?? Calfee's book ??

Keep watching the forum and I'm sure the book deal will come along.I already need 3 more copies myself and I haven't read a single page yet.My father wants to shoot rimfire now and I have yet to pry my copy from his hands.

I don't know if a book deal is coming or not. But if it did, we're talking about a collection of Calfee writings is PS, ARA newsletter, probably some posts from here. Maybe something else. From what I saw, before, my dogs got it, it's pretty voluminous. Just as speculation, what do you think a fair price would be? This is pure speculation. I pretty much know what I would pay and feel pretty good about it.
I actually got one of the books from Douglas but my father has yet to let me read it since it arrived.I believe it has around 275 pages in it.If a book deal does come out I am hoping we can get some signed copies from Bill and as to the value the signed copies would double the value.
If the proceeds exceeded expectations maybe even a spec rifle could be built for Wilbur Harris called "Chairman Of The Board" as he has been very patient through all that has happened.
Hmm, Bill Calfee doing a book signing. I bet he's never imagined that. He may end up on the today show.
I have all of Bills PS articles in binders and signed ARA books of Bills stuff. If I was to decide to sell these what do you think they would bring?
Wouldn't have a clue. I'm sure it would bring what a willing buyer and a willing seller would be willing to exchange without undue outside influence. That's fair market value to me an you.

I just wonder, some people have all these things in collection, a lot want them from what I see. If you don't have the magazines, you would have to obtain them, which is expensive and may be impossible. If you could borrow them, you would have to copy them, which is expensive and time consuming. I imagine cost on a low volume project such as this would be somewhere around $40 bucks a copy and I'm just going from my own experience of having things bound or made boundable. That's probably the break even point at best. Would they sell? They're not out there for sale right now, but I imagine they could be. How many takers would there be at cost (no profit) assuming that's about right?
Does Bill C. own the rights to his articles in PS, allowing him or anyone to reprint them, package them, and sell them?

Might want to check with PS about copyright ownership on this.
Thanks Steve for the advice, but Douglas Rome took care of all of that. It's clear, if anybody decides to proceed.
Groovy. I spoke with Dave about my own writing copyright issues with PS, and we just worked out our own plan to make sure all the bases are covered. Dave is suprisingly flexible on these terms, and I did not expect too much of a problem for Bill.

There are some really good on-line self-publishing websites that can produce an excellent quality book for a reasonable price. It would be worth looking into for Bill's text, and even further once permission is granted (or already has been) to just craft a book from scratch and publish a high-quality product.

That's the route I'm taking for my second book.
Book of Calfee

I, for one, would be interested in going on the list to buy a Calfee book. 'twould be fun to quote book, chapter and verse from such a tome just to get the kind of reactions that arise from this site! I have learned a lot since I found out about this site, I started coming here because of Bill Calfee. I know that some of the legendary threads have been deleted, which I think is sad. I did not get to read them. I periodically see someone refer to these. Hopefully they would be in the tome.

I want to become a better shooter, and learn as much as I can about accuracy.

Uh..., er..., um..., it ain't gonna have any of them there liverwurst sammitch recipes and such in it is it?:eek:

recipes chapter 10.
just put it on dvd guys.
you could even have a video with bill moment.
I think recipes are before 10 but not for sure. We've got the video moment with Calfee already. That could be a good idea.

If a book does come out can we get signed copies? I was thinking about getting one for James for Christmas.

Thanks Lynn, but since you work for the U.S Government, DON"T send me anything. Anything I receive from your return address will go in my dumpster, unopened. Send it to Beau and he can get it to me.
You know really, James has had very little or nothing to say on the Calfee threads lately so I see no reason for the sarcasm anyway.

But if it comes, I'll get it to you James. You don't think Anthrax would be involved do you?

You know really, James has had very little or nothing to say on the Calfee threads lately so I see no reason for the sarcasm anyway.

But if it comes, I'll get it to you James. You don't think Anthrax would be involved do you?

Naw, but, I don't want anyone that works for the government who is talking about "his agents" sending me anything. I don't know what branch of the government Lynn works for but what would it matter? Anything he wants to send me can be sent to you.
Yeah, long as he sends it. Doesn't want to come around here if he's a census taker. Seems like a dangerous federal job.
Hey Lynn

If a book does come out can we get signed copies? I was thinking about getting one for James for Christmas.

Lynn, why don't you send 2 copies to Beau for me. Better yet just send the money, I have all the ARA copies and all the "Precision Shooting" articles that Bill wrote. I have read most of them. Are you a secret agent for the government? Just curious?

If a book does come out can we get signed copies? I was thinking about getting one for James for Christmas.

Butch wants a copy too. He also ask that you send it to Beau. You don't mind do you?
I do want an autographed one also, but let Beau send it. I would be terrified getting a package from Pelosi's Kalifornia address. I know it would save you postage.
Butch and James
I have a couple freinds working at IRS I'll see if they have your addresses on file so we know were to send them:cool:.No sense bothering Beau.
I just noticed that James has all of Bills articles from ARA and Precision Shooting so I guess he doesn't need a copy.Why is James keeping those articles?