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  1. MColeman

    Another reminder to be careful!! Savage 338 Lapua Kaboom

    A lot luckier that Virg Wosniak and Virg was shooting a 6 PPC.
  2. MColeman

    Brady Report

    We're doing very well, thanks.
  3. MColeman

    Brady Report

    I went to see Brady this morning and couldn't believe how good he looked. He's feeling great and says the doctors are so pleased with his progress they have put his amputation surgery on hold for a time. He may not even have to have it done.
  4. MColeman

    Brady Report

    Jim, Don't know the address he's in room 581 of Noland Hospital which is inside Jackson Hospital. I know it sounds crazy. It might be easier just to send it to his address in Fort Deposit so Diane can take it to him.
  5. MColeman

    Brady Report

    Went to see Brady again today and here's what I found: He's doing better and better--talking well--eating ice by the bucket and sends all of a big 'Thumb's Up'. He sends his deepest appreciation to all of you.
  6. MColeman

    Brady is much improved....

    as of this morning. His eyes are open and he is alert. They are removing the trache today so he will be able to talk. He was watching TV when I got there at about 8 AM. I didn't stay long but he tried to respond but I couldn't make heads nor tails what he was trying to say. I'm sure he's...
  7. MColeman

    Brady Update VII

    If you study this picture for a minute you can begin to understand health costs. Brady has his eyes open and tries to talk but can't yet. His arms are secured to keep him from pulling things loose. He understands things to some degree but goes in and out. He is breathing on his own.
  8. MColeman

    Brady V

    Just got home from the hospital. Brady is continuing to improve though slowly. He had his eyes open this morning but you could tell he was groggy. He won't remember a bit of this ordeal which is a good thing. He needs a shave. :) Scott, his son, said they are going to install a trache...
  9. MColeman

    Brady has started....

    to show some signs of improving according to Diane. I can't remember what she said exactly but it was promising. I'll probably go up to see him tomorrow morning and will have a better report tomorrow.
  10. MColeman

    Brady Update IV--posted with Brady's family's permission

    Let me know when you're coming. I'd love to see y'all again.
  11. MColeman

    Brady Update IV--posted with Brady's family's permission

    They continue to keep him heavily sedated. He has a long way to go yet. The doctors told Diane if they had waited a few hours longer to come to the ER that Brady would not be alive today.
  12. MColeman

    Brady Update III

    Mebbe I will and mebbe I won't. ;) (You know I will, bein' a gracious Southerner an' all)
  13. MColeman

    Brady Update III

    Went in to see Brady this morning. Of course, anybody in ICU looks bad compared to a wholesome clean living human like me but he did look OK. ;) He is still on the respirator and his eyes were closed but I took his hand and told him to squeeze my hand. He never opened his eyes but he...
  14. MColeman

    Brady update II

    I wish the same for you and the missus, Glen.
  15. MColeman

    Brady update II

    Roger, are you sure we're talking about the same Brady? Just to be on the safe side I'll give the one in the hospital your message. ;)
  16. MColeman

    Brady update II

    Tom, I think the hospital took the watches as security for the X-ray machine Brady was coveting but I'm not sure. I hope you and Carolyn have a very Merry Christmas. I miss you guys.
  17. MColeman

    Brady update II

    I went by the hospital yesterday and talked with Diane and Scott. They drained 300+ ml of pus off Brady's left lung and it began to function fairly normally. They are going to put in a central line so he won't have so many tubes to deal with. His color is much improved as is his general...
  18. MColeman

    Brady update:

    They are keeping Brady knocked out (that's the only way they can keep him from singing 'In The Pines', I reckon) but are taking him into surgery this morning to try to drain some of the fluids. The night nurse reported that his color is improved. We should know something more this afternoon.
  19. MColeman

    Brady Knight

    has just been admitted to Jackson's Hospital in Montgomery with pneumonia. He is in ICU and the doctor's consider his condition to be serious. I'll post more when I know more.
  20. MColeman

    Paul Dorsey.....Left the range

    My deepest condolences. Paul was a friend to me even though we never met face to face. He helped me more than once. I share your grief.