Congratulations to Gene Bukys!!!


New member
Great job Gene, well done!! :eek::D:D
1st in WBC10, just before Tony Boyer who ended up in 2nd place, which also deserve an applause for that.
And of course also congratulations to the Australian Team who won the Team comp..


Here here!

It is indeed a very big deal to win a World Championship. Sort of demonstrates the depth of tallent in our Benchrest ranks, eh? Kudos Gene, well done.
First Australian Team Win

Great job Gene, well done!! :eek::D:D
1st in WBC10, just before Tony Boyer who ended up in 2nd place, which also deserve an applause for that.
And of course also congratulations to the Australian Team who won the Team comp..



Congratulations to Gene on his win, Tony on second place (again) and a fine third place for Brendan Atkinson, from Australia, backing up his WBC victory from 2001 in New Zealand.

Historically, the USA didn't win the teams 2 Gun.

A great day 4 team effort saw the Australia A overtake USA A to win the WBC in South Africa.

Congratulations to all involved with the event.

Tony - OZ
Just Think

All of us down in Houston Tx will now have to LIVE with Gene for the next two years.:D

Seriously, we get to see first hand the dedication that Gene puts into his Benchrest Program. He is absolutly meticulous in every detail, and is a wizard at decyphering tough conditions.

Nobody could possibly deserve this Championship more than Gene. As we all agreed out at our home range, Tomball, today. It is an honor being Gene's friend, and an honor to compete against him on a regular basis.........jackie
All of us down in Houston Tx will now have to LIVE with Gene for the next two years.:D

Seriously, we get to see first hand the dedication that Gene puts into his Benchrest Program. He is absolutly meticulous in every detail, and is a wizard at decyphering tough conditions.

Nobody could possibly deserve this Championship more than Gene. As we all agreed out at our home range, Tomball, today. It is an honor being Gene's friend, and an honor to compete against him on a regular basis.........jackie


Jackie Schmidt expressed exactly how I feel about your WBC Two-Gun World Championship so I'll just say ditto and well done! I'm proud of you man! Have a safe trip home.

Gene Beggs
Way to go Gene !!

You are on TOP of the heap, my friend...


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congratulation on the good shooting!
Maarten De Ridder