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  1. D

    What a WONDERFUL Winter it has been...............

    We have had a mild winter in east tennessee, grass growing like crazy, trees leafing out, has been in mid 80's this week. I am afraid that a frost will come and kill a lot of things, the worst part here are the storms and hail, happens somewhere around about every day lately.
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    Remington 40XB

    imr 4064 shoots good also with 50-55 gr bulletts, at least it does in the two I have.
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    I'm NOT Politically Correct

    John, great article.
  4. D

    Beer thread!!

    I'm thirsty.........
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    Beer thread!!

    Well what kind of good beer does everyone like? I like Sam Adams, but there is a lot of good micro brewed beers out there and more comming. If you enjoy shooting, you probably enjoy a good suds.
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    remington 40-x bore cleaner

    I like jb and am going back to walmart and get the rem 40x. Thanks everyone, I know that there is more opinions on cleaning and cleaning products than aholes, but wanted to know from people that have used it.
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    remington 40-x bore cleaner

    My thoughts also.
  8. D

    remington 40-x bore cleaner

    I started to buy this yesterday at walmart, is this a good borecleaner? Is it as good as shooters choice, which I use? What do others think about it.
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    way off subject, travel to mexico?

    Leave on, if this is the way it is, I will not be going to mexico, at least we know how it is. I was in nicaragua recently for a while, wasnt afraid just watched what was around me, no problems. I would not go to mexico after seeing this
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    way off subject, travel to mexico?

    Believe that I will stay way north of the border, will stay in tennesee.
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    Butch's Twill Patches

    I use sinclair, very good patch.
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    old grumpy guy humor

    He looks like a guy, who is a teacher and just shot two other teachers in Knoxville tn.
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    powder life

    I shot some imr4064 a little while back that my dad had, had a price on it of $3.75, it shot as good as the last purchased. I asked a dupont powder man a few years ago about powders and he said that they were still loading out of old war supplies, not to worry about it as long has not been wet...
  14. D

    Rem 40-X ?

    Jackie, guess that barrel has a lot to do with it, thought about how foolish after I sent reply. I always was led to believe that the 40x was a more superb action though. Guess the trigger didnt hurt either.
  15. D

    Rem 40-X ?

    I dont know myself, but I have my dads old 40x with a hart barrel and 2oz rem trigger, and it is much more accurate than the 700 hb varmiters and any of the stock rifles. I have a savage vlp that shoots very good, but will not hang with the 40x. It will one hole them if you can do your part...
  16. D

    Homemade front rest

    That is great, my dad used to build rifles from mauser action, heavy barrel varmit guns. He was good at wood and fitting, didnt do the machine work. He has been gone 19 years, I didnt learn near enough from him.
  17. D

    Post a couple of recent photos

    I still have my old canon ftb, made great pictures, but now it is a new world. I am wanting to buy a good camera at present, dont know if I want a dslr or not, have a fuji now with only 4mp and 10x lense which I have had for some time. There is a lot of new stuff coming, dont know enough to know...
  18. D

    Rem 40-X ?

    I found a bob peace price list dated jan 1986, dont know how long after that he was in operation.
  19. D

    Rem 40-X ?

    My father built benchrest, varmit rifles back in the old days using mauser actions and douglas barrels, later rem actions etc. He loved the 22-250 and built them in this caliber, which was a wildcat then. I have some letters from douglas about his barrels and accuracy etc. Will look them up and...
  20. D

    Rem 40-X ?

    I think tha Bob Peace ? in Texas used to be a distributor of them in early 80's.