Age old Question- Revolver or Pistol


RayfromTX that's something I've never done :eek: I just "knew" the Glocks and pre-ordered a 36 as soon as I heard that they were coming available to civilians. I've never owned nor wanted any other Glock.

So I Googled and Yahoo'd it.... I was pleasantly surprised. I've been fairly well surrounded by shooting chaff since about 1978 and have a pretty solid grasp of the amount of "Glock Resentment" out there. It's whole bunches worse than the "problem" of the "PPC being a communist cartridge"........ As I said, I was pleasantly surprised :)

I'd invite others to do the same. Let'cher fingers do the walkin'....

these are the first two gun safety rules espoused by Jeff Cooper:

All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.

Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.

"""This is a subsidiary of Benchrest Central, the premier factual site on the net. Traditionally, on THIS forum opinions should be backed by facts. Just "thinking" or "feeling" a certain way isn't validation here. I've found gardening sites which are less PC than certain whiners want this forum to be."""

i just quoted Cooper above, per your earlier statement from post number 13 below:

"""On THIS forum Jeff Coopers opinion is more meaningful than Bubba Gumps."""

""""Removable magazines" are commonly called "clips" today."""
firearms are also called gats and the police are called five-0.

"""Tell me where I need to hit it to make it fire.......IMO if you're right, the gun's unsafe."""

i never said that the gun's unsafe.

"""While teaching the children in my Hunter Ed classes...."""

do you teach firearm safety? i don't understand how you're not getting the point. perhaps we should just agree to disagree.


We don't have to "agree to disagree"'re right.

I stand corrected.

Dropping the loaded firearm WAS "safe" in the sense that it was NOT going to fire........ but it was poor behavior with a firearm. Even if I WERE to do it again, in the privacy of my own home and to make the same point I should NOT throw it out for general consumption. It was poor form to post such an incident on the net just to make the point that a Glock DOES pass all drop and impact tests, that it CANNOT fire without manipulation.

Yes I do teach Hunter Ed and I'm anal about safety, but I also teach that the only real safety is in your head...... different situations, different measures. Rules, all rules, are only as good as the user AND the situation. At a BR match people walk around "covering" each other with gun muzzles all the time, the rifles are inerted by removal of the bolt. This doesn't invalidate Cooper's rule, it's just a different circumstance. By the same token I've spent years in classroom and gunshop, a working environment. Cooper's rules don't apply to guns in vises, guns on benches, guns being carried around by multiple people in a working environment.

I'll even give you the "magazine" vs "clip"....again, you're right. :)

I'll be more careful in the future, good points and taken.

Took my Colt Defender to the Fort Worth gun show today to do a side by side comparison with the Glock 36. The Colt just feels so much better in my hand than the Glock. No discernible difference in weight or size and the Colt just seems to snuggle into my hand. However the Colt is single action and has to be carried cocked and locked or loaded and cock before firing. The Glock is definitely ahead there. I may buy a 36 but I won't sell the Colt.
Age Old Question- Revolver or Pistol?
If you have to ask yourself this question then there is only one answer. -Revolver

At the distance most "gun fights" take place at, IE.. in the neighborhood of 15 ft or less if im not mistaken, honestly, I would be happy with a good knife. However, as the saying goes, "dont bring a knife to a gun fight".

I don't carry a concealed weapon(took the required classes, filled out the paper work, never sent it in), but if I did, on a day-in day-out, I would highly consider one of those "American Arms" Mini Revolvers in 22 mag. Why? because its actually small enought that I can comfortably and easily carry it as a concealed weapon, and while it may not be a ideal weapon in a gun fight, it would be better than the 1911 that is at home because it is to big and bulky that you cant comfortably carry concealed, any way.

Note: Most the time, I have not really felt the need to carry a piece, as I suppose the majority of people. That being the case, size and easy of concealing would make a HUGE difference on whether you actually made it out the front door with a weapon. No matter how good the gun, its no good if you need it and its not with you. For about a year or so, I was actually in a situation that my risk factors were high enough that I was seriously considering carrying a concealed weapon, but if I had, and it was found out that I was carrying, I would have absolutely lost my job.

Remember, the purpose of a handgun in a gun fight is to allow you to fight your way to your primary weapon... IE your Rifle or Shotgun.

What rifle or shotgun? Personally, I would grab a rifle... probably, of all things, a Ruger Mini 14.. Ive never had a failure to function with mine, its size and shape, and weight is perfect,and even though its not noted for its high accuracy, mine is plenty accurate for typical defense situations ( I would guess 50 yards max). It has less recoil then a shotgun, but I guess its more dangerous to innocent bystanders then the shotgun.

Now, what would I grab if I KNEW I was going to be in a gun fight? That is a different question all together!!!!!
If you are going to carry a handgun, carry something that is small and doesnt bother you and you get used to it and dont even pay any attention to it. It may be nothing but a 25 auto, but if it is easy carried, you will carry it. A big bulky heavy pistol will be left at home most of the time. This is my experience.

Size matters.....nothing esoteric intended. If you decide to carry a small caliber, file the front sight smooth.... then, if you have it taken away by your "target", it won't hurt near as bad when it gets shoved up ur a**.

If you are not ready to play for keeps, buy some Nikes.

punk's use different

approaches depending on what's deemed as being in vogue at the time. I have been caught unarmed by as many as 5 in secluded area's of my home town 2 0f the 5 had 45's loaded with hardball I know this because I dug the slug's out of my trunk and seat material after having my window's blown out. :eek:
Now they are showing up in the public transportation stations in groups of 40 and 50 demanding $100.00 bill's from rider's or they threaten to physically assult them if they don't pay-up, no "cowboy gun's" here, reliable semi-auto's only, as many loaded clips as you can carry just to go to the ball game or shopping mall..... :confused: I go cocked and locked as I have for the last 20yrs., i was only worried about that style of carry when I had no holster and had it pointing toward's my privates and my thigh as there are some major arterys in the thigh and you'll surely bleedout fast. I feel much safer in the cocked & locked carry mode today because of the fine selection of holsters availiable which are designed much better than the holsters from the past.
The 1911 was DESIGNED to be carried "cocked and locked". It is the only safe way to carry the gun with a round in chamber. If you want to assure a accidental discharge, carry it with the hammer down on a round. The chance of the hammer slipping while trying to lower the hammer is also dangerous. Cycle the action, apply the safety. It's no different than all the "cocked and locked" m700's and 870s at deer camps around the country.
I have both revolvers and pistols, however I still fight with myself on what sidearm to carry. High power 5 shot revolver or multiple shot pistol. Any input would be appreciated.

First of all, ask yourself when it the last time I was in a gunfight...

It doesn't happen often so you will be carrying it a lot more than using it..

Out of the revolver or pistol, there is no doubt in my mind a pistol carries easier in a number of places on your body.

My preference would be a Walther PP in .380 Auto or a pistol of similar configuration. Very flat and a long enough barrel and powerful enough in an emergency. I know one fellow who wore one concealed for 40 years... it deformed his body slightly where it was carried.

I don't think a "knock down" power cartridge is as important as how easy it is to carry and to shoot...


You've got to be kidding! Are you telling me that you know hunters who keep their guns loaded in camp?

I've got "Da' 2nd Week Of Deer Camp" on CD along wit' all da' udder Yooper stuff but dat's a JOKE man! If I EVER was invited to such a "camp" I'd walk out of the woods.

Nope...... carry and concealed carry fit into their own little niche, it ain't like hunting.

Now for all's of you'se who think carrying a popgun like a .25 or even a .380 "because you'll carry it more than you'll ever use it"....... LEAVE THE GUN AT HOME!!! For cryin' out loud WHY carry just for the sake of carrying? IF, on the other hand, you're one of those who might USE a firearm for self defense, please consider carrying a tool that'll actually get the job done :)

"First of all, ask yourself when it the last time I was in a gunfight..."

C'MON Dennis!!! Why would anyone in your position consider carrying?

Regarding the knockdown power "not being everything"........ I think it IS everything! IF for some strange reason I find myself in a situation where someone seriously wants me, enough that I have to KILL HIM????? Then I want something that will KILL HIM if it hits him in the toe ....... I'll be completely freaked, wired. The dude coming will HAVE to be fairly brutal else't WHY would I be shooting him???

Here's the deal,

Dude's coming AFTER YOU!!!

You're assaulting him with DEADLY FORCE!!!

WHY on earth would you want to just B****-slap him a little with a toy gun?

I know a fellow who got mugged down in the Wakefield section of Boston.... He had a .380 pistol. He stuck it in the guys gut and shot him, plup, the guy grunted and loosened up enough that he was able to break away and outrun him. When he looked back the guy was standing and holding his gut. He ran away. He never went back to the area again. He has no idea if the guy lived or died. No moral here, just that he has no idea.

I still say that the Glock 36 is just the Cat's Meaow...... it carries like a toy gun but it's for real. It will pick the bad guy UP, carry him AWAY and deposit him in a huddled clump of blood and pain.....whereupon he will summarily expire.

This means he will be DEAD .........

Can there possibly be ANY OTHER reason to carry a handgun in public?

This is not a video game.

I LOVE your posts AL!!!!

He was right about the design of the 1911.....I would not carry it any other way.

Listen to AL, carry something that starts w/a 4.

I have also shot a 700 6mm 100gr through a floor board too!!!

REALLY Loud inside a 67 Blazer!!

Stupid gloves / finger IN the trigger guard checking the safety(remember, it HAD to be on fire to lift bolt??).....bullet scraped by my Justin's and shot out the tire!! I still have nightmares!!

No long gun @ camp has a bullet in chamer till ready to kill.


Before I get too beat up by Al I will say my posting didn't say all I meant to say...

I think if you carry a .380 all the time because it is comfortable and you can use it, over not carrying a larger pistol all the time, because it is uncomfortable... the .380 is a better choice for you... it will be with you when you need it.

I did carry for a few years in Washington but that license has expired and Washington changed the policy for Canadians and will not renew it.

One can not carry concealed in Canada.

As to your story... I know a fellow who got mugged down in the Wakefield section of Boston.... He had a .380 pistol. He stuck it in the guys gut and shot him, plup, the guy grunted and loosened up enough that he was able to break away and outrun him. When he looked back the guy was standing and holding his gut. He ran away. He never went back to the area again. He has no idea if the guy lived or died. No moral here, just that he has no idea.

Why did he quit at one shot? And after the gut shot why not a couple more in the chest and then run...?

Obviously his carrying a .380 was better than not carrying...
Thanx Dennis....... :D

As to "why din't the guy keep firing?" ........ welll, as I said, no moral to this story, just that the gun wasn't very effectual.

As to "obviously his carrying a .380 was better than not carrying"........ welll, IMO he maybe wouldn't have gotten into the situation if he hadn't had the false bravado given him by the pistol. Really this is another issue....... I have issues with folks who carry just to carry........ The guy IN THIS INSTANCE was exploring an area of town where he shouldn't have been. He and his buddy were actively looking for thrills and the pistol gave them a false sense of security. I fully realize that this is in no way relevant to our discussion.

In the circumstance that you outline here... "I think if you carry a .380 all the time because it is comfortable and you can use it, over not carrying a larger pistol all the time, because it is uncomfortable... the .380 is a better choice for you... it will be with you when you need it." ....... I have to reluctantly agree ;) IT IS BETTER THAN NOTHING!

barely :D:D:D:D:D:D


While in the Navy and waiting transfer I had a roommate that had just returned from Vietnam. He was a Navy Corpsman assigned to a Marine detachment in I Corp, that is until he took a .45 slug in the right side of his chest.

He was quite impressed by the performance of the round on his body, he stated that he was just walking along and the next thing he knew he was flat on his back on the ground trying to stop the blood coming from his chest by using compression with his left hand. The bullet did not exit and they really butchered him getting it out, couldn't lift much with his right arm after that.

No purple heart, a marine had accidentally discharged his .45

I prefer a .45 1911 for carry but during hot weather carry something smaller, the .45 is always in my vehicle though.
See now, THERE'S the difference between a working gunner and a poseur.........

"He was quite impressed by the performance of the round on his body,"


And I didn't miss the uncapped 'marine' here ..... "No purple heart, a marine had accidentally discharged his .45" ......... :)

(From a proud dad whose son just volunteered for Force Recon :) )


As you and others have pointed out, a 32 or 380 Keltec is a nice thing to have if you can't carry a gun. I like a 36 also but would prefer a true single stack 45 with a full five inch barrel with all the other Glock design features if they ever offer one. One thing I like about all Glocks is the don't rust when you carry them Mexican in the summer and that finish on the slide is so tough that they don't get skinned up when you give them the drop test (happens sometimes).Tritium sights help you find it in the dark when its not already in your belt or hand. Kind of a night light for pistol acquisition when something goes thump.

The 1911 was DESIGNED to be carried "cocked and locked". It is the only safe way to carry the gun with a round in chamber. If you want to assure a accidental discharge, carry it with the hammer down on a round. The chance of the hammer slipping while trying to lower the hammer is also dangerous. Cycle the action, apply the safety. It's no different than all the "cocked and locked" m700's and 870s at deer camps around the country.

Those type of "deer camps" , where the hunters enter camp with loaded chambers don't still exixt do they???? Last time I was in a camp like that cocaine and Jack Black was abundant, along with all the idiot's that participated I promptly chose to hunt a couple hundred miles south of there.

Had to settle for smaller deer but it was safer in the long run !
Of course they don't exist, there are no idiots left in america! The safety on a glock is overridden by pulling the trigger:eek:, but the external hammer of the 1911 scares people:confused:.