RayfromTX that's something I've never done I just "knew" the Glocks and pre-ordered a 36 as soon as I heard that they were coming available to civilians. I've never owned nor wanted any other Glock.
So I Googled and Yahoo'd it.... I was pleasantly surprised. I've been fairly well surrounded by shooting chaff since about 1978 and have a pretty solid grasp of the amount of "Glock Resentment" out there. It's whole bunches worse than the "problem" of the "PPC being a communist cartridge"........ As I said, I was pleasantly surprised
I'd invite others to do the same. Let'cher fingers do the walkin'....
RayfromTX that's something I've never done I just "knew" the Glocks and pre-ordered a 36 as soon as I heard that they were coming available to civilians. I've never owned nor wanted any other Glock.
So I Googled and Yahoo'd it.... I was pleasantly surprised. I've been fairly well surrounded by shooting chaff since about 1978 and have a pretty solid grasp of the amount of "Glock Resentment" out there. It's whole bunches worse than the "problem" of the "PPC being a communist cartridge"........ As I said, I was pleasantly surprised
I'd invite others to do the same. Let'cher fingers do the walkin'....