Brady Update IV--posted with Brady's family's permission


Club Coordinator

They continue to keep him heavily sedated. He has a long way to go yet.
The doctors told Diane if they had waited a few hours longer to come to the ER that Brady would not be alive today.
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Wilbur, speaking against Bill Monroe is sacreligous!:cool: I take it that you are not a Bluegrass fan. Merry Christmas. James
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Two things: 1st:: Let's all say a prayer for our friend Brady Knight
2nd: James, if there's three things Wilbur loves, they are,, "In The Pines",,,, a large pizza after a very large dinner,,, and coffee, coffee , coffee,, after midnight.
Two things: 1st:: Let's all say a prayer for our friend Brady Knight
2nd: James, if there's three things Wilbur loves, they are,, "In The Pines",,,, a large pizza after a very large dinner,,, and coffee, coffee , coffee,, after midnight.

While we are keeping vigil on Brady, he would be pleased the "Gold Dust Twins" are keeping vigil also.

For years Wilbur and HFV (Tommy) traveled together to SE shoots and did famous things like they broke the bolt handle off a Stolle Panda on Saturday, glued it back on with Superglue Saturday night and shot it all day Sunday! ( I always called Tommy and Wilbur the Gold Dust Twins.)