Search results

  1. L

    Gunsmiths gone bad

    Of course they work on several guns at once. But having 50-60 guns is stupid-esp when going on a big game hunt for couple weeks. As far as the customer 'shopping around', absolutely. Who wouldnt dont. Having 50-50 (or more) guns just is 'job security'-customers be dammed-knowing full well...
  2. L

    Gunsmiths gone bad

    i am not a smith...but why would areputable business want someones stuff and 50-60 guns setting around. Why not say "ill be able to get to it in 4 weeks and will advise when to send it in". Then in due trime email and tell owner to SHIP. Seems to be a much better way. If gun not recieved in...
  3. L

    Hearing Protection

    I used to shoot a .22 pistol all the time without protectors, hell, its just a .22. From deaf shooter-above. I was at my gun club a couple yrs ago at 'sight in days'. Couple (several) young guys showed up. One group was shooting 44 mag-no ears. "we do it all the time" was the response!! Oh well.
  4. L

    Hornady's New 17 Hornet

    I asked at Jays here in N Mi-they have/had one with the kinife in a fancy wooden box for $1200. Said they have then 'on order'. Have no idea when they will come in. They are a 2 store outlet-biggest in the area. I asked at Bass Pro-near Knoxville, Tn last week. Have not been able to get any...
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    Hornady's New 17 Hornet

    Why does something have to be a 400 yd round to be any good??
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    Hornady's New 17 Hornet

    Wonder if you will be able to buy one by the end of 2012?? Im waiting for the Browning 1911-22-for the anniversary of Browning 1911. None anywhere I checked-yet. 1911+100 will soon be gone.
  7. L

    Rimfire ammo.. Eley??

    That would work if boxes are all the same-and most likely are. I have some Club or whatever and it is in black plastic boxes.
  8. L

    Rimfire ammo.. Eley??

    I have not seen it but how would it work if it was packaged red box and then didnt meet spcs.. Unbox it and make it Black or Blue... I doubt it. I guess I have not seen Red or Blue. Are the packages, not labels, different than Black
  9. L

    Rimfire ammo.. Eley??

    Burtona-The ammo would have to be produced and placed in large containers prior to testing. When it was decided if it is red, black or blue than it would be packaged in 50s/500s/5000s. So when shooters get tried of paying the high price for X-act and Red box-then what?? Will they just quite...
  10. L

    Scope boost

    That is what is so great about these/this sites. What an offer.. does the offer mean it dont always work??
  11. L

    One of my better investments

    The Golden Rule= He who has the gold rules. Rockefellers and Kissassinger cleaned out Ft Knox in the 70s and blamed most of the problems on the Hunt brothers.
  12. L

    Bloop Tubes on Tuners?

    Most likely for more weight and farther 'out' on the barrel to help get it tuned.
  13. L

    Hornady's New 17 Hornet

    Savage w/ accutrigger would be good.
  14. L

    Federal Gold Metal Target

    Is that the ammo that CMP just sold for $3/50 rounds??
  15. L

    Where do I look for new or used Rimfire rifles

    Go to a match near you and ask around. Someone will have one for sale or direct you to someone who does. Could even get a chance to shoot it before you buy it. That probably wont happen when bought on line.
  16. L

    Lighter fluid substitute

    I see 'rustystud' has told us what the difference(s) are. At one time Coleman made stoves/lanterns that burned 'any fuel'. The only thing that could have been different is the generator on the stove/lantern.
  17. L

    Lighter fluid substitute

    So how does 'Coleman fuel' differ from our $3.85/gal no lead gasoline?? Someone told me Coleman is distilled one more time. I have a couple cans, partials, of coleman. I wont pay $8.88. I suspect the cans I have are marked $1.69.
  18. L

    Bernoulli Effect

    Hunted Squirrel couple times on a woods that bordered the Synvania Country Club. Very large oaks with a small stream that was loaded with wood ducks on one occasion. Got stuck in a farmers field where potatoes had been dug. Had to get the road commission grader to come back and pull me out. Was...
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    And was CMO, Charlie Madison Obama or who?? Anyone know?
  20. L

    Anybody in Texas Want Some Rain?

    Im in N MI and could use a couple inches anytime now. We have had here (much different 100 mi away) 0.43 inches in the last 25 or more days. We went a spell in Late May--June where we got none in 26 days. Sand and it goes fast. We could get 3" overnight (8 hrs) and would not see a puddle when...