Annealing made perfect aztec sort

anneal before you clean ?
wipe off the neck, anneal then clean ?

I took a quick peek, but since I already have an AMP, I wasn't exactly shopping. I'd pay attention only to which one I thought could anneal cases best (then there're the Aztec features). Speed and case feed are appealing, but the AMP isn't at all slow to use. The single thing that I really like about the EZ (or dislike about the AMP) is the case orientation. AMP warns you that you can ruin their annealer if you happen to have a steel tumbling pin stuck in your case that chooses to fall out during annealing. I tumble with SS pins and live in fear of this...


anneal before you clean ?
wipe off the neck, anneal then clean ?

I'm not smart enough to think of that...

Went through the update process this morning. Time consuming (about 10 minutes) but very straightforward. The number of steps on AMP's site had me a bit concerned, but there's nothing tricky and it all went as described. I wish they'd package the Aztec mode instructions in a PDF. Time to start playing with it...

Not to divert this back onto topic, but Aztec mode is finally available! I've ordered (from Creedmoor), just waiting for my code...GsT
So is Creedmoor the US rep for AMP and you have to buy from them? Never mind. Went to Creedmoor site and found Aztec. $250, ouch.
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So is Creedmoor the US rep for AMP and you have to buy from them? Never mind. Went to Creedmoor site and found Aztec. $250, ouch.

The AMP website has a list of dealers, Creedmoor isn't the only one in the US, just one that I was already set up with.

Aztec question...

So... Exactly what is the benefit to the upgrade? Faster, more accurate or does it calibrate automatically?
So... Exactly what is the benefit to the upgrade? Faster, more accurate or does it calibrate automatically?
I downloaded the installer for the update but I'm not going to carry the Amp to my computer till morning. I don't think it calibrates anything but seems to help in using the sort mode in isolating consistency of the case necks and shoulders. In some of the videos I've watched it seems like the Findlays are also trying to figure out what Aztec is doing. I'm still puzzled at how a software addition alone is able to allow the machine to determine the Vickers number of the brass. It's just voodoo magic anyhow. I used to be a gadget junkie in the past. Anything new that did weird stuff and cost less than $20 ended up on my workbench. I'm still a gadget junkie, but now in the $1000 range.
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Nothing against induction annealing, but molten salt bath method is an alternative

I It's just voodoo magic anyhow. I used to be a gadget junkie in the past. Anything new that did weird stuff and cost less than $20 ended up on my workbench. I'm still a gadget junkie, but now in the $1000 range.

A less expensive alternative is molten salt bath annealing. The total cost of everything, if you shop the usual suppliers, is less than $100. The Lyman digital lead pot thermometer and Lee lead pot I bought from Natchez. The stainless steel fixture, bent thermo couple, and annealing salts I bought from the Canadian guy.

With any torch method, you can only control heating time with no idea of temperature.
With the molten salt method, you control both temp and time with UNIFORM HEATING on all sides of the neck.

I made up new cases last yr for my 30BR HV gun. I annealed them after expanding, trimming, & turning. This yr I annealed these cases a second time & made up a second batch for my Hunter class gun. I’m satisfied this method works.
Here’s a YouTube video of the method.
Now, here's something for the average guy

A less expensive alternative is molten salt bath annealing. The total cost of everything, if you shop the usual suppliers, is less than $100. The Lyman digital lead pot thermometer and Lee lead pot I bought from Natchez. The stainless steel fixture, bent thermo couple, and annealing salts I bought from the Canadian guy.

With any torch method, you can only control heating time with no idea of temperature.
With the molten salt method, you control both temp and time with UNIFORM HEATING on all sides of the neck.

I made up new cases last yr for my 30BR HV gun. I annealed them after expanding, trimming, & turning. This yr I annealed these cases a second time & made up a second batch for my Hunter class gun. I’m satisfied this method works.
Here’s a YouTube video of the method.

This process looks way too good to be true. Hope it isn't. Heck, the die hard Range Reloaders could even take one of these setups with them for their "Loddin Trailer" and anneal after every firing, even if they only shot 5 or 6 shots! :) Jus Sayin.

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Ya but

This process looks way too good to be true. Hope it isn't. Heck, the die hard Range Reloaders could even take one of these setups with them for their "Loddin Trailer" and anneal after every firing, even if they only shot 5 or 6 shots! :) Jus Sayin.


don't splash any water onto the molten salt bath!!!