Cost of Ammo

It's always pretty interesting and fairly frustrating, but every few months the price-cap train rolls around. While I really don't like to pay this kind of price for ammo, how long do you really think guys will tolerate pushing sub par stuff through the best made .22's money can buy? Course we can pick up a couple $2500 tuned air guns and really save money. In the end I guess you gotta believe"you get what you pay for".
OK, I'm not in the best of moods, but think about it. A ship nearly the size of the Empire State Building leaves England or Europe. The ship travels the some 3000 miles using diesel fuel to deliver enough goods to fill 100 Mega WalMarts. One single container the size of a large passenger van is carrying Eley ammo and another just like it is carrying Lapua. Where can you possibly see that it should be cheaper? It is the two containers that the ship captain really doesn't want. They are probably the ones that take the longest for inspectors to go through by the shear designation on their import logs. And understandably so!

John M. Carper
OK, I'm not in the best of moods

John M. Carper

I'm not a therapist so TMI. Anyway sure shipping is involved but it's less than you'd think. At shipping rates it less than .003% per box of Tennex. I'm not saying that shooting imported ammo doesn't have cost I'm sure it does have a lot, but shipping by container ship is most likely one of the least. I'd say point of sale delivery is probably the highest which American companies pay also.
LAPUA CenterX, MIDAS+, & X-Act

Lapua has held there prices and is offering great competition ammo at prices below Eley and I have no trouble outscoring Most Eley shooters. Many shooters are now giving LAPUA another Look and having great results!If you need any further information you can E-mail Me at or tele# 913-963-1557
cost of Ammo

Federal had the olympic grade locked up.
Great coprorate decision to stop making great ammo.
Another blunder by one of the great international corporations'
At $10 abox back then {big money} They claimed they lost money on every box.
I Eamiled them at the time and the answer was{get this}
WHO do we team up with?
Typical corporate attitude''
I've never shot Lapua. Won't say I never won't. I'm happy they held their price. I know some of it is extremely competitive. We who compete know it. We've seen it shoot lights out. But, some of it was (is) astronomically expensive.....$20 or $25 for a box? I don't remember anyone jumping in saying that it wasn't that expensive at the time in 2008. It won the ARA Nationals, hands down, no question. I would love to try some if I could figure out how to compare any lot numbers that are decipherable. Please Charlie, enlighten the rest of the Eley world? I'm not picking on you. It's a universal question for those that have NO experience. I don't need speeds per se. I need lot comparisons on anything that a typical competitor can decipher.

The rest of those who are complaining about prices need to understand that those who compete do complain about prices. Only under their breath. They buy it, shoot it in competitions, and generally suck it up. So many are stuck on the speeds and machine numbers listed on the boxes that they get disappointed when they find they don't deliver the same results from year to year or even import to import. That's life. It shoots or it don't. That comes from the best shooter on the planet (not me). He says don't fret over that stuff like machine number and speeds. Test it and find what works. I can tell you that it works from that. That's why I'm not him. I have bought blind every year. It works some times and fails others. The difference is those that shoot casually will complain much louder than those who take it seriously, everytime. I have learned that one too.

If you think you got it in you, compete. Don't not compete because you worry about ammo prices. They ain't gonna change no matter how much you complain. You can try to talk an American company into making competitive ammo all you want on here and hope it is cheaper than the alternative. They aren't listening.

John M. Carper

If they weren't selling it at a loss. The price is telling.

Well for the last 5 years the CMP has been selling Rem 40X's and Win 52's for $275.00 to $400.00. For the last 75 years the CMP and DCM have been selling rifles and ammo at a steep discount of what they are worth.
Well for the last 5 years the CMP has been selling Rem 40X's and Win 52's for $275.00 to $400.00. For the last 75 years the CMP and DCM have been selling rifles and ammo at a steep discount of what they are worth.

Those rifles are 50 years old. I assume the ammo is somewhat new.
Big Shurl,
Seems to me that maybe you cant afford to play the game.
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Big Shurl,
Seems to me that maybe you cant afford to play the game.

I'm a General Contractor. Busted my ass my whole life. There's no shame in my book for being short on coin right know. It's tough all over. If you think your a better man if you can afford something I can't, well we'll all be naked on judgement day.
Yes, and on the open market they sell for $ 800.00 and up......

OK so what didn't you understand about my CMP ammo price being telling. Are you saying they sell everything at a loss. Maybe they do I don't know? They do get their funding from Uncle Sam so maybe they do. My comment about them selling tennex at 7.00 could be telling would only apply if they weren't selling it at a loss.
Sorry Big Shurl,
That's not what I ment, being retired I cant afford it my self but that not going to stop me from shooting, I'll just look for something I can afford and still be competitive with what I have. I don't have a big name gun, or a one piece rest, a rail gun, none of that stuff, in fact with all that stuff it's almost like not really shooting, more like putting the gun in a machine loading it, watch the wind and have someone touch the trigger when you tell them. The more I read on this site the more I think it's all a wind reading game, and of course you have to have deep pockets. Again, sorry that your in the same boat that a lot of others are in. Stop crying about it and do something. Do anything to help yourself because no one else will pay your way. Or my way eather.
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OK so what didn't you understand about my CMP ammo price being telling. Are you saying they sell everything at a loss. Maybe they do I don't know? They do get their funding from Uncle Sam so maybe they do. My comment about them selling tennex at 7.00 could be telling would only apply if they weren't selling it at a loss.

OK, let me start over. The ammo is like Government Surplus and is sold as such. In the early 90's the club I belonged to sold DCM ammo for $8.00 a brick.
Stop crying about it and do something. Do anything to help yourself because no one else will pay your way. Or my way eather.

I don't know where you got the impression I was crying or by any means asking for someone to pay my way. I also don't know where you get off assuming I'm not doing anything, I find that highly insulting. For your information I could probably sell a couple wrist watches and pay your way for a year. I'm not going to get in to how much money I make but rest easy I'm gonna be fine. I'm making the same money I made last year but you should pray for the guys I've laid off and all the other one out of five people in the US without jobs.
This thread has strayed far from my initial post as to whether it would be a good or bad idea to limit the price you could pay for ammo at rimfire matches. Maybe we should leave this one for another day less feelings get hurt. S/S sorry bud I'd probably have to sell my whole wrist watch collection to fund your year.:)
Big Shurl,
It sounds to me like you were crying about the cost of ammo and want to see the associations pass rules on what ammo a shooter can use. This you can be sure of, it aint going to happen.

Did not say you were asking for anyone to pay your way, only said that no one "will" pay your way, or my way, so we should try an shoot some other game. Good for you on making the same money you made last year, in these times that's a good thing, also glad to see that you spent what you made when the making was good on expensive wrist watches. So if your still working, and making money, have stuff to sell off when you need to I guess you can afford the Red Box stuff.

Again, good for you, I'm retired, am somewhat disabled, no chance to make any extra money, but I'm NOT crying about the cost of ammo or asking for a rule change just because I cant afford the cost of the game. Like I said, I'll play some other shooting game, it's only a game you know, it's not like your shooting to win a million dollars. Starting to sound like your getting cabin fever and just looking for something to B**** about. Come on, your a contractor, do something constructive. :D

I'll confess to knowing something about Wrist Watches, at one time had a very large collection of them, know what the right ones can be sold for, if you have the right ones the worst thing that will happen is you will make over and above what you paid for them.
Good Luck to you and your shooting.
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