You've got to be kidding! Are you telling me that you know hunters who keep their guns loaded in camp?
I've got "Da' 2nd Week Of Deer Camp" on CD along wit' all da' udder Yooper stuff but dat's a JOKE man! If I EVER was invited to such a "camp" I'd walk out of the woods.
Nope...... carry and concealed carry fit into their own little niche, it ain't like hunting.
Now for all's of you'se who think carrying a popgun like a .25 or even a .380 "because you'll carry it more than you'll ever use it"....... LEAVE THE GUN AT HOME!!! For cryin' out loud WHY carry just for the sake of carrying? IF, on the other hand, you're one of those who might USE a firearm for self defense, please consider carrying a tool that'll actually get the job done
"First of all, ask yourself when it the last time I was in a gunfight..."
C'MON Dennis!!! Why would anyone in your position consider carrying?
Regarding the knockdown power "not being everything"........ I think it IS everything! IF for some strange reason I find myself in a situation where someone seriously wants me, enough that I have to KILL HIM????? Then I want something that will KILL HIM if it hits him in the toe ....... I'll be completely freaked, wired. The dude coming will HAVE to be fairly brutal else't WHY would I be shooting him???
Here's the deal,
Dude's coming AFTER YOU!!!
You're assaulting him with DEADLY FORCE!!!
WHY on earth would you want to just B****-slap him a little with a toy gun?
I know a fellow who got mugged down in the Wakefield section of Boston.... He had a .380 pistol. He stuck it in the guys gut and shot him, plup, the guy grunted and loosened up enough that he was able to break away and outrun him. When he looked back the guy was standing and holding his gut. He ran away. He never went back to the area again. He has no idea if the guy lived or died. No moral here, just that he has no idea.
I still say that the Glock 36 is just the Cat's Meaow...... it carries like a toy gun but it's for real. It will pick the bad guy UP, carry him AWAY and deposit him in a huddled clump of blood and pain.....whereupon he will summarily expire.
This means he will be DEAD .........
Can there possibly be ANY OTHER reason to carry a handgun in public?
This is not a video game.