensville
What have you done now?

E__l I do want to hear now that CZ's do not shoot.:D I think that the floating dovetail is an excellent way to prevent stressing the receiver.
I respect my friend Martin but I differ on this detail. I think the folating dovetail required more machining so was eliminated on the 455 for cost reasons.

Why don't you plan on shooting in our matches. Our rules are published on our website and have been finalized for at least 3 months for the 2010 season.

You will be surprised at the level of friendliness, talent and competition.

I know you will need a place to stay but we think it will be worth your time to join us.

There also is a link to our site on The Benchrest Rifle Club's home page.

Glen and I (And the rest of our great volunteers) want to run the absolute best matches we can.

Regards, Bruce
well today i opened and sealed the barrel channel with tru oil, a business card slides free, sent for the optical booster..darn i got a grand in ol' sneezee and still kickin around the idea of a custom stith stock..hummm now ifn i could get ol' Don to do somethin special up fer her....i'know Bruce " DON"T GO THERE " but da fever iz upon me:D
AS sear

When someone like Lilja makes a drop-in barrel and someone does a dropin br stock that 455 is going to make a fine toy if someone would just do the darn trigger!

When I got my special (trainer) after reading on RFC I orederd an Eric Brooks
trigger kit. This was before I knew of his reputation of taking the money for parts and forgeting to send them! So I got POed and after reading more I
orderd the sear, it takes a little but I got it in! Went from about3/32" in creep
to zero! Pull was still too heavy so I ordered a Yo Dave tune-up kit, the same
as EB but you can rest assured you will get your order! It comes with tube "shims" to move the sear and trigger away from each other therefore
reducing sear engagement and reducing creep. Since I had the sear I didn't
need the tubes but I used the second lightest spring and although I don't
have a guage, ive pulled enough triggers to say its about 12 ounces and still
safe, One more thing about the sear installation, there is a video on you tube
that shows how to get the ball spring and sear all lined up and then slides them into place in 20 seconds! Took me 40 minutes and a lot of cussin! LOL!:D DA
took me 40 minutes and a lot of cussin! LOL!:D DA [/QUOTE said:
Hell, took me longer than that to find that little ball after I dropped it!:eek:

When I got my special (trainer) after reading on RFC I orederd an Eric Brooks
trigger kit. This was before I knew of his reputation of taking the money for parts and forgeting to send them! So I got POed and after reading more I
orderd the sear, it takes a little but I got it in! Went from about3/32" in creep
to zero! Pull was still too heavy so I ordered a Yo Dave tune-up kit, the same
as EB but you can rest assured you will get your order! It comes with tube "shims" to move the sear and trigger away from each other therefore
reducing sear engagement and reducing creep. Since I had the sear I didn't
need the tubes but I used the second lightest spring and although I don't
have a guage, ive pulled enough triggers to say its about 12 ounces and still
safe, One more thing about the sear installation, there is a video on you tube
that shows how to get the ball spring and sear all lined up and then slides them into place in 20 seconds! Took me 40 minutes and a lot of cussin! LOL!:D DA
When RT was doing there AS Hotrod set me a few test sears to work out the kinks when it was done. I used That AS with the second lightest spring in the yodave kit to get a 3 oz trigger that is on the CZ BR I posted but for a true BR trigger someone will need to make a complete unit that will get down to 1.5-2 oz and deal with OT.

since they have been discontinued the prices will rise quickly, nobody wants to make a $200 trigger fer a $400 rifle..but the little buggers will prove they can win in sporter class and when there is enough profit in building a comp trigger someone will step up and build a trigger...a zillion cz 452s out there waitin on a trigger
trigger guards

You realize there's someone on RFC that makes high quality milled trigger guards, right?

Rimfire technoliges is working on a milled triggerguard replacement don't know
when they will have the parts, I read the CZ forum over there and it was
posted a few days ago, PM hotrod9mm in rimfire for more info. He is one of
J&p springs co owners if I rember correctly:D DA
Bruce is gonna laugh...but when i JB welded the floatin tang i put the barrel action back in the stock before it dried, thinking i had to so the action screws would pull it straight...WRONG...i went to the bench today and the darn thing slam fired every time i closed the bolt, i took it apart to find the stud was WAY out of alignment..a few taps with the hammer and popped the
JB weld, ligned the stud back up and i'm back where i started:eek:
i guess it's drill and tap time, i'll screw it up to the point it won't make a good
boat paddle:D
went to rimfire technologies lookin fer the trigger guard..bought the adjustable
sear..duh what's that do ???

it was new accessoriez so i bought it:D