10/22 no one seems to like em here pics?



well seems like not much interset in the much loved 10/22 on this sight.:confused:
Yeah, not a whole lot of interest here. I guess they're just not accurate enough. But to their credit, they seem to have a whole website of devoted followers over at rimfire central.
No tone, at least not from me. I've had a dozen or so, but never one to BR quality and never seen one on the line that would really compete. They do have a great following; probably more than any other .22. Just not here.

anyway,no one here enjoys shooting them, a volquartsen setup might just rival an annie bolt,which i have too. Any pics? Cant people talk about 10/22s hear too,no interest?:D

It's your thread, talk all you like about 10/22's or Volquartsen. :) Most folks here are into the more accurate stuff like custom turbos or Hall's or factory action 40X's, Suhls, Win 52 C's or D's or Anschutz 54's. Most have probably custom barrels on their guns, although the factory barrels on some of these guns would shoot extemely well. It would take a great shooting 10/22 souped up with a bunch of money tied into it to get one that would try to even keep up with these factory barrels on the 40X, Suhl, or 52D. That's being honest. A custom barrel put on any of these actions like Benchmark, Lilja, Broughton, or Border just to name a few will more than likely make your gun shoot even better. As far as Volquartsen, they are a fine gun and shoot pretty accurate for a semi-auto. But they are what they are, and won't be competitive with the big dogs so to speak.

So have at it. You won't get much support here for 10/22's. I have nothing against them. I'm just stating the facts. But they can be made to shoot very well.

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I understan what your saying,but to be honest,there are some postings here with cz.Those are not exactly a high end gun,and at rimfire central,there are many postings of small groupings that would be better than some of the bolts talked about here.:)
Well I'll go you one better, and then I'll leave this thread to you to talk all about your semi-autos all you want.

The semi-autos can shoot some pretty good groups. But the real question is how consistant are they shooting groups or score? Anyone can shoot a good group every now and then. The 10/22's or Volquartsen rifles if they really want to prove how super duper accurate they truely are, I invite their owners to grab their killer ammo and take them to a sanctioned ARA, IR50/50, or RBA match and prove them shooting against the other guns there. Don't mean that in a bad way, but we can talk all we want about how accurate yours, your uncle, cousin or whoever has a semi-auto tack driver all we want, but that is only talk. Take them guns that are supposedly so good, and get them on a line at a match. Show-Me! ;)

The point is you can sink tons of money into a semi-auto and they still won't compete shooting any of the sanctioned benchrest matches. That's part of the reason you won't hear about them much here. RFC is the place to be if you really want to have a 10/22 discussion. The folks here know that your money ahead getting a good custom bench gun to shoot benchrest. And since your at a benchrest site, I hope you get the picture.

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10/22's are what get many people started in benchrest shooting cause you can customize it yourself. then when they have sunk all thier hard earned money into one and annie's,cz's,suhl's,40x's and the cheap and lowly savage markII's out shoot them time after time they stop and listen to what people are trying to tell them. i to have a total custom 10/22. wish i had the moneyback i waisted biulding it. the simple fact is they(10/22's and the vq's) just can't hold the light for a bolt gun to shoot by. cz's are more or less a entry level rifle that can be turned into a real shooter if worked over right. i have a savage markII that has been rechambered and recrowned and has shoot in local matches and won several. the 10/22 guys show up and qiuckly learn they need a better rifle. you'll never find any of them in the big macthes cause they simply won't get the job done. like i said they are the stepping stone for many a shooter for benchrest then they move on to better rifles. ruger is nothing but a high priced name, even in the centerfire rifles. the old tang safetied rifles shot well. these new ones are not good guns. buy yourself a bolt gun and come into the real world with the rest of us. we'd be glad to have you step on up with us:).
I got this here little red...

sports car. It goes, it handles, it's comfortable for two people... I love it. However, I'd look like a damn phoulle if I tried to race it at Indy. That's what you are up against if you wanta shoot your 10-22 in an ARA match.

We solve the problem in our local matches by having a Factory Class that lets guys with 10-22's compete against other guys with like equipment. They get the same prizes that the guys with bench guns get. This allows guys to use their squirrel rifles and compete. Some of them get the bug and buy bench guns. Others like and stay in the Factory Class and continue shooting the 10-22's.

Dick Wright
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I've never seen one on the line at a prone or 3 position event either, which is slightly less demand of accuracy than benchrest. Having to single load one is a pain and could be part of the reason.

I have seen a couple show up at club level silhouette matches but everyone I can think of switched to a bolt gun.

I don't own one but I've accurized several for my shooting buddies. They may be the most popular plinker ever sold. One friend and his son have been known to go through two bricks of ammo on a Sunday afternoon shooting cans down at the creek.

I built a dedicated AR15 22 RF upper years ago that is very accurate, but it won't beat my bolt rifles. I did shoot it in one silhouette match just for fun. If our club kept a record for fastest 5 hits on a swinging target it would be mine.

It is interesting that 10-22 owners argue fervently the accuracy is unequalled. We all love our Anschutz's, 40X's, 52's, Hall's, etc, but we never get as wound up as a 10-22 owner.

Never loose the passion, it makes life worth living. Welcome to the board.

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There are a number of 10/22 and Volquartsen advocates that have a problem with measuring distances, almost a type of dyslexia. They put a target out at what they think is 50 yards and it always seems to measure 50 feet. Strange.

It's basically like all the boys said.........some of us have 10-22's and i love mine.Is it accurate? You bet! Is it benchrest accurate...........not hardly! Before i had an actual benchrest rifle i [thought] a lot of different rifles were accurate. A very good buddy of mine has the most accurate 10-22 i have ever seen,i mean this one has shot many groups that are in the high ones and 2's at a measured 50yds.It shot so well that i talked him into bringing it to a match.He placed a Distant last! So anyhow,shoot em,enjoy em but do not expect to win with em. BTW...i shoot ARA.
derek and brad

This Texan is in the real world!! I can buy any thing,any ranch I want,for that matter.All I asked on the sight was,gee,any 10/22 fans here.I never stated that same old acurracy argument,BUT you unfriendly,stuff shirts,self rightous ones start in. SOOOO, the TRUTH is,you guys practically weld your guns to the bench,and maybe have a fan blow the 2 oz trigger!! it is no longer shooting skill,its who can build the machine. When I am at my club with my high end gun,and someone sits down with a basic rifle,I would not be pugnaious and say,"get a real gun,bla,bla bla" Show a little comraderie.

what am I looking for? I just asked a simple question. I can talk about pistols,without feeling like I have to defend rifles..One fella said get in the real world.You dont think they were unfriendly? I like chinese food,but I can enjoy eating French food too! Show some courtesy,I just asked about some chat..
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I understan what your saying,but to be honest,there are some postings here with cz.Those are not exactly a high end gun,and at rimfire central,there are many postings of small groupings that would be better than some of the bolts talked about here.:)

You came here looking to stir it up if you ask me. That post above proves it to me. You got your answers and not just by me.

Have a great day.

This Texan is in the real world!! I can buy any thing,any ranch I want,for that matter.All I asked on the sight was,gee,any 10/22 fans here.I never stated that same old acurracy argument,BUT you unfriendly,stuff shirts,self rightous ones start in. SOOOO, the TRUTH is,you guys practically weld your guns to the bench,and maybe have a fan blow the 2 oz trigger!! it is no longer shooting skill,its who can build the machine. When I am at my club with my high end gun,and someone sits down with a basic rifle,I would not be pugnaious and say,"get a real gun,bla,bla bla" Show a little comraderie.

I thought I seen your name on the worlds richest list. :D


Worlds Richest 10/22 man.

1. TexasJoe

Well that makes it official.
How's that for camaraderie? ;)

Stump would be proud! :D

Sweet ole Brad

your are showing your colors.All I did was ask.now your getting personal.I just asked a question on the site,then the rudeness started,NOT with me.
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