Search results

  1. D

    accurate .22lr

    Comments on expected accuracy To me, expected accuracy of a hunting rifle is not the same as expected accuracy shooting off of a bench, with a high power scope and wind flags. And of course there is the expected accuracy of the hunter who is behind the trigger. Take a look at the rifles being...
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    Hypothetical about sound

    I would think the sound results from the rapidly expanding gases and the rapid movement of the bullet while in the air. If it was fired in a vacuum, the only "noise" would be in the gun itself, no air to get vibrated and transmit the sound. If there have been accuracy tests at high altitudes...
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    Ammo Testing Velocity

    Folks use different length barrels and that will have an effect on the velocity. And folks will measure the bullet's velocity at different distance from the muzzle, and that will effect the velocities. I have no idea what Eley uses for a test barrel or where the velocity is measured. As to...
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    Personel attacks........

    Over two years ago I posted this (Names removed as the idea can stand on it's own): "I have been stewing about your post for a while and finally decided to share my thoughts with you. I do so as I appreciate the help you have given me and the friendship you have shown me. If you take the time...
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    resurrection of a 1965 Rem 40X 22 lr

    I have a 1st year production 40X with a 36x Weaver scope and I do not aim by adjusting a front rest. Some folks do, I don't. And I don't shoot free recoil. Given you have shaky benches and you are starting out to develop your skills, I suggest you not spend the money on expensive rests, tops...
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    High end scopes

    Expectations... I think one big difference is in our expectations before we buy. After you have bought the scope you have, if it works well, fine. And there is the trust factor expectations for future performance. When I went to Africa I had a Leupold straight 4x scope on my rifle and I...
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    22 match ammo

    It is true that some rifles like certain ammo best... I say this based on my own experience and observation. I don't know why it is, but it is. Pacecil's post is interesting and I guess I could speculate on one factor that might make good ammo shoot better in one gun than in another. The...
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    Air rifle question

    CMP has Daisy 853 or 953 air rifles I think the price is about $230. Very accurate. Very quiet. Trigger needs some tweaking, but a very fine air rifle in .177 and you may find it so nice, you want to shoot too, so go buy two.
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    UPS Store not gun friendly...

    Hi Todd... And a plug for USPS Registered/Insured mail. I recently had a high end rifle to ship. With Registered Mail, the package has to be signed for every time it changes hands. The Hope Diamond was shipped with much fanfare that way. the pleasant surprise was it cost considerably less...
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    shooting between heartbeats

    On a more serious note... I have read a book on pistol shooting by a Russian who was very expert. A long time ago, sorry, I forget the Title and author's name. A comprehensive and lengthy book. He spoke of it. And in hunting, while sitting, waiting and watching through the scope, I can see...
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    shooting between heartbeats

    Too slow and you're a dead shot Too slow and you're a dead shot.
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    POI Changes due to position of the Sun

    Probably not When the sun is hitting a front bead, it can act like a full moon, half moon or a new moon. Some of the articles from black powder days and early smokeless days speak of this. Different mechanics if you will with a scope.
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    How accurate do you think my 10/22 is?

    Try also has a lot of info on the Ruger 10/22 rifles. That site has many thousand members and most are pretty helpful.
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    USA today Poll

    Look at the address, old 2007 going around Look at the address, all of what I have received is from 2007 and not being used anymore. I believe one typed and easy to read SHORT letter via the Post Office to your Congressman or Senator is as effective as anything can be. And worth a whole lot...
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    peep sights

    I thank you Laser... I am impressed. First time I have ever seen an apology on line. Thank you, shows lots of class. I too have opened my mouth when I should have kept it closed. And you can't go back in time. But as an aside, I have found I can put the large toothpaste tube up to the...
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    peep sights

    Laser, you are being a jerk A young, hard working man asks a question here. Laser responds "P.S. If you press the shift key while you type the first letter of each sentence that letter will be capitalised, thus allowing you to enter the ranks of those who regard thier correspondents enough to...
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    100 yd golf ball

    Egg shoots.. Go to this site and read up. Pretty close idea to what has been posted. I have taken part in it for the past few years. Centerfire shoots 200 and 300 yards. Rimfire 100 yards, 9x scope max. 3 sets of 5 eggs each, 10 shots per set max. Person with...
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    range safety

    Range Safety All rounds should impact a berm designed to stop them.
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    Our Sport vs Others

    My thoughts on this subject... Tried to comment on this subject about 2 years ago, as a new shooter to the sport. I got slammed by many for asking my questions and making suggestions and the folks doing so just don't seem to realize that every newby is learning, like they expect you to know...
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    200 18x iron sites cmp 40x

    Reason for the larger black bullseye... For those that haven't shot with aperture sights in a while, the smaller apertures, 2.0 or 2.2 depending on how much of a stock crawler you are, will leave just a slight ring of white around the black. That makes aiming a lot easier than otherwise. The...