6mm br brass

No, but apparently you having some.

Pinholes just below the shoulder?? I have never seen that. Do they go all the way through? I would think that this is something the manufacturer would want to be made aware of.........jackie
I've never seen it with RP from the '90's, Norma from the '90's, and Lapua from the '90's and maybe '07 or '08. As Jackie says get ahold of the manufacturer, and possibly send them a sample or two. All they can do is tell you to go away, but that's not very likely.
Is this what you are talking about? The brass below is Lapua 6mmBR brass(3 are formed Dasher cases). The second one from the left is new blue box Lapua. The other three are from cardboard box lots.

I last Lapua 6mmBR brass (blue box) that I worked up for my 30 BR I found one case like the first case on the left, and I had two cases while doing the first turn on the neck split the neck. I had a case split when I was necking up to 7mm also. I wrote Lapua an E-mail about the problem and have not receive anything back.
The good thing is, the 6br case on the left has been fired like 4-5 times. When I loose a case during fireforming, the cause it certainly the defect in the brass. It is what it is, its doubtful Lapua will do anything.
Look at the case on the left being fired 4, or 5 times. Look at the shoulder on the cases on the right! Where did all that head space come from? That does not look like the last word in chambering either.
Look at the case on the left being fired 4, or 5 times. Look at the shoulder on the cases on the right! Where did all that head space come from? That does not look like the last word in chambering either.

Cases on right were prepped to make a Dasher case, so headspace is about .100". That is not why they failed.
Where the right side cases formed from new, unfired brass?
I prep this brass for 30BR, and I have seen a lot more of these issues. Had 7 in the last 200 cases. Below are BRAND NEW cases never fired. They have been necked up to 30 (which causes the holes to be in the neck instead of the shoulder) and some actually open up to where you can see through them. I also have seen a higher number of split necks while necking them up.


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6br cases

I lost a couple of the new 6br cases out of each hundred when necking up to 30br. I then started annealing the new cases before the stretch up to 30 and stopped losing cases due to split necks during that operation. I'm not sure that it would stop these defects but I am not losing as many cases now.

I also think that my case lube of 50/50 Redding petroleum based case lube and Mobil1 helps.
I have had the same problem

The splits are in the shoulder area. This is with the blue box 6br

Richard Brensing
Let's get realistic. If you call Lapua, and say, "I have necks splitting", and then they find out that it is in the proccess of radically changing the shoulder position or the neck diameter, they are probably going to say, "well good grief, what do you expect".

Those holes are simply metal separation, due to the radical diameter change.

For what it is worth, when we blow the cases out to make 30BR, you will get maybe one or two out of a hundred that split. I consider that pretty good.

And considering the fact that we can get about a gazillion firings out of a case once it is right, there really isn't much to complain about........jackie
While I understand where you are coming from, these "DENTS" are in the shoulder of the raw 6BR cases. This is most certianly a Lapua issue. I had 5 in the last 300 cases I have processed. While that in itself was not bad, I lost 20 cases to splitting while necking up to 30 cal. I understand that once I start to modify the case necks, it is no longer an original Lapua case, and they can no longer warranty the case, and that is my problem. But to loose 20 cases to splitting (you decide the % of me doing it wrong and the "dent" starting the split) and 5 cases that had the "DENT" in it. I sent an email (I admit I did not call) but it has recevied no response. I have no issue with me eating the cases that went bad, as I always plan on 5% churn, but this is 12%.

While I understand where you are coming from, these "DENTS" are in the shoulder of the raw 6BR cases. This is most certianly a Lapua issue. I had 5 in the last 300 cases I have processed. While that in itself was not bad, I lost 20 cases to splitting while necking up to 30 cal. I understand that once I start to modify the case necks, it is no longer an original Lapua case, and they can no longer warranty the case, and that is my problem. But to loose 20 cases to splitting (you decide the % of me doing it wrong and the "dent" starting the split) and 5 cases that had the "DENT" in it. I sent an email (I admit I did not call) but it has recevied no response. I have no issue with me eating the cases that went bad, as I always plan on 5% churn, but this is 12%.


P. I think being in Finland. They prolly get less shooting time(in nice weather) then the Canucks. You might get an answer in Oct. or so. I could be wrong....
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not going to stop buying Lapua because they never returned my email, or holding a grudge for this or that. In fact, I just bought 500 more pieces. The 30BR is becoming a very popular VFS gun, and I make brass for people. I just have to buy 500 at a time to get the same lot, cause if someone wants 100 rounds, I better have another box cause I'm going to loose a couple.
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I have yet to buy a new box a lapua blue box 6BR brass, I dont even know how many cardbord box's i had either 200 or 300 cases
ive worn out three barrels and still think there are 50 cases or so still in one box.
but i have been planing on buying some just havent really needed them yet.
the change in the neck thickness came as a disappointment to me and my main concern was the shoulder wall thickness.
its been know for some time now that with alot of experimentation by old 6BR shooters that .013 shoulder wall thickness was just about perfect
and would'ent ya know when lapua cases came out thats what they were?
it allways seems when a you have a good thing someone allways has to change it. probably to save 2 cents a case.
i dont buy they were running on the big end of the spec.
I have had no failures w/any Lapua brass necking up or otherwise. A friend of mine had a neck to split, just by firing (6MM BR)/ He called and ask if I had ever had pinholes below the shoulder. Well, I immediately thought he was having such a problem. I suggested he bring some by for examination. (after I had posted the ?? on the forum) He brought the cases over. There were some w/what seemed to be small hair like dents. None had pinholes. Only one had split neck. I persuaded him, he had no real problem, and sometime you will have a once-three times fired case to fail. Jackie, sorry for causing a scare on the forum. I did not name the brand of cases in original post. My friend was mistaken, and I should have examined the problem before posting. (All you guys , thanks for your help and input) I hope Wilbur doesn't FRY my jaws when he runs up w/me again.
Heaviest Fattest Varmint