Action Trueness Test On My Old Remington 721 I Just Bought

I think its great there is still some work taking place in the private sector. Jackie, you must have one solid business and i think thats great, Good for you!! Lee
Skeet, last year was our best year ever, and this year will be better yet.

We were fortunate to win some new construction contracts. We are involved in 6 new Inland Push Boats right now, ranging from 82 feet long and 1800 horsepower to 110 foot long at 4200. Many towing companies are wanting "new horsepower", and we were in the right position at the right time. We have made some upgrades in our Lathe capabilities as well as our submerged arc welding capabilities in the past few years that are now paying off.

Repair has also been just as good as always. In this business, you make it when you can, I have seen it so bad that for weeks you would not have a job in the shop.......jackie
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Ride it while you can sir!! Were i work " The city of Charleston Illinois" I see a lot of fellas that take this job for granted. Many of the men there have been working there since they were right out of high school. Most of the men have no idea what it is like not knowing when the next light bill is going to get paid, or if they are going to have enough money in there account for the kids Christmas. I do however, and i sometimes catch a lot of slack from the men for working as hard as i do while i am there. Dont get me wrong i may take an extra brake now and again, but for the most part i always give them 100%. My father was self employed and i worked construction for hire and for myself for 16 years. The winters are long, and the pockets get pretty shallow at times. What i posted above may have been a little off topic, but it always makes me smile to see private business doing well, so i thought i would post. Thanks for sharing. Lee