Different explanation every time.
Yep, not enough experience to understand yet. Nor does he understand his audience on this board or another he continues to 'display' himself on. Shame, as a lot of guys do enjoy helping new guys.
Different explanation every time.
Different explanation every time.
i expanded the information since you CLAIM(NO PROOF) you shoot ara.
5x5 bullseye target 20 min per target,
( 5x5 is 25 bulls for those that cannot do the math)
you claim you shoot ara but have never seen a 5x5( 25 bull ) target.
i call bs
in complaining about rules. If one doesn't like them, don't participate. I've done my share of complaining in the past so I know from where I speak. If ya don't like the rules, don't play. The Rimfire Orgs except of the NRA are privately owned entities. The owner has the right to call the tune, it's really that simple.
The ARA is not privately owned. Eley owns ARA.
say what you want the proof is on the targets.
today a 52c target cannot keep up with a custom.
and from the scores modern sporters can out shoot a 52c in sporter.
I understand your frustration with ARA's restrictions of the current factory class. I shot a Remington in that class last year and it was banned for 2021. This year I am shooting a CZ and it is at least as good as my old Remington. But, I still would have preferred to shoot an American rifle. I tried to tune up an old Winchester 69A and a Stevens 416, both of which are still accepted in Factory but neither had the accuracy potential and both were clunky old rifles with several handicaps to overcome. In the end, the CZ won out for this season. We have only two options with ARA, either comply with the rules for Factory class or move up to Unlimited which has fewer restrictions.
Why worry with putting the old 52 into a BR stock? Just take it to the match and enjoy it. You may or may not win. Probably not but as you learn and improve then decide what next. I have toyed with shooting one of my 52's in ARA unlimited off of sand bags just for fun but time and ammo is limited this year and it is not going to happen much if any in the short term.
My local club hosts sanctioned ARA Factory and Unlimited matchs. I have shot one of my old 52's in some of the unlimited matches in the past. It was lucky to score high 1800-1900 scores but I am a better shooter today. Our same club shoots a weekly 50y BR fun shoot and while we mostly use an IBS tgt our rules are any factory 22lr repeater. That allows Annies, Sakos; VuDoos, and lots of Winchester 52's. A's, B's, C's. They often win. Sometimes others win. The best current ARA factory rifles struggle to keep up with that crowd. Sometimes a CZ or Tikka will score well but it is not easy. In that fun shoot we sometimes shoot the ARA Unlimited card with our stock Win 52's. It is rare for one to score higher than 2000. We are shooting off sand bags in that match and do not allow tuners. If you want to shoot your rifle in ARA, mount a tuner and test you ammo and if you want get a Pappas one piece rest. or just mount a bipod and shoot off a rear rest. The old 52's are great old elite rimfire rifles. I love em and own four and they all shoot as good as any stock rimfire I own.
But they are old school tech. The triggers are not great and cost a bit to fix. In a word, they are an obsolete rifle which was very well made but harder to make better without effort. They are not going to beat a well tuned Turbo, Hall, 40x or 2500x or other well built custom with a good match bbl and all the bells and whistles. It would be an uphill climb. I consider the VuDoo to be the modern equivalent of the 52 and if you were to build a new 52, it would cost as much as a VuDoo IMO.
If you want to shoot ARA, for the price of only the Pappas rest you can buy a CZ or Tikka and be competitive in factory class. Neither will outshoot my 52's. With good ammo and skill you can win. But you will have to beat me to do it.![]()
I understand your frustration with ARA's restrictions of the current factory class. I shot a Remington in that class last year and it was banned for 2021. This year I am shooting a CZ and it is at least as good as my old Remington. But, I still would have preferred to shoot an American rifle. I tried to tune up an old Winchester 69A and a Stevens 416, both of which are still accepted in Factory but neither had the accuracy potential and both were clunky old rifles with several handicaps to overcome. In the end, the CZ won out for this season. We have only two options with ARA, either comply with the rules for Factory class or move up to Unlimited which has fewer restrictions.
Why worry with putting the old 52 into a BR stock? Just take it to the match and enjoy it. You may or may not win. Probably not but as you learn and improve then decide what next. I have toyed with shooting one of my 52's in ARA unlimited off of sand bags just for fun but time and ammo is limited this year and it is not going to happen much if any in the short term.
My local club hosts sanctioned ARA Factory and Unlimited matchs. I have shot one of my old 52's in some of the unlimited matches in the past. It was lucky to score high 1800-1900 scores but I am a better shooter today. Our same club shoots a weekly 50y BR fun shoot and while we mostly use an IBS tgt our rules are any factory 22lr repeater. That allows Annies, Sakos; VuDoos, and lots of Winchester 52's. A's, B's, C's. They often win. Sometimes others win. The best current ARA factory rifles struggle to keep up with that crowd. Sometimes a CZ or Tikka will score well but it is not easy. In that fun shoot we sometimes shoot the ARA Unlimited card with our stock Win 52's. It is rare for one to score higher than 2000. We are shooting off sand bags in that match and do not allow tuners. If you want to shoot your rifle in ARA, mount a tuner and test you ammo and if you want get a Pappas one piece rest. or just mount a bipod and shoot off a rear rest. The old 52's are great old elite rimfire rifles. I love em and own four and they all shoot as good as any stock rimfire I own.
But they are old school tech. The triggers are not great and cost a bit to fix. In a word, they are an obsolete rifle which was very well made but harder to make better without effort. They are not going to beat a well tuned Turbo, Hall, 40x or 2500x or other well built custom with a good match bbl and all the bells and whistles. It would be an uphill climb. I consider the VuDoo to be the modern equivalent of the 52 and if you were to build a new 52, it would cost as much as a VuDoo IMO.
If you want to shoot ARA, for the price of only the Pappas rest you can buy a CZ or Tikka and be competitive in factory class. Neither will outshoot my 52's. With good ammo and skill you can win. But you will have to beat me to do it.![]()
No D’s? If so, why?
So my factory stock mod 37 ain't a factory rifle.
sorry same answer . go to ara site check the link for what is a not a stock rifle
Here we go again!! NO ARA FACTORY CLASS RULES STATE YOUR RIFLE OR BUTCH'S IS NOT A STOCK RIFLE!! PERIOD!! They don't state they are not 'factory' either. They simply state those two, and many others, are not allowed by the rules. They are rules the sanctioning body has put in place to keep a level playing field for current entry level rifles. Read that last sentence again, key word being 'current'.
What the heck don't you understand about that? Why do you keep posting inaccurate information on a couple of boards? The rules are the rules. They DO NOT state what you post, they state what stock 'factory' rifles are excluded in an effort to get people on a limited budget interested in the game. You whine and piss and moan about your rifle not being able to keep up the customs in Unlimited. So your answer is to whine and piss and moan about not getting to use your rifle in a class that would do the same thing to the guys shooting CZ's, Savages, etc as the customs do to yours in Unlimited. Now that's real fair isn't it? Get over it sport!!
Go start your own sanctioning body that fits 'your' needs and has 'your' rules and then go through the administration process it takes in providing a national data base for people to track their progress......like ARA does a very good job of. Hundreds of guys are loving.....and shooting the Factory Class with rifles that qualify for the class. They are having fun competing while all you do is gripe and complain and spread fictitious information on forums.
Edit: I see the post you made when I was typing this one. ARA is a sanctioning body.....it's NOT a club and there for they don't vote on anything. I personally don't know any of the sanctioning bodies I shoot that do vote on rules, whether privately owned or owned by a corporation. Keep griping about this 'non-issue' you are having and I will keep pushing back, until you stop derogating the ARA and understand sanctioned shooting is often different than 'club' rule shooting. Perhaps you should go back to your 'simpler' life and shoot club rule matches.
BRAVO, well said
Thank you sir. I appreciate your post.