As a Veteran, I am Appalled

Why does anybody think racism is wrong..or whatever? Actually, it's a word that's used by some when things ain't going like they prefer.

BTW - Jackie's post, the post that started this thread, had not a word of racism.

Why does anybody think racism is wrong..or whatever? Actually, it's a word that's used by some when things ain't going like they prefer.

BTW - Jackie's post, the post that started this thread, had not a word of racism.

You don’t break a Law for being a Racist. You break a Law for discrimination because of Race,Sex,Religion,Ethnic Origin. These discriminations have to be proven in Court.

I have been a victim of racial discrimination many times in my life. If you’ve never experienced it before, you have no idea how dehumanizing it really is.

Albert Einstein said in the 1940’s that we are all a little bit racist,I tend to agree.

Following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, I refused to get on a Commercial Airliner with travelers that I thought were of Middle Eastern descent. I actually cancelled several flights at the airport because of my suspicions. I guess I’m a Racist . My refusal to fly on those airlines was a personal decision that I felt justified in making.

Racism is a complex topic. The Civil Rights Act 0f 1964 was an attempt to address a problem that is as old as civilization.

I’ve got better things to do than sit around and worry about Racism. I think, for the most part, we all just want to get along. There are a few idiots in the bunch that keep getting in the way of progress.

I've got brass to turn.

Any possibility they might have acted how they did with the "OK" from Obama's administration ? Just wondering cause it's an Obama stance as far as I am concerned.
Uhm, no.

"Playing the race card" is always denigrated because most of the time, the racist doesn't believe he's actually a racist, or that his language or action is racist. That's why we still have an NFL team named the Washington Redskins. That's why "mixed" marriages, in spite of the fact that all marriages are mixed, now, were illegal in some states as late as 1969.

Accusations of racism may make you uncomfortable, and they may be made inaccurately sometimes, but that doesn't serve as a defense against other, genuine charges of racism.

Finally, it's not a "favorite trick" of the left, in the case of genuine charges, it's a last ditch defense of people of color. It's a last ditch defense when it should be the first thing out to the box precisely because of attitudes like yours, attempts to dismiss genuine charges by blaming the victim or assigning other motives.

"She deserved to be raped, she was asking for it."

Not sure if it's been mentioned but you are obviously a TROLL.
The family of the man killed in Syria (former FBI agent if I remember right) is really pissed off right now.....he died because we don't negotiate with Hostage takers.....

But as to what will happen to the Officer and the crew....they'll get medals. Remember, under Bush, the high tech spy plane that was damaged and landed in china with about 40% of the equipment intact by estimate, by SOP, the equipment was to be destroyed and the plane put into the ocean in international waters.....he got the Distinguished Flying Cross.

However, in the defense of the Officer taken in Iran, a policy change during Korea, did away with the strictest portion of what you can say and what you have to do, when taken prisoner of war. This was done after we kidnapped one of our own pilots that was shot down and spoke out against the United States and decided to stay in Korea. Does anyone know why??? Trivia of the day.

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Dusty..that's not a fair question on an internet forum. I'm here to shoot a little Benchrest and have some fun. I could care less about who is or who isn't a Racist, as long as it doesn't get in the way of my plans.


Great point Glenn! Hope to see you this years "Blue Bonnett." Hope we have one!!!

Jackie I like "Thugocracy". It's right on and it's clever. Your a wordsmith and a gunsmith.
Great point Glenn! Hope to see you this years "Blue Bonnett." Hope we have one!!!


Virg...I sure hope you have a Blue Bonnett. I plan on being there this year. Sure hate I missed Howard's Memorial.

Something else to think about. If an Employer or a Customer wants to know something about your character,Good or bad, all they gotta do is stumble on this site.

Take Care.

Dusty..that's not a fair question on an internet forum. I'm here to shoot a little Benchrest and have some fun. I could care less about who is or who isn't a Racist, as long as it doesn't get in the way of my plans.

After all, as long as it isn't happening to you, it's not your problem, right?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."--Pastor Niemöller, as quoted in the United States Holocaust Museum.
After all, as long as it isn't happening to you, it's not your problem, right?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."--Pastor Niemöller, as quoted in the United States Holocaust Museum.

That is a great quote if you were living in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia, in the 1930's.

This is 2016, and we live in The United States of America. How is it relative.?
After all, as long as it isn't happening to you, it's not your problem, right?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."--Pastor Niemöller, as quoted in the United States Holocaust Museum.

why are you being so obnoxious?
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Jammer is not being obnoxious. He (or she...don't know which) is writing what he believes is right. That's what we all do. As it turns out, most do not agree with what he wrote here, replied as such, and Jammer is kinda defending his thoughts. This happens now and then and there's really no immediate solution.
After all, as long as it isn't happening to you, it's not your problem, right?

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."--Pastor Niemöller, as quoted in the United States Holocaust Museum.

Makes me think...............

Makes me think about how the govt taxes me more and gives out Obama phones, welfare, disability, unemployment, food stamps like popcorn to people that are too lazy to work.

Makes me think how the Mining Safety Nazi's come in to my business, in the name of safety, and cost me tens of thousands of dollars every year just complying with paperwork, ridiculous regulations, ect. The are from the Department of Labor.........just Union thugs, coming in the name of safety to further THEIR cause.

The govt slaps me in the face and calls the social security of which I paid 100% of an ENTITLEMENT........

Most anyone in business can tell you of many, many more rules and regulations are required of them, costing more from the bottom line, and not only with this administration.

The govt takes the rewards away from companies who are creating jobs. What do they do..........move off shore. I don't blame them a bit.

Want people to receive $15 minimum wage, pay 8 or 9 bucks for a hamburger. Part time jobs were not meant for people to make a full time living on.

The govt has an agenda to take our guns. It will be done through education, just like many other things are. Three or more generations and the terrible guns will gladly be given up.

Look at some of the sex crap they are pushing at kids in school today, it's working, just look at society.

This post by Jammer is about the only one I can agree with he has written. The analogy he wrote above is kind of like the govt taking one bite at a time out of people, but as long as it doesn't happen to you, no worries.

As long as everyone is fat and sassy, they don't much care what goes on in someone else's world. It's not just about political parties either. Wake up.

And thanks Wilbur.

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Jammer is not being obnoxious. He (or she...don't know which) is writing what he believes is right. That's what we all do. As it turns out, most do not agree with what he wrote here, replied as such, and Jammer is kinda defending his thoughts. This happens now and then and there's really no immediate solution.

Thanks for the nugget, Wilbur. I needed that. I am unblocking Jammer. If the truth be known, we probably have quite a few important things in common with Jammer.

Concho Bill
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I never discuss anything on the internet with the hope of convincing anyone who happens to be in the discussion with me of anything. It's the internet. That never happens.

The only reason to discuss anything on the internet is because the record will stand forever.