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  1. T

    berger 200 hybrids in 308

    I noted your speed of 2580 the accuracy node is 2600+ more specifically between 2600 - 2665fps, depending on barrel freebore 4 grove vs 5r an so on...most folks i have talked to say they can tune them to shoot flat. all the best Trevor
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    Adding weight to Shehane St 1000 vertical plate or horizontal round bar.

    Thanks everyone appreciate most of your feedback ;) The 1" dia tungsten rod seems like the right combination. Assuming it is readily source-able i be looking to get a section to max out my weight. Wilbur...interesting view point. i never lose but my interpretation is probably different...
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    Adding weight to Shehane St 1000 vertical plate or horizontal round bar.

    Good Evening I am currently 1lb under max weight and i would like to add weight to the rifle stock for balance and recoil reduction. My initial thought was to use a piece of flat steel and add it vertically to the end of the stock before the recoil pad. After some internet research i found...
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    Was Ferris Pindell's magic bullet 80 gr. or 105 gr.

    i believe this is the thread you are looking for. James Hardy discusses his relationship here. Trevor
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    Neck turning brass

    May i ask how you put the pumpkin in the lathe without putting bit markers from the jaws on the pumpkin? what speed do you run your lathe I currently turn my necks with a pumpkin but use a drill and think i could get better results with a lathe.. Thank you Trevor
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    300 wsm in a Rem Long action magizine questions

    The 300 WSM case dia is close to the 338 lapua then the 300 win mag. you are better off looking at getting the 338 lapua mag for the 300WSM.
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    To Fireform or not to Fireform

    I have/had this same problem it wasn't the headspace that was the issue it was the back end. The base of the case might not be sizing enough and you are trying to fix it by sizing the headspace more. As others have already pointed out bumping the shoulder more then needed can only cause...
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    Bullet pointing measuring OAL or other methods for more consistent bullets

    Good Evening I am having a friendly discussion about bullet pointing with a fellow competitor and was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the matter. We go about the process differently one person sorts by OAL batches them to the nearest 1,000th and point the similar bullets believing...
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    Bullet Seaters

    To add to the article referenced by Charles here is a discussion about the statistical differences identified in German's journal .,3653500.msg35245709.html#msg35245709 if i picked the redding seater and after seating the bullet turned the...
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    Rcbs aps priming system

    I think he means this one I have it and use it as my only priming system. it works great. you can adjust the seating depth by the set screw underneath the handle this allows me to set so the primers seat with a little crush fit. i find the large primer pin works better for both small and...
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    GD 503 Powder Scales

    thanks for your imput much appreciated. I also have a heavy piece of granite and I use a tuned beam scale with a computer cam, I have a 32 inch monitor so i can see every kernel (varget) deflect the beam and when i do my part even IMR 8208. I was looking at digital for the nth degree of...
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    GD 503 Powder Scales

    without checking it against a better scale how would he have known that the scale started to drift. he could tare but would he need to do it after every weighing? I don't know enough about digital scales so if the GD503 is too costly and too many people have issues with the ACCU 123 would...
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    Bulzipro scope boosters.

    those who have used the bulzeye. when the recticle was enlarged was it easier to remove parallax. 2ndly if your scope setting is already adjusted all the way in (clock wise) to try and remove parallax will the booster even work? Thanks trevor
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    Accurize a balance beam scale?

    The pan freezes at various points sometimes it will not move even after removing and replacing the pan with a charge of powder other times it will stall near the middle and finally at the top when I initially place the pan on the scale. Trevor
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    Accurize a balance beam scale?

    Here is my question how do i make the magnets weaker. Can i sand them down so they are farther apart? Can i cover them with some material without interfering with the beam? If i remove them do i screw up the scale? I have a parker tuned scale and it still (sometimes) gives me fits. The beam...
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    New action design nearly done

    Hi Eric Is there anymore updates are you actions availabe for purchase? Thanks Trevor
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    Meplat closing, and coherence among ballistics programs

    HI Law Dog (my apologies for getting your name wrong on the other thread) Could you expand on the Kevin Cram tooling. When you are discussing it are you refering to your tests with the 338 bullets where the meplat was thinned allowing for a tighter closing with your Pindell gear, do you find...
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    Meplat trimming & bullet tipping?

    Here are the links Pointing tool Effects of Meplat Trimming New Bullet Pointing...
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    lost on jump/jam from ogive..... please help

    Boyd Please describe your process. I split a case neck and place the bullet out as far as i can then close the bolt absent the firing pin assembly. take an avg of the three attempts and this is what i use as a refernce point. Trevor
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    Moly Paste content

    would you mind letting us know what you find. Thanks Trevor