remington 40-x bore cleaner



I started to buy this yesterday at walmart, is this a good borecleaner? Is it as good as shooters choice, which I use? What do others think about it.
I haven't seen this, but if it's the same stuff as their previous bore cleaner, a grayish sort of slurry stuff that needed to be shaken to mix the solids with the liquid I think I'd stick with Shooter's Choice or Butch's Bore Shine. The earlier Remington bore cleaner was described by a well known shooter/gun shop owner in Western WA as JB bore paste mixed with something else. I'd have to agree.

OTOH I could be completely wrong, although that rarely happens until I open my mouth or start clacking away at the computer. :eek: :D
I've used it for years all through its many container changes and it is used when you would normally use JB bore paste. It is much handier to use and easier to apply than JB. And for a heavily fouled bore, it achieves the same results with much less cleanup. Handy to have around and it makes not a whit of difference where you buy it.

Works good just like jb, you don't need to use it after every target but at the end of an agg it gets the build up on older barrels out pretty quick.
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I like jb and am going back to walmart and get the rem 40x. Thanks everyone, I know that there is more opinions on cleaning and cleaning products than aholes, but wanted to know from people that have used it.
How do you guys use it? I occasionally use Isso on a patch wrapped around an old brush.
What do you do afterwards to make sure you've got it out of the bore?
How do you guys use it? I occasionally use Isso on a patch wrapped around an old brush.
What do you do afterwards to make sure you've got it out of the bore?

A patch wrapped around an old brush soaked with Rem 40X will work fine. I follow it with a dry patch and then one soaked with Kroil (or any good penetrating oil), followed by another dry patch.

I am a cast bullet shooter and have been using J.B. exclusively for years.

After cleaning with J.B. using my normal cleaning routine the 40X will continue to pull out lead that the J.B. inadvertently left behind.

I do have some concerns in regards to the abrasiveness of the 40X but I am currently still using it with hopes of not experiencing any ill affects.
