Baity rimfire action


Active member
I am not a rimfire guy or anything but if i were i think that the new Baity's rimfire actions are the ones to have!! Boy do they look nice! Anyone here actually have one yet? Id love to here more about it. They sure look like a lot of though, time, and care have been taken into creating those little actions. Lee
I've been shooting the prototype of the single shot action in IR5050 3-gun matches for some time now. It does very well. I've shot several 250's with it. I've won the 3 gun agg. with it in 5 out of the last six matches that I've shot. I believe a 248 is the lowest score the rifle has shot so far. The rifle shoots as good as any I've ever shot, simply put. I wouldn't change a thing on it. However Leonard and Jonathan have been working hard to make a few small improvements so the production models should be even better.
I've just built a BR sporter for the 7.5 lb weight class using a prototype repeater action. I will be testing it tomorrow if all goes well. This baby weighs in at a trim 6 lbs and 15ozs with a 6X42 Leupold Competition scope! Ignition on the action is super and I put a great barrel on it, so I'm expecting it to shoot well.
Kent, what about all the moving parts/screws in the bolt. Could we possibly assume, left to their own devices the average guy out there has lots of potential to loosten/misadjust a fair bit here?
Once the rifle is set up correctly by someone who knows how, there should be no reason for the average guy to tinker with it. But you know how folks are, anything's possible. I've done nothing to mine except shoot it, and clean it ever since I began shooting it, and it works great.
Leonard has redesigned it a bit and made it more foolproof for those who might be tempted to take it all apart, and forget how to put it all back together. I've re-assembled several S&W model 59 automatic pistols that folks took completely apart to clean, and brought 'em to me in a paper bag. One guy brought parts in 3 separate bags:)
The new design will be an improvement because it will also add a little more weight to the firing pin assembly, and some feel that's good. Disassembly will be easier too. I looked at new system over this afternoon, and it's a definite improvement, and will cure what you described in your post.
Mine worked great right from the start, once I set it up like I wanted it. I knew what I wanted it to do, and it was easy to set it up that way. Some don't know how to do that. It'll drop the firing pin the exact same depth into the case 20 consecutive times checking it with a dial caliper, or until you get bored checking it.
Personally, I like mine because it allowed me to set up the ignition just the way I wanted it.
Not sure what you mean about "all" the moving parts in the bolt. There's one, and that's the firing pin body moving back and forth?

I'll say this, I've had many calls and emails from folks asking about what problems I was having with the action. I don' tmind the calls, I enjoy talking with fellow shooters. Several said they that they heard rumors that it performed poorly at the ARA Nationals. To my knowledge there were NO Falcon actions even shooting in the ARA Nationals! These rumors and opinions can sure carry weight, and worry folks, even when their unfounded.
Sometimes they're deliberate too, and that's the sad part of it all.

This prototype was competing against some of the best rifles in the game, and winning, before an action was shipped out the door. No problems were experienced by me in winning 5 out of the last 6 matches that I shot with it, and I can't shoot:confused:. I like the action in it's original prototype, and the next batch will be even better.
Tim, if I can answer any questions, please give me a call and I'll try my best to do so.
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kent what barrel did you go with and what are you using for a bore guide
Benchmark barrel, 4 groove, sort of a semi canted land, experimental twist. I had several made up over a year ago and have been testing them ever since. I made my own bore guide to fit a .187 diameter rod.
I was at the shop yesterday afternoon and noticed that Leonard is now making some precision bore guides up the fit the Falcon action. Nice guide, had the insert sized for the rod. I got a couple of his because his looked much nicer than mine:)
Kent, i understand what you're saying. The average guy out there has a tendency to take stuff apart. If you look at a hall or turbo I assume the reason they go together with a pin is to insure they reassemble exactly the same way. Worth a thought
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You are right, and that's the way the modification will work, although it's a bit different than the aforementioned models, and easier to disassemble I think, the end result is the same.

I apologize to all if I seemed to be bragging in the previous post on performance of the rifle/action or my performance. I assure you that was NOT my intent, and I was hesitant to state the facts for that same reason.
If the results had been updated on the IR5050 website over the last month, folks would have had the info there in the equipment listings, and I wouldn't have to blabb it all.
These guys are committed to making the best action possible and they've been working hard to do so. I see that as a benefit to the rimfire games whenever anyone offers a new product and a new choice. Since the first action, they've been evolving fast.

Now, I'm off the test this sporter version. Very windy outside so it should be a good afternoon to test it
mine is almost done final inletting and bedding then finish ill let you know the results goin with a rock creek barrel
I ordered mine about 6 weeks ago. I'm just hoping they ship soon so Dan can finish my rifle. There just aren't enough pictures of finished rifles yet so that's making the wait even worse.

How are the fit and finish on stocks? I went with a McMillan Anschutz BR-50 for this rifle.

I am interested in trying one of the Falcon actions, but wanted to ask if you had seen any problem in any of the actions with the bolt when extracting? I had a gentleman telling me about this and then seen, and felt, another guys gun doing it at a shoot not long ago. It seemed the bolt would slide in smooth but when extracting with the bolt handle it would bind somewhat. Not to the point it wouldn't come out or anything, but you had to work a little to get it to retract? The gentleman said he had tried it with lube, dry, had polished the bolt some but nothing seemed to help. Just thought I would ask since you guys were talking about the bolt being redesigned a little and see if we could figure out what was going on with this guys gun. Thanks for any opinions on what to try. Tony
There was no redesign of the bolt proper, but a redesign of the firing pin assembly and the way it disassembles. Without having the action in my hand I cannot say what would cause the binding? It's possible the ejector is set too high and dragging on the bolt. But, that'sa wild guess, not way to tell without seeing it.These actions are made to pretty stiff tolerances, as everyone wants and demands. Please tell your friend to give Leonard or Jonathan a call. If it's a rifle that I put together, tell him to call me and I'll correct it, free of charge.
A question Kent, If I may

Can you tell me the size of the loading port/ If there is a picture around of it with the bolt pulled back all the way to the rear that would be fantastic!


Pete Wass
Pete, there are some pics on Baitys website of the Falcon action that I shoot on my 10.5 rifle.
I'm not much of a photographer, but I've been meaning to take some pics of my rifle since I restocked it in exhibition tiger maple.
I just got my action and having it put in a wenge baby tracker. A friend of mine had one bedded using all 3 action screws and his bolt was binding using the bolt handle,but not when pushing it forward with your thumb. I suspect it may be the middle screw causing the problem,we don`t use the middle screw on the 40X, I`m having mine bedded using the conventional front and rear tang screw , gave it some thought about using the two front action screws and floating the tang, seeing the 3 action screws is a plus for the options it gives but surely one is best! any body know?
There was never an intent for anyone to use all 3 screws. That just don't work. Gun builders know that. The option was there to allow folks to bed them with 2 screws forward of the trigger and float the tang, or to bed it like a 40X.

I've bedded them using the two screws forward and using a front screw and a tang screw, both ways work, if you know how to bed a rifle.