Bad day!! Or is it ???

Folks, Words alone will not express the apprication I have to the response here. The post I made the other day to start this thread was "VERY" out of caracter for me to do. I am a very proud man, stubborn almost to a fault, and have always had a problem asking for help. I made that post as much out of pure frustration as any thing else, frustration at being so dumb as to not doing my homework before I leaped. I got so excited to have come up with an ides ......


Roland sounds like you will fit right in. You know the stubborn part.....
That's one thing, I have noticed about Benchrest shooters....Oh, and the super nice people too.
Sounds like you are on your way.

Here is a map:

Note the North State Shooting Club is not part of the benchrest club, which is North Carolina 1000 BR -- but they do have a nice set of directions to the Butner range!

Our web page is:

Butner North Carolina is a smallish town, with some "famous" residents -- in the prison -- like Bernie Madoff. But I digress . . . There aren't too many motels in Butner, so if you're going to come, it never hurts to make a reservation early. On the other hand, it is a bit less than 20 miles up the road from Durham, NC, which has a population of about 150,000.

There is a very small chance the match will get cancelled. Camp Butner is a National Guard range, and if the military has need of it, we lose our match dates. That's why there is a July match -- we lost a date earlier, and this is a make-up match. First time it has ever happened, though.

Anyway, as time draws closer, let me know if you'd like to come, and I'll get on the phone with the Atlanta shooters, give you my home phone number -- I live in Durham -- & generally try to make the experience a good one.

Charles Ellertson
Better late then never I guess...

The drop to 1000 yards will likely be between 27-28MOA with about 2900 fps and a 105 ish grain bullet

You will most easily find happiness (I have found) with CCI450 primers and somewhere between29.5-31.5gns of R15 (be careful at that upper end!)

Don't let anyone convince you that the plain jane 6BR can not win at 1000 yards ;)

I think that you really have a bad day. I hope that you will have a good day someday. :D Good luck man. :D
I will not be at this match but can assign a person to assist you at this match. Here is an informal match being held by the man that owns the local grocrey store in Linden, Alabama.

Reese Bottom Blast
June 25, 2011
$20.00 entry fee for first gun, 2nd gun $5.00
2 gun maximum, cannot shoot the same gun twice
Any caliber, any type rest, shoot from any position
Range opens at 6 am for zero and sighter, cold at 7:30, competition at 8 am
Range will be available for shooting after the competition
Drinks and snacks available
Format: 5 shots each at 200, 300, 400, 500 yards, plus 5 shot fun shoot
All entry money will be paid out, (determined by number of shooters)
The following will be recognized as winners: 4 group low group average, 4 group total high score, 500 yard smallest group, closest to middle of X at 400 yards, mystery fun-shoot winner(9 or fewer shooters, winner take all, 10 or more shooters will pay a second place
Any responsible shooter is welcomed
Wynne Echols cell # 334-654-2462, home #334-295-5393, Papa’s 334-295-8888
GPS directions: 125 Plantation Drive, Linden, Al plus approx. a mile into farm
Take Al. hwy 28 west out of Linden for approx ½ mile, left on Plantation Drive for approx a mile. Go under railroad, across creek, first right
First ever event, our hope is to start a regular event. Please help us get the word out. Tell your friends, zero the ole firearm plan to have fun.
Jim Sentell, Jim I just this afternoon saw your post and read your PM. I called and left you a message I am very interested Jim, and will try and get in touch. Thanks

GT40, I did "NOT" get a message from you in my inbox. If you dont mind try again. Thanks

KingSnake, man I am sorry I missed this opportunity and wished that I could have been there. When are you guys planning the next one? Today I left the house at 6: AM to go and watch my first Bench Rest match in Hoover Alabama which is down around Birmingham. Wanted to at least observe once before I showed up and made a Jack ass out of myself. After about 20 minutes I realized I should have brought a Rifle. Those guys had almost as much fun as I did.

Roland, good to hear you hooked up with some BR folks.
Me and some old retired guys. A Marine, See-Bee, and a couple GIs would shoot some on Tues. Local score match and such.
About 11a they would be rushing me off to work. Said I had to get to work to pay for the SS.
Nice guys. They are getting old quick.

The next North Carolina 1,000 yard benchrest matches (actually, 2 matches in one long day) will be 16 July. Don't know if you are planning to come. A bit more information:

These are IBS registered matches. You can join the IBS at the match. You don't have to be an IBS member to compete with us, but due to the Shooter of the Year program, you do have to be an IBS member to advance to any shootoff. That means if you DON'T join IBS but DO win your relay, you won't advance to the shootoff. IBS membership is $40 per year.

* * *

Match format at our matches: you are assigned a relay by a random drawing, done by the computer. On your relay, you shoot both Heavy Gun and Light Gun, one following the other. Since you have a LG, you could also use it in Heavy, if you want. If you want to borrow a HG, let me (us) know soon, if affects how much ammunition we'd have to load.

If you want to use you own LG for everything, here's the number of rounds you'll need:

Course of fire. You are allowed an unlimited number of sighters in a 6-minute sight-in period. (Cycle time for the targets is around 20 seconds, so that's one limitation.) You could plan on firing about 5-7 sighter shots per gun. No sighters are allowed during the record portion of the match. The record shots are 5 rounds for LG, and 10 rounds for HG.

SO; for each match, you would need 10-12 rounds for LG, and 15-17 rounds for HG.

If you win your relay (by beating the other 6-10 shooters on your relay), you move to the shotoff and fire another record target. You probably won't use as many sighters in a shootoff.

But let's say the worst (best?) thing happens and you win your relay in both LG and HG. That would mean at least another 21 rounds, minimum.

So total rounds needed for a match, assuming you win everything in sight, would be about 45-50 rounds. Unlikely, but it has happened. We're just covering possibilities here.

There will be two matches. If you feel confident, you should take 100 rounds. Or, you can reload a bit at the match, between the first & second, so you'd need, at minimum, 50 cases. If you need equipment to load at the match, let me know. You would have to bring your own components and dies, but if it comes to it, I can bring a press and scale.

If this is all getting too confusing, let me know what you'd like to do, and we'll work from there.

* * *

If you want to hook up with one of the Atlanta shooters, either to caravan or maybe get a ride, let me know and I'll begin checking to see who's coming, and if they have passenger room.

* * *

Somewhere in a post above, Jason Baney gave good information on using a 6mm BR (plain version) for 1,000 yards. We'll make sure you get on paper for your first match.

Let us know,


Roland, First, Thank YOU! for your service. Being old with arthrites in both hips and recent shoulder surgery for rotator cup repair I have mutch difficulty in prone shooting also, so don't do it, however very much enjoy benchrest 1000yd as a Rookie. Check out ( at Yukon, MO, where I go. They are very competive with many new and old shooters. They shoot 2 LG & HG IBS matches in one day and 600yd the next. (465 miles) The next match is their championship invitational match, is July 16 & 17 and are hosting the IBS 600 yd nationals this early fall. A longer trip but very worth while is the World Open at Williamsport, PA July 9th & 10th. They also have a School in May each year. My son and i will be at Williamsport for out new annual get together with new friends. (953 miles for us) Thanks again, Mike
Gary, UUUHHH Rahh

I have just this afternoon found a 500 yd match just south of Birmingham that is like a 100 miles from me in Hoover, Alabama. I will attend that match in Two weeks as a spectator for sure.


The match you are referring to is at my club (http:\\ I sent you an email with the match director's email address. If you come bring your point in not shooting. Access is easy with good benches and stools.

I may try to attend. Spend so much time on the short range BR (match this weekend in NC) that I don't have time for anything else, but I've been threatening to pull out my 1000 yard gun (300 Weatherby/Kreiger barrel/match chamber/BR stock) to try shooting in it. After this weekend I actually have two whole months before my next registered match!

Be sure to send Darrell an email. Don't have his phone number handy, but he's a great guy.

Steve, Got your E-Mail and sent you a return one.

Thanks Roland