Cost of Ammo

Well said S/S it is just a game and one I enjoy immensely. I try not to sin but I envy your retirement. Here is my initial post and it was just an idea. I asked for debate and we've had some here.

Right now a box of Eley Match Black cost me about 10.50. It's bull. The raw materials in a box of fifty run about 2 bucks. Now I understand manufacturing and the cost associated with consistency but 16.00 for a box of Tennex is ridiculous. Feel free to tell me what a bad idea this is but I believe that if the all the rimfire disciplines imposed a price restriction on a box of fifty shells that the market would find a way to meet the demand. Let's say a rule stating that you could pay no more than 6 bucks per fifty for ammo. What would happen. Scores would fall at first for certain but I believe within 6 months Eley Black would be 6 dollars a box. I've said it before I'll say it again nothing is more discouraging to me in rimfire than trying to make a box of Eley Club shoot while sitting next to a guy firing 15 dollar a box Tennex. How much market share do us American rimfire competitors command of Eleys business. I don't mind a flyer if I know the next guys going to have one too. A lot of it is the shooter but a lot of the rimfire scores are bought with money. 6 dollars I believe would level the field. Like I said feel free to rip into this one, I'm sure theirs something I'm not thinking of. Don't say how do you prove what someone paid though because that could be done.

Gerry in answer to your questions Lapua only lists one speed so you don,t have to worry what speed the machine # or the moon phase it was built under. There is no need to worry about all of these variables. I find that in my shooting experiance that this ammo varries very little from lot to lot. In fact the ammo is the easiest thing to blame for what may be other problems. At a match I had a shooter blaming his choice of ammo on his poor shooting. He stated that I wouldn"t shoot thant " junk " in my gun during the on going match. He and several of his buddies were very vocal and most if not all competetors knew what was going on. so on the next card i shot his ammo and won that card. Joe Besche and myself were verry close on results and on the next card which was the last Joe shot a killer target and won the Match. The net results were I didn't make any friends with the ones complaning, and from there on I was complemented with congratulations you did good with that "junk " and I continually get the rasberries about not shooting Eley. I still continue to beleve that Lapua offers a superior product at a verry competative price. Center-X $8.80, Eley Black box I am told is aprox $11. Midas + $14.10 which I shot a 2500 with at Frof Level as compared to Red box ? I don't know the price. We also have taken great critisim over the price of X-Act but you might ask some of the shooters that continue to use it and win why the would pay this price. The obvious reason is because the like to win. If you want to try Lapua I would suggest that you try between 5 & 10 test lots at the price point you chose and see what your gun likes. Already this year I am getting requests for test lots and follow up orders. I beleve if you give it a fair chance that many Eley shooters will be taking another look at the Lapua ammo.
I started out

Gerry in answer to your questions Lapua only lists one speed so you don,t have to worry what speed the machine # or the moon phase it was built under. There is no need to worry about all of these variables. I find that in my shooting experiance that this ammo varries very little from lot to lot. In fact the ammo is the easiest thing to blame for what may be other problems. At a match I had a shooter blaming his choice of ammo on his poor shooting. He stated that I wouldn"t shoot thant " junk " in my gun during the on going match. He and several of his buddies were very vocal and most if not all competetors knew what was going on. so on the next card i shot his ammo and won that card. Joe Besche and myself were verry close on results and on the next card which was the last Joe shot a killer target and won the Match. The net results were I didn't make any friends with the ones complaning, and from there on I was complemented with congratulations you did good with that "junk " and I continually get the rasberries about not shooting Eley. I still continue to beleve that Lapua offers a superior product at a verry competative price. Center-X $8.80, Eley Black box I am told is aprox $11. Midas + $14.10 which I shot a 2500 with at Frof Level as compared to Red box ? I don't know the price. We also have taken great critisim over the price of X-Act but you might ask some of the shooters that continue to use it and win why the would pay this price. The obvious reason is because the like to win. If you want to try Lapua I would suggest that you try between 5 & 10 test lots at the price point you chose and see what your gun likes. Already this year I am getting requests for test lots and follow up orders. I beleve if you give it a fair chance that many Eley shooters will be taking another look at the Lapua ammo.

in Benchrest shooting Rimfire. This was 13 years ago. I had a good rifle made by Loggins back then and tried three tuners. I spent a lot of time testing ammo and usually found that by the time I received a test lot and found it to be good for my rifle, someone else quicker on the draw than I had bought it ALL.

I did find back then that Lapua Master seemed to work best in that rifle. I didn't know much about tuners or anything else but I had better luck with Lapua save one lot of RWS lo end ammo that shot better than anything else I had found. I bought all of it I could buy @ under $2.00 per box :).

I have been shooting CF rifles for all this time until last weekend. I was invited to attend a 50/50 shoot and was loaned two great rifles and ammo to shoot in them. BOTH rifles shot three different lots of ammo well. I couldn't believe it but it was true. I found the Sporter to be amazing, it having had it's barrel tuned with the lump on the barrel itself. Folks have learned a whole lot about tuning rifles in 13 years!

Over the years, 30 cal custom bullets have gone from 25.00 per 100 to 34 or 35 per 100. Primers have gone from 1 cent each to 3.5 cents, in some cases and powder up considerably not to mention the price of brass. It has gone beyond the $14.10 per box or whatever it is for the new Lapua. The Lapua price seems like quite high I guess but is only slightly over 28 cents per round. 30's are probsably more like 50 cents each.

The other side of this is in CF Score shooting one shoots 5 record shots per card times 6 for the day. With the RF one shoots 25 record shots x 5 or 6 so we are using 5x more than the CF Score shooters do. Herein lies the problem I guess. If one wants to play , one must pay.

It seem amazing to me that a rifle (s) could shoot three different lots of ammo the same though and one without a "tuner" in the true sense of the word.
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Thank you Charlie for your input on Lapua. Many folks just don't know anything about the "other" choice in ammo. It is much appreciated.

John M. Carper
There was a time when one went to a match, the club that held the match, provided the ammo.

You got your targets and ammo when you paid your admission. You had to shoot the club ammo. Thought was, it equaled everything out, and it did.

Most clubs bought cheap ammo. But we got away from that when we started trying to make our equipment more accurate. The BR 50 days!

Try holding a match where you provide the ammo and see how popular it is.

Can't blame the ammo companies for charging the going rate for their product.

As far as market share, I would think more ammo is shot in Germany each year than the U.S.. I can't prove it, but when I was there nearly every village had a shooting club and it was always packed with rimfire shooters.

We had the same conversation at our club having everybody use the same ammo. I think it would encourage growth for new shooters which we all need.
The guys at my club wanted to tar and feather me, or worse, when I proposed providing the ammo for a league last year. I won't make that mistake again. I did limit it to $12 a box, and that rule is being eliminated this season. Goes to show that each bunch of shooters have different ideas. Do what works for your group. bob finger
No need

Nope don't see it if it's running with the big dogs, ARA, IR50/50 RBA etc...
Kind of compare it to NHRA Top Fuel. Now with that said, with all the talk, and some action by some clubs to start and continue running stock classes etc... I do see where to keep the cost in line where this could be applied.

Just a note that the cost of air rifle fodder has increased at about the same rate as the .22 ( the over seas stuff)
If you really want to test your mettle try the 25yard shoots with the 10 meter guns, as opposed to the units avg. 800-1000 fps., outside or inside.
Don't forget...

Hey guys, I am new to the forum...

I have an Anschutz 64MP and it's great.

Thans to the forum, I have had the opportunity to pick up a lot of info on scopes equipment and AMMO!

As far as the ammo or any other thing that we buy, it's the free market economy that is at work. That is a GOOD thing.

The manufacturers would not price the ammo at where it is unless someone was willing to pay that price. If someone can produce the same quality and sell it cheaper it behooves them to do it. They will end up with all of the $$$

The competition is for profit and that benefits all of us. I would rather sell 10x as much of something for a lower price if I was making more money in the end.

If it's too expensive for you, you have two choices: either buy it anyway or buy something less expensive and accept the consequences.

Although I believe that Obama has very few supporters on this forum, I can smell the effects of his "change".

Since when do we have a right to affordable ammo? How much sympathy do you honestly think you will get on this one? What is next affordable Rolls Royces?

Buy the best ammo that you can afford and enjoy the sport. If you can no longer enjoy it at that price point, move on to something else.. Ham radio?

I am being a little sarcastic but just get a little tired of people complaining about the cost of things. There is no grand conspiracy to cheat you out of your money. Only the government can do that..... (As you can tell from the posts from our friends in countries other than the US that are taxed to death when it comes to ammo and MANY other things....


You make good points Mike and I'm sure there are no barrack lovers on this forum. If there are they're spies. I've read every post and haven't seen anyone elude that they thought they had a right to cheap ammo. One of the reasons the ammo is so high is there are probably less than 2000 shooters in the country that actually buy it on a regular basis. Niche is expensive. Now if you're wanting to get into HAM radio PM me and I'll give you some sources to save you a lot of money starting out. Good thing about HAM is you can build most of you're equipment. Now if they would just make it legal for me to load my own ammo for RBA and ARA.
Haha I already did the HAM thing.. It was fun until email took over ... The best part of it is building things..

The take home message from my post is that the market drive prices and there is no way around that. That's why you can by a TV for $129 today when a lesser one cost $1200 in 1950...

Best to you..

What do you think of CCI standard velocity?
I think it's great too... You can get it for $25 a brick around here.