Bat questions

As I said, some are cavalier about security and others are not. And some make it very clear where they stand..........and even go so far as to invite trouble.

Good grief, it must be winter again!:p

And dude.... you are sooo right, I GOT TROUBLE!!!

I already had one total stranger call me from the number on this post.

'Total Stranger ,' you know who you are.... be warned! :D

(I dunno what for but BE WARNED!)

you had several folks trying to help you...and were shareing many yrs. of experience freely...we shuldnt have to ask what the sloution was....Roger

The problem was the action was too tight. I removed the firing pin assembly, and used JB Bore compound and replaced the bolt and ran it through the rough spots polishing them out, then cleaned all that out and did the same thing with Flitz. Then the thing is as smooth as glass.
That's why it might be better (in the future) if you ask your questions on the "competition only" board. Your more likely to hear from guys who walk the walk over there.

In the past I posted questions of similar context in the "competition only" board, only to be told that it don't belong there by a hundred people.
We're splitting hairs here but if I were to post a question about an action not working properly it would be on the Gunsmith forum.
I have always felt

when one pays SOOOOO much for a product that is shipped to them as finished the product should be perfect, without flaws of any kind and function flawlessly. Any manufacturer who isn't proud enough of what they make and sell to inspect it carefully before they ship it should be at the peril of public knowledge. I do not see a problem whatsoever in reporting the receit of something that has a flaw or flaws, in fact, I think folks should publically report these issues. Perhaps the Manufacturer needs a wakeup call about their systems.