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  1. sbindy

    30BR and N-130

    Thanks for all of the replies and starting point for N-130. This barrels was new to me last year and I tried every powder I had on hand between H4198 up to Benchmark. The list included AA2230 and 2015, H322, and RL 7, and N-133. None of them produced the combination of accuracy and velocity that...
  2. sbindy

    30BR and N-130

    I have been using H4198 and it has worked well, but I finally got some N-130 to try and was wondering where I should start with the load development. The load I am currently using is mild compared to what I have seen that others are using, 32.8grs at 2875 fps. As I increased the load, the groups...
  3. sbindy

    Factory class etc... aka "leveling the field"

    What are the sizes of the bulls BTW?
  4. sbindy


    When I recommended H4895, I thought it was for a .223. With a .22-250 I would go with IMR4064 instead, or H380 if you like ball powders.
  5. sbindy


    If the brass is dirty the load is on the light side. IME, even when loaded up this powder leaves the barrel looking like a coal chute. Mag primers won't help. Been there, done that. H4895 is a MUCH better alternative.
  6. sbindy

    case weight variation

    IMO, the best thing to do would be to weigh and group the cases, then test it to see if there is a difference. Develop a load with the heavy cases, then try it in the light ones and see what happens. Try mixing up some cases of different weights and fire some groups. I weighed 2 lots of Lapua...
  7. sbindy

    Savage 10FP 308 20" or 24" barrel??

    I had one with the 20" barrel and it was very accurate. It liked Sierra and Nosler Competition bullets with IMR 4064. I replaced it with a 30BR barrel since I already had another .308 that shot even better. Its a Tikka T3. The barrel on that rifle is as good as the 30BR. If I were to get another...
  8. sbindy

    .223 br bullet/brass combo slection

    I would start around 24grs and work up. The Bart's bullets shoot well. One of the advantages I like about seating into the lands is that you can do some load development during fireforming. It may not result in the load you end up with, but it will give you a range to work in. Since this is a...
  9. sbindy

    .223 br bullet/brass combo slection

    I use Lapua brass in my .223. The advantage to them is in the uniformity of the neck thickness and the case body down by the web. They don't go into a banana shape nearly as easy as other .223 brass. You will have to start lower and work up because the Lapua brass is softer than LC. As for...
  10. sbindy

    FL Sizing Problem

    Redding makes shellholders that are different thickness' to change how much the shoulder gets bumped.
  11. sbindy

    New to shooting.

    Ben, I would take a look at the Tikka heavy barreled varmint rifle. It has a 1-8 twist barrel that you can shoot 80gr bullets at long range, and 60gr FB from Sierra and Berger work really well at close range. Berger even goes up to 64gr FB. The Tikka comes with a much better barrel than a...
  12. sbindy

    Ejection issue

    He had been shooting 49grs and is now at 47.5.
  13. sbindy

    Ejection issue

    The chronograph tells the story. Right now, with 1.5grs less powder, your getting more velocity. Hard extraction and split necks are usually from a load that is too hot. A lever action just doesnt have the extraction capabilities of a bolt action, so if it is anywhere near a warm load it will...
  14. sbindy

    reloading equipment questions.....

    I use a Redding Type S Bushing FL die with a .328 coated bushing for my 30BR. I use Imperial wax on the body and nothing on the shoulder or neck since the bushing is coated. Right now I have a Wilson seater, but may get a Redding comp seater so I dont have to carry so much stuff to the range...
  15. sbindy

    still trying to get rid of the flinch......

    There are a couple of things that help me to keep from flinching. The first is to use ear plugs and ear muffs. The second is to exhale when pulling the trigger. Even though I shoot free recoil, it seems to help. Just last week it got warm enough for me to go to the range, so I took my .375...
  16. sbindy

    Point me in the right direction: Case sorting by volume?

    I had decided to weigh my cases to sort them and always felt that in order to find case capacity, thats what needed measuring. A case can weigh different if the rim is thicker or thinner,etc., just too many variables that affect weight that might not be in the capacity of the case. So, I took...
  17. sbindy

    New? 71/2 remington primers

    I developed the load I'm using with the 7 1/2 primer. I wasn't able to try the Fed 205M because at the time I couldn't find them. Now that I have 2000 of them, they will get tested this spring. I guess to answer your question, No I haven't tried any other primers in it.
  18. sbindy

    New? 71/2 remington primers

    All of the 7 1/2's that I have are 3 leg anvils and they shoot great in my 30BR.
  19. sbindy

    whats max loads for 6mm berger 95vld in 243.

    I havent shot the Berger's in a .243, but I have shot alot of 95gr Nosler BT's, and they like 41grs of H4350 or 45grs of IMR 7828. Loaded to mag length the jump is .030. I used Fed 210M primers in Lapua brass. If you are going to shoot them with jump, go with the H4350. If you seat to the lands...