Bat questions


Patrick Kennedy
Hi I just got my new Bat model s today, and I was as happy as a kid to go pick it up. This is my first custom action.

I got it, and I have to say I am a bit disappointed. The bolt when pulled back has two places that it catches and almost locks up. I find the bolt lift a bit on the heavy side as well. I placed a Shilen trigger in it and it will only drop to 4 oz'z. What can I do to fix these problems? I thought about calling Bat tomorrow, and seeing what they thought. How are they on customer service? For the amount of money I spent on this action I am frustrated. Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal, do they need to break in?
Thanks Guys
By all means call BAT and explain your situation. I'd be surprised if they don't fix any problems or and answer any questions. If you do not have the action mounted in a stock it will feel harder to operate than it does when mounted in a stock.

As to the Shilen trigger, how it sets is a function of that trigger and how you adjust it. It is not a function of any action it may be placed in. As to the 4 ounce minimum you say it sets to, may be just how you have it adjusted or how accurate your trigger pull scales are.

That action and that trigger will get you off to a good start if everything else comes together as they should.
I don't feel that this is the first place to air your problem. You should be talking to the company and let them give you the customer service. Besides you just gave a generic description of what you bought, so you will get all kinds of generic answers from this board.
I have the action mounted into a used TMBR stock. The action is a Bat S mf 2 lug left feed, right eject in 6ppc. When I lift the bolt it torques out of the cradle it has a hard spot toward the top. The bolt seams like it is getting better on travel, I used some bolt magic, and purple passion grease, but it still has a couple of spots in it. I don't know if people use a lapping process on a new action.

The reason why I placed an add was I don't know what is normal and what is not. I wanted to get all the newbie problems out before I called the company. I don't know if not having the weight barrel may be the reason why it feels so heavy on bolt lift. I don't know if there is a break in period. I don't know if the trigger adjustment has anything to do with the bolt lift. All I know is it don't feel like the Bats I have shot in the past. I was hoping to find some people that could help me out.

Thanks Jerry, The information is helpful. Thanks for the encouragement, I bought this set up bacause of all the advise that others have gave me.
The bolt lift will get easier - just use it to break it in. Put your thumb on the tang to open it in an arcing motion and to prevent the gun from moving. :)
Have you lubed the extraction cam and the nose of the cocking piece?

The different installation options of the trigger hanger(s) will also change the way the bolt feels to open and close. They are not meant to be adjusted by feel though.
Does the trigger reset before, during or after the bolt handle hits the extraction cam? Do you have the 0-30 or 10-20 hanger or both? How is it installed; which number is forward?
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I too had a problem with my first Bat 3L (I have three). The bolt would hardly
move back and forth. So I used a small amount of fine valve grinding compound
and lapped the bolt in. All is ok now. You can't use very much compound as the fit is so close. Work the bolt back and forth a number of times, then flush with WD-40, wipe clean, and test. It should not take more than 3 or 4 times before
the fit will be ok.

I don't feel that this is the first place to air your problem. You should be talking to the company and let them give you the customer service. Besides you just gave a generic description of what you bought, so you will get all kinds of generic answers from this board.

Unfortunately its easier to "post" than just pick up the phone and call the Manufacturer in question (doesn't matter who it is) and then take the word of complete strangers that don't know the whole story as Gospel, Talk to the Man that built it, I assure you he will have the best answer.;)

By the Way82boy does that stand for 82d Airborne Division, just curious as I served in the 1st 325.
Hi I just got my new Bat model s today. This is my first custom action. The bolt when pulled back has two places that it catches and almost locks up. I find the bolt lift a bit on the heavy side as well.

I have found that instead of lifting a bolt, if you rotate it around it's axis, it won't bind up anywhere especially when they have been machined to tight tolerances. I experienced some of what you are talking about with my BAT until I worked on not lifting, but rotating around, the bolt's axis.:)
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Well I tried to call them but, due to there hours I will not be able to talk to them. They only except phone calls from 3pm to 5pm. I did send them an e-mail.
Bruce at BAT gave me a call, and problem solved. Thanks guys she is as smooth as glass now.
guys did not solve your problem!

BRUCE solved your perceived problem!!
Bats are tight actions. The bolt is fit close to the lug raceways. They do break in a bit over time but from what you describe, it may be binding a bit more than normal.

As for the stiff bolt lift, that's how Bat's are. Especially the three lug actions. My Viper opens twice as easy as a Bat. But no big deal.

By all means call Bat about it but I don't see any problem with asking here too. You just have to be careful about whose advice you take as there are many guys here who know everything but strangely don't compete and have never been seen on any firing range known to man. That's why it might be better (in the future) if you ask your questions on the "competition only" board. Your more likely to hear from guys who walk the walk over there.
sooo ....what was the problem???

you had several folks trying to help you...and were shareing many yrs. of experience freely...we shuldnt have to ask what the sloution was....Roger

I spend 100.00 to 200.00 on every new custom action I get to have it made right. Don't think a person should have to but that's the way it is.

By all means call Bat about it but I don't see any problem with asking here too. You just have to be careful about whose advice you take as there are many guys here who know everything but strangely don't compete and have never been seen on any firing range known to man. That's why it might be better (in the future) if you ask your questions on the "competition only" board. Your more likely to hear from guys who walk the walk over there.

goodgrouper, your comment is great about not knowing who your are talking to that is why they should only allow to post your REAL name, that way you should be able to find out if the source is from someone that shoots bencrest or rim fire etc.

Ps I know who you are but you don't post your real name so how does anyone know how to take your info.:D

Tom Libby

No real names reminds me of the days when the CB radios we popular. Everyone had a CB Handle and could talk up a storm because they could hide behind the CB, but get them face to face and you wouldn't a word out of them.;)
goodgrouper, your comment is great about not knowing who your are talking to that is why they should only allow to post your REAL name, that way you should be able to find out if the source is from someone that shoots bencrest or rim fire etc.

Ps I know who you are but you don't post your real name so how does anyone know how to take your info.:D

Tom Libby

No real names reminds me of the days when the CB radios we popular. Everyone had a CB Handle and could talk up a storm because they could hide behind the CB, but get them face to face and you wouldn't a word out of them.;)


You make some great points. I guess one difference between CB's and CPU's is that bad guys can't hack into your CB and take what they want. Your CPU on the other hand is a whole different can o' worms.

I'll tell you a story. My first year in college, I made the mistake of taking a computer programming class. I never considered myself a "hacker" or computer geek like a lot of my classmates were (I always preferred shooting real guns to playing with them on the computer) but it was required class for my major. I really hated that class but I did have my eyes opened. You see, there was this one "geeky" fellow I got to know pretty well in the class and one day I asked him if he could help me with some homework. He said he would be glad to. So I started to give him my phone number and address and he quickly said he didn't need all that stuff because he could find it by himself. Stunned, I said, "how"? He said it was actually pretty easy. I asked if he could show me. So he went online and within about two minutes flat, he found where I lived, my phone number, and even got driving directions to my house! And all he needed was just my name to get the ball rolling. Then to really impress (or scare) me, he showed me how you can get criminal histories, credit scores, and how he could even get your passwords and log onto a CPU and get files out!

Now, this was in the days before google maps and widespread filesharing. Nowadays, even a mediocre computer operator can take your name and run it through an online directory, get your address, plug it into google maps and the darn thing will give you a picture of your house, your cars, and your dog on the front lawn all from the street in front of your house. From one sat photo, he can see what you drive, when you're home, and even if you have a deadbolt on your front door!!

But this is only one way they can get you. They can be even more malicious with cyber info. Credit cards, bank accounts, you name it. WHy steal your stereoset from your home when they can just steal your cyber info and buy 10 stereosets without even leaving their house!

ANyhow, this is getting way off track of this thread but maybe some of the "older" generation will learn something from it. Use your real name AYOR (at your own risk) if you want to. I choose security over instant recognition any day of the week and twice on Sunday. And I believe that if you hang around and read enough posts, you'll be able to tell who's an armchair theorist and who's a shooter. It might not be perfect, but as Larry Potterfield says, "that's the way it is".
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Under the Radar

I would be interested in what Bat said.

These Forums are for sharing information. You logged on, said there was a problem, and a call from Bat solved it.

So, what happenned??............jackie
Can't buy into this thang......

Now, this was in the days before google maps and widespread filesharing. Nowadays, even a mediocre computer operator can take your name and run it through an online directory, get your address, plug it into google maps and the darn thing will give you a picture of your house, your cars, and your dog on the front lawn all from the street in front of your house. From one sat photo, he can see what you drive, when you're home, and even if you have a deadbolt on your front door!!

C'mon man, GET REAL! :rolleyes:

This whole thing about "what you drive, when you're home, even if you've got a deadbolt!!" is just whacko propaganda worthy of The Obaminator and his minions but please not here! :eek:

Google Earth shows photo's from once-every-two-or-three-years flyovers taken with CAMERAS from AIRPLANES..... whoooopty-do.

Google Earth Street View is the one you're so scared of...... a car drove by your house (If you live in town) and TOOK A PICTURE UP YOUR DRIVEWAY!!!!

WHooopty DOOOooooo again.....

The information available online has been in the public domain for fifty years, you just had to go down to the courthouse and walk in and get it.

No, I'm not completely happy with sharing credit card numbers online either, or social security number but it's no worse than handing them over to some scruffy clerk behind a counter somewhere....... And as a business owner I've been dealing with this transparancy for 25yrs. It's no worse than it was back then, in fact I feel MORE secure right now than 20yrs ago.

All's I'm sayin' is...... If you want to use that excuse then so be it but hackers recognize you by ip# etc not your God-given sobriquet.

And for those who wanna' fight over names, I'm alinwa because when I logged onto this board back in the mid nineties it was the accepted way, and nobody knew me anyways.

Al Matson
20211 Ne Yacolt Mtn Rd
Yacolt WA 98675
360 904 6941

Google away hackbirds :p you can look down and see all sorts of rigs I drive. You can even see my outside shooting table and the range............


C'mon man, GET REAL! :rolleyes:

This whole thing about "what you drive, when you're home, even if you've got a deadbolt!!" is just whacko propaganda worthy of The Obaminator and his minions but please not here! :eek:

Google Earth shows photo's from once-every-two-or-three-years flyovers taken with CAMERAS from AIRPLANES..... whoooopty-do.

Google Earth Street View is the one you're so scared of...... a car drove by your house (If you live in town) and TOOK A PICTURE UP YOUR DRIVEWAY!!!!

WHooopty DOOOooooo again.....

The information available online has been in the public domain for fifty years, you just had to go down to the courthouse and walk in and get it.

No, I'm not completely happy with sharing credit card numbers online either, or social security number but it's no worse than handing them over to some scruffy clerk behind a counter somewhere....... And as a business owner I've been dealing with this transparancy for 25yrs. It's no worse than it was back then, in fact I feel MORE secure right now than 20yrs ago.

All's I'm sayin' is...... If you want to use that excuse then so be it but hackers recognize you by ip# etc not your God-given sobriquet.

And for those who wanna' fight over names, I'm alinwa because when I logged onto this board back in the mid nineties it was the accepted way, and nobody knew me anyways.

Al Matson
20211 Ne Yacolt Mtn Rd
Yacolt WA 98675
360 904 6941

Google away hackbirds :p you can look down and see all sorts of rigs I drive. You can even see my outside shooting table and the range............



As I said, some are cavalier about security and others are not. And some make it very clear where they stand..........and even go so far as to invite trouble.

Good grief, it must be winter again!:p
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