A long time ago this subject came up on here and the maker of KG2 offered up the sale of his products here. I finally bought some when I happened to see it on the shelf of what as I remember as being Cabela's. I too had a barrel with carbon streaks that seemed to defy anything I had tried. I applied some of the KG2 to a brass brush and gave it 10 or 12 strokes. I then patched the barrel out and The carbon were gone! I have used it some since for regular cleaning in the same way. Truthfully I think the brush may be the bigger part of the combination.
Pete, Thank you and all the others for your replys. I now know about why the pits are in one of the barrels.
I checked Midway USA regarding the KG2 you reference and they only show a KG12. Could this be the same product?