Bad day!! Or is it ???



Today was a bad day for me, but with the indulgence of the readers here I will start at the beginning.

I am a retired Marine, a few years ago Myself and a few friends were wondering around in one of those far away lands. You know the deal just a little constitional to settle our mid-day meal. When some of the local folks for some weird reason took umbridge with myself and my friends walking around in there Forest, How Rude!! Well there were some unpleasantries exchanged and in that argument one of these fellers shot me and some of my friends with very unfriendly projectiles. One of them being a 58MM RPG. I seem to be this little fellers object of annoyment and I caught that grenade Mid Thigh of my right leg. When that happens all kind of interesting things happen, and I personally would NOT recommend any of them. The Grenade DID NOT travel far enough to arm itself so that when it struck my leg it just punched right thru, leaving an interesting hole. We got a dust off and I ended up at Bethesda Naval Hospital a few days later. I had been in the Corps for 28 years and 7 months and 12 days up to that point. The Marine Corps allowed me to stay in the Corps until I finished my 30 year, most of it in the Hospital but I did get to finish and retire with my full 30.

I tell this story for the simple reason of explaning were I am today. Shooting and the Shooting sports has been away of life for me. They keep me active and with a goal. They keep your mind occupied and directed on something other than the pain. I refuse to take pain medication so look for other ways of dealing with that. I in the end did keep what was left of my leg, got like 25 lbs of Stainless Steele in there keeping it in one piece, I have had 19 operations over the last few years but it is just something I personally have to go thru. I mean we ALL go thru stuff, mine is certainly not nearly as bad as some of these Kids coming back from our two on going wars Today. Nor probably even half as bad as someone reading this post is going thru today as well.Give me something to do and something else to think about and I am fine. Shooting is that "Other Thing" for me.

For the past few months I have had a dream of sorts. I wanted to get back into Competitive shooting. I do have somewhat of a tough time getting around and I do walk with a cain. And I am embarrassed by the limp, I mean there was a time not too long ago I was able to do anything, now I have a hard time walking to the car. I am a Proud man and the limp does bother me some, doesn't make much sense to you guys I suppose but it is the way it is.

I heard about F-Class Competition and though Hey man I can lay on my Belly ---- I mean even I can do that, Right??---- Get in a days fellowship with folks of a like mindset of my own, it will get me active again. This a deal sent straight from Heaven for this Old Marine. So I set out to do this right, sadly I wish I had done that laying down thing much earlier than "TODAY" but I am getting ahead of myself. So I talk to and order a brand new Stiller Viper Drop Port Action send it to Hart Barrels for a 30" 6MM barrel chambered in 6MM Norma BR, trigger and such, order a stock from Richards Microfit, ordered and recieved a New Nigh Force NSX 1/8th click 12X36 scope and set back and wait for all of this stuff to get here so that I can go to work.

I have ordered Lapua Brass and bullets from Berger, Sierra and Nosler I mean I bought powder Dies, Folks I even Built a complete Reloading Room from scratch attached to my shop were I keep an old car or two. I researched Front Rests, rear rests, I researched this and that and some some other stuff. I did find this very interesting front rest but was never able to find a place to purchase one


If my wife ever figures out how much money I have spent she will probably shoot me with that brand new 6mm rifle right there on the spot, NO thats not true my wife is the most supporting woman in the world, One day a few years ago she kissed me as I went out the door a Virile strong hard as a rock Marine, what came home much later was a crippled up and used up old man. She has pulled me out of many dipressions, she has kicked my butt when I needed it and tied my shoe laces when i couldn't. She is the one who got the raw end of this deal, no one myself in paticular would or could have blamed her for saying "You sorry SOB I have had enough" packing up and headed for a better place. But no she is just too much woman for that, she has manned up and stuck to vows, and today I am finally a much better man because of her.

Last week the last of this stuff got here, today was the first shooting day. Finally got all of this stuff to the range unloaded it all, got the mat on the ground and suddenly realized that I had no idea how I was going to get down on that mat, figured I could probably just fall the 6 feet, 4 inches if I had to. So I did manage to get waaaaay down there on the mat. Well I have made it I'm laying on my gut on the ground with a sevreal thousand dollar custom built rifle right there with me, I have bullets, my note book, a wind doping sheet for the 6MMNormaBR. Only trouble is there is no way in the world I can even come close to shooting from this position, I am in agony and am compettly prepared to rethink that whole Pain Pill thing right then and there that is since I am complettly alone but maybe I can scream loud enough for someone to bring a crane or backhoe or something real big to lift my butt off of the ground. I think that screaming is not really an option for a Marine, so I spend the next 30 min and I mean that no exaggeration it took me 30 min to get back up.

The 40 mile drive home was "NOT" a fun thing for me. My heart was just broken, why had I not looked into this laying down thing? How could I have spent soooo much money and not planned for this or even had some kind of back-up plan? My mind is racing what do I do? Give up? Thats not really my way. Sell all of the stuff right now? Try to figure out a way to maybe do something else? Maybe now think about a back-up plan.

So I'm driving and I have this thought what about BenchRest shooting? Wonder what is up with that? I do think I can set on my butt I mean I don't even have to try this ahead of time I do a lot of butt setting now. I had before I left the range today shot some from the bench as I wasn;t leaving without shooting that new rifle. Mind you the loads were "NOT" load developed, I had put them together to fire form the cases. I did shoot one group at 500 yds that measured a 1 3/8th by 1 5/8th when I had finally settled down enough to shoot in a somewhat controlled manor.

So there is a question here guys---That is if there are any folks who have managed to stay for this very long post that has been really a rant more than anything els, But it sure feels good to get this out even if no one ever sees it but me.

The question: Is there someway I can take this rig and do something with it for some Benchrest competition? The rifle weighs right around 17 lbs as is with the nighforce mounted. Is there even a class I could shoot in ? I could make it heavier but not lighter. Or do I maybe just chuck this whole idea and take up Checkers?

Anyone who might still be around THANKS

600/1000 yd br .17lb limit for light gun

mike in co
Roland I dont know where you live and this might not be exactly what you wanted to hear, but fwiw I shot a match with a friend last year and their club had one participant that was in a wheel chair and they allowed him to use a bench as a handicaped shooter.

And as mike pointed out long range BR but you will have to check into the gun requirements. However I would think that the most you would have to do is change the stock if it doesnt meet spec. If you post over on the 600/1000 I am sure you will get all the info needed.
Good luck to you and thanks for your service.
PS do they unscrew it and put it all back in on retirement or is that another permanent disability:rolleyes:
Roland, one of the good things about Benchrest, whether 100-200 yard, or 600-1000 yard, is just about anyone can do it, regardless of physical disabilities.

In it's current state, the only class you are legal for in 100-200 yard Registered Competition is Unlimited.

If you were any where near Tomball Texas, you could shoot our score Club Matches, as we have no restrictions on the Benchrest Class, other than it be a legal firearm.

Tell us a little more about what your expectations are. ........jackie
Benchrest (whether capital "B" or little "b") of some form is a natural solution. We just need to get some specifics to get you pointed in the right direction.

What you want to do with your shooting and where in Alabama you are would be a good start.

About what you want to do... Are you dead set on shooting in registered matches? Would club matches do? Would you be happy for at least a while competing against yourself (and the danged wind, mirage, etc)?

Whatever you do, I strongly suggest that you test drive it before you go whole hog. It'll save time, money and aggravation.
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Guys thank you all for your response. I spent the morning trying to shoot prone, it simple is not an option for me. Wish it were but it is not in the cards for me.

Since you guys had a few questions for me I will try and better explan. My goal is to shoot, it is really that simple. I have always been in competition against myself I never see that changing. Personal goals are very important to me and they are just that personal. I would like to become competitive at some point. I have shot many different disaplines in the past, BPCR Silhouette ( this also is shot prone and no longer an option) In the Corps we all shoot position shooting ( once again not an option any longer) ATA Trap I shot for years ( Once again no longer available to me) . So I am not a stranger to competition, I have draws full of the fake wood and trinkets that all of us shooters cherish, so my goal is to shoot and hopefully to ad something to the sport.

Club shoots? Man I would love to shoot some Club shoots. But mostly I want and need to have this as a reason to keep me involved and active to the extinct i am able to do so. I also at some time would like to shoot some registered matches, but don't mind a learning curve to get there at all.

I also have a question. I did find the rule book online for the 600 and 1,000 yard matches. I could not find and rules pertaining to equipment. The stock I have on my rifle is a typical F-Class stock if there is such a thing. It does have a Flat bottom on it that is parallel with the barrel or forend. Would this stock not be legal for Benchrest? Where might I find the equipment rules?

Thanks again Folks!!
"I have always been in competition against myself ."

You have the right attitude to shoot "Benchrest".

Talk to a few shooters here - then go to a few matches and check things out.
I am sure that some one could find you an extra gun to shoot .

You can have a great time and learn a lot.


You're gonna love long-range rules. For Light Gun: The rifle must be chambered in a caliber right at .400, or less. (Almost all are "less.") The rifle must weigh 17 pounds, or less.

There are some rest rules, but best I remember, that's it for the rifle. Heavy Gun is similar, except there is no weight limit.

I have to say, there are probably more of what us long-range shooters call "point-blank" matches in Alabama -- 100, 200, and occasionally 300 yards. More rules with them, of course. Stock rules, Barrel taper rules. On & on. But I'd bet you could arrange a trade of that F-class rifle if short-range BR suited your needs better.
Today was a bad day for me, but with the indulgence of the readers here I will start at the beginning.

I am a retired Marine, a few years ago Myself and a few friends were wondering around in one of those far away lands. You know the deal just a little constitional to settle our mid-day meal. When some of the local folks for some weird reason took umbridge with myself and my friends walking around in there Forest, How Rude!! Well there were some unpleasantries exchanged and in that argument one of these fellers shot me and some of my friends with very unfriendly projectiles. One of them being a 58MM RPG. I seem to be this little fellers object of annoyment and I caught that grenade Mid Thigh of my right leg. When that happens all kind of interesting things happen, and I personally would NOT recommend any of them. The Grenade DID NOT travel far enough to arm itself so that when it struck my leg it just punched right thru, leaving an interesting hole. We got a dust off and I ended up at Bethesda Naval Hospital a few days later. I had been in the Corps for 28 years and 7 months and 12 days up to that point. The Marine Corps allowed me to stay in the Corps until I finished my 30 year, most of it in the Hospital but I did get to finish and retire with my full 30.

I tell this story for the simple reason of explaning were I am today. Shooting and the Shooting sports has been away of life for me. They keep me active and with a goal. They keep your mind occupied and directed on something other than the pain. I refuse to take pain medication so look for other ways of dealing with that. I in the end did keep what was left of my leg, got like 25 lbs of Stainless Steele in there keeping it in one piece, I have had 19 operations over the last few years but it is just something I personally have to go thru. I mean we ALL go thru stuff, mine is certainly not nearly as bad as some of these Kids coming back from our two on going wars Today. Nor probably even half as bad as someone reading this post is going thru today as well.Give me something to do and something else to think about and I am fine. Shooting is that "Other Thing" for me.

For the past few months I have had a dream of sorts. I wanted to get back into Competitive shooting. I do have somewhat of a tough time getting around and I do walk with a cain. And I am embarrassed by the limp, I mean there was a time not too long ago I was able to do anything, now I have a hard time walking to the car. I am a Proud man and the limp does bother me some, doesn't make much sense to you guys I suppose but it is the way it is.

I heard about F-Class Competition and though Hey man I can lay on my Belly ---- I mean even I can do that, Right??---- Get in a days fellowship with folks of a like mindset of my own, it will get me active again. This a deal sent straight from Heaven for this Old Marine. So I set out to do this right, sadly I wish I had done that laying down thing much earlier than "TODAY" but I am getting ahead of myself. So I talk to and order a brand new Stiller Viper Drop Port Action send it to Hart Barrels for a 30" 6MM barrel chambered in 6MM Norma BR, trigger and such, order a stock from Richards Microfit, ordered and recieved a New Nigh Force NSX 1/8th click 12X36 scope and set back and wait for all of this stuff to get here so that I can go to work.

I have ordered Lapua Brass and bullets from Berger, Sierra and Nosler I mean I bought powder Dies, Folks I even Built a complete Reloading Room from scratch attached to my shop were I keep an old car or two. I researched Front Rests, rear rests, I researched this and that and some some other stuff. I did find this very interesting front rest but was never able to find a place to purchase one


If my wife ever figures out how much money I have spent she will probably shoot me with that brand new 6mm rifle right there on the spot, NO thats not true my wife is the most supporting woman in the world, One day a few years ago she kissed me as I went out the door a Virile strong hard as a rock Marine, what came home much later was a crippled up and used up old man. She has pulled me out of many dipressions, she has kicked my butt when I needed it and tied my shoe laces when i couldn't. She is the one who got the raw end of this deal, no one myself in paticular would or could have blamed her for saying "You sorry SOB I have had enough" packing up and headed for a better place. But no she is just too much woman for that, she has manned up and stuck to vows, and today I am finally a much better man because of her.

Last week the last of this stuff got here, today was the first shooting day. Finally got all of this stuff to the range unloaded it all, got the mat on the ground and suddenly realized that I had no idea how I was going to get down on that mat, figured I could probably just fall the 6 feet, 4 inches if I had to. So I did manage to get waaaaay down there on the mat. Well I have made it I'm laying on my gut on the ground with a sevreal thousand dollar custom built rifle right there with me, I have bullets, my note book, a wind doping sheet for the 6MMNormaBR. Only trouble is there is no way in the world I can even come close to shooting from this position, I am in agony and am compettly prepared to rethink that whole Pain Pill thing right then and there that is since I am complettly alone but maybe I can scream loud enough for someone to bring a crane or backhoe or something real big to lift my butt off of the ground. I think that screaming is not really an option for a Marine, so I spend the next 30 min and I mean that no exaggeration it took me 30 min to get back up.

The 40 mile drive home was "NOT" a fun thing for me. My heart was just broken, why had I not looked into this laying down thing? How could I have spent soooo much money and not planned for this or even had some kind of back-up plan? My mind is racing what do I do? Give up? Thats not really my way. Sell all of the stuff right now? Try to figure out a way to maybe do something else? Maybe now think about a back-up plan.

So I'm driving and I have this thought what about BenchRest shooting? Wonder what is up with that? I do think I can set on my butt I mean I don't even have to try this ahead of time I do a lot of butt setting now. I had before I left the range today shot some from the bench as I wasn;t leaving without shooting that new rifle. Mind you the loads were "NOT" load developed, I had put them together to fire form the cases. I did shoot one group at 500 yds that measured a 1 3/8th by 1 5/8th when I had finally settled down enough to shoot in a somewhat controlled manor.

So there is a question here guys---That is if there are any folks who have managed to stay for this very long post that has been really a rant more than anything els, But it sure feels good to get this out even if no one ever sees it but me.

The question: Is there someway I can take this rig and do something with it for some Benchrest competition? The rifle weighs right around 17 lbs as is with the nighforce mounted. Is there even a class I could shoot in ? I could make it heavier but not lighter. Or do I maybe just chuck this whole idea and take up Checkers?

Anyone who might still be around THANKS


Welcome home brother
Roland, Could you share what distance you might like to start shooting at? 100-200-300-600-900-1000 yards
Equipment is kinda specific to yardages so it might help others to advise/ guide you.
There is always the Books available to help you but what distance you might like to shoot or what type of range you are closest to would help.
Thanks for your service.
Gary, UUUHHH Rahh

Centerfire, I would really like to shoot at the longer distances if I can. Not to sure about a 1,000 yd range in this part of the country, but I don't mind driving at all would gladly drive 500 or even a 1,000 miles once a month to shoot. I have just this afternoon found a 500 yd match just south of Birmingham that is like a 100 miles from me in Hoover, Alabama. I will attend that match in Two weeks as a spectator for sure. Any equipment advise you might share with me would be very welcome.

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Most of the 1,000 yard matches east of Nevada are shot under the IBS. I believe there is an NBRSA 600 yard match starting in Texas. The Original Pennsylvania 1000 Yard Benchrest Club also sanctions matches, but only in Pennsylvania and Montana.

That said, here is the IBS website.

Here is the long range schedule:

Closest to you would be Missouri, or maybe North Carolina, where I shoot. Next North Carolina match is July 16 at Camp Butner. There will be people coming from the Atlanta area, if you could get that far, one might be able to give you a ride the rest of the way. If you want to shoot, we can provide you with a rifle -- far as that goes, I'll lend you one of mine. I can also call the people who live in Atlanta to see who's coming, and if they have room.

Getting your rifle on paper, if you want to shoot that, might be the hardest part. But there is a shooter at the Pennsylvania club, Jason Baney, who has a lot of experience with the plain 6mm BR Norma, he can probably tell you how many minutes up from a 100 yard zero you need to be to get on paper. Far as that goes, there are a few other 6mm BR shooters -- there are a lot of Dasher shooters, but that doesn't help.

Or, if Steve Shelp (another old marine) is at the Butner match, he can follow a bullet trace like no one I've seen. Tell him your story, he'll come if he can -- In other words, we'll get your rifle on target if that's what you want.

If you want to shoot 1,000 yards, you need to start posting on the "long-range" forum. I may be a moderator, but I can't move posts from one forum to the next. What I am going to do is to make a post there, asking people to visit this post. You make a post there, too.

We can make it happen.

What you need to do is work up a good load. You can get suggestions on the 1K forum. You can do the work at 100 or 200 yards. Just remember that one bullet hole of vertical at 100 yards is a heap at 1,000 yards.

Still, this isn't critical. What's critical is you get to a match, see whats going on, and talk to people. That will give better information that all the internet postings ever written.


There is a brand new club near Savanna, Georgia. If some of the experienced Atlanta shooters go their match, that might be a bit closer. For your first match, make sure there are experienced shooter around.
Here's another book.
It came out a little before Tony's book. Both are very good books. Mike's book walks you thru Benchrest Group and Score Tournaments. Reloading, flags, everything......
I had a similar experience as you. I was just too old and out of shape to get on the mat.
Like you, I didn't try the mat till the day before the shoot.
Luckily our small club does benchrest score.
I still have the mat and Garand for the clubs M1 rattle battle and hi-power matches. Have not shot one yet.
It sounds like the rifle is set up perfectly 600/1000 br. As a Light gun you can shoot it both classes, witch is what I do. Easier to master 1 gun, cheaper than 2 and twice the shooting.
Roland, I do not know if you would be interested in driving to Swainsboro, Ga to shoot with us in our clubs matches and our Other matches but Sir you are most certainly welcome too..

we have a very good long distance range out to 1200yds, we regularly shoot 600yds. And sometimes shoot the 1000yds. I would be more than Happy to help you in this if you want..
I am no master shooter or reloader, but I offer my assistance...

Semper Fi Marine.

Thank You. REALLY, Thank You.........

And you've come to the right place.


Roland thanks very much for your service and contribution to our country. You will find no better group of guys than on this and the other shooting forums. We are happy to help you and other shooters, new or old.
Folks, Words alone will not express the apprication I have to the response here. The post I made the other day to start this thread was "VERY" out of caracter for me to do. I am a very proud man, stubborn almost to a fault, and have always had a problem asking for help. I made that post as much out of pure frustration as any thing else, frustration at being so dumb as to not doing my homework before I leaped. I got so excited to have come up with an idea ( F-Class) that would make me want to get up and out and do something. When I finally recieved all of the equipment and went to the range and was complettly unbable to do what I thought I was going to do, it really kicked my butt. So that post was actually the first time I have ever expressed any of my thoughts about that day and the resulting injury with anyone other than my wife. Those were thoughts were my own and I really didn't think anyone would even be interested in that experiance.

Now that I have made the post and recieved the reponses I have I am touched, Thank You All Very Much.

I have spent all of today shooting. and talking to folks on the phone about the equipment and some of the rules. After that conversation I believe that my rifle as is, is in fact LEGAL for the light gun class. It appears the stock is fine and the rifle weighs 16lbs 9ozs with the NighForce mounted ready to shoot. I talked to Stiller today about my change of plans from F-Class to Benchrest. The did explain to me there is a very slight difference in the action I have and there standered ??? benchrest action. The difference seems to be the bolt clearence is a very small amount tighter on the benchrest action as compared to the F-Class action. The allow a very small differnce for sand and grit in the F-Class action. They did offer to exchange my action which is of course now mounted and barreled for the benchrest action, at NO cost. But after further conversation and on Jerrys advice I am staying the way I am, but a huge thank you to Stiller even for the offer!!!

Charles E, Thank you very much for that information and the offer as well. If you would send me some information on the Butner shoot I would like to attend that July16 match. The offer of hooking up with someone in Atlanta is very much apprciated but I would certainly not impose on them, and besides driving is one of my most favorite things. I also will post over on the 1,000 topic that if I can figure what to say....

marlowjoe, Thank you as well Sir. I did the mapquest thing and Swainsboro, Ga is only 320 miles from my house. I would like "VERY" much to attend a match there. If you could send me some contact information and the dates and times, as soon as I find out when and where I'm driving. Once again thank you very much!!!

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Dear Roland,

When you get the time, please go to my website.

Take a look around and pick out anything you like. I'll make damn sure you have a rest that you can win with.
I'll be home after 5 pm. tonight, Thursday June 9th. Give me a call at: 1-269-521-3671