Brady update II


Club Coordinator
I went by the hospital yesterday and talked with Diane and Scott. They drained 300+ ml of pus off Brady's left lung and it began to function fairly normally. They are going to put in a central line so he won't have so many tubes to deal with.

His color is much improved as is his general appearance. We are 'cautiously optimistic' but he still has a long stay in the hospital...Diane spoke of a few weeks yet.

That's about all I know at this point. I'll probably go back up Sunday to check on him. I didn't try to go in to see him during visiting hours because they are keeping him sedated. We'll see how it looks on Sunday.
when you go check to see if the doctors took all the watches he has won from the shooters off of him, maybe that's why his lungs are heavy.

HI Mickey,,,thank you for keeping us aware of Brady's condition,,,,he is a true gentleman and unique favorite song of his involves the frog on the knot on the log....tell him to sing it for us all again...he is in our prayers and wish him a Happy 2013 and another shooting season....Roger
when you go check to see if the doctors took all the watches he has won from the shooters off of him, maybe that's why his lungs are heavy.


I think the hospital took the watches as security for the X-ray machine Brady was coveting but I'm not sure.

I hope you and Carolyn have a very Merry Christmas. I miss you guys.
HI Mickey,,,thank you for keeping us aware of Brady's condition,,,,he is a true gentleman and unique favorite song of his involves the frog on the knot on the log....tell him to sing it for us all again...he is in our prayers and wish him a Happy 2013 and another shooting season....Roger

Roger, are you sure we're talking about the same Brady? Just to be on the safe side I'll give the one in the hospital your message. ;)