Thanks for your thoughts Pete. Trust me I did my homework and read the literature. I shot over 400 TNT's starting with initial fireforming of 100pcs of brass and H-4198. Tried another box of Lapua 123gner's. Hornady 110 V-Max. 135SMK's and excuse the infraction even some 147gn Winchester FMJ. A bullet not worthy of a slingshot but I did it anyway.
Shot H-4198, RL-7. Tried a little N-530 with the heavy stuff. Even tried Ramshot X-Terminator with the 147's. Did'nt switch to Benchmark until I tried .001" tension.
These were pills I already had on hand. I figured after fireforming the brass with 100 TNT's I'd order up some real bullets. Even during fireforming I knew something was wrong so I never bought decent bullets for the gun. The gun was just shooting globs for groups. Even with the nonpedigree bullets it should exhibit some degree of repeatable accuracy. I've launched most of those pills out of a 13 twist Kreiger barrel in 308W so I knew what to expect.
Never saw any repeatable accuracy until I switched to .001". My only quess is my neck turning is not exact enough. Its not as precise as you pro's would do but it looked at least OK to me. I'm gonna look up an old machinist friend of mine and have him mic the stuff up, get some proffesional measurements, oponions and maybe even clean it up on a lathe with an oversized mandrel. I intentionally overcut to .0095 neck wall already tho. Best bet might be order some already preprepped at this point.
Once I figure out why .001" is the only tension that works for me, hopefully correct the issue, then perhaps I can proceed to find a suitable load with a suitable bullet and suitable powder.
Yep that big honkin 135 is slow. But the BC is a tad higher. With .001'' and a standard Robinette reamer it would be a huge challenge trying to make it go faster. Providing it can even maintain a somewhat competitive degree of accuracy. The puter says at 2680 it outperforms the 115 Berger at 3000fps.
Of course the puter never hands out any wood