whats max loads for 6mm berger 95vld in 243.



I was told by berger they would email non moly 95 vld loads for my 243 today, and i did not recive any messages.. Im not impressed with thier customer service.. Does any one have max primer/ load recomendation for varget, re 19, h1000, and any other pet powders for the berger 6mm 95 vld.. I will reduce the loads recomended by 10 percent to start, so if you have bergers max recomendation please state that it is thier stated maximum so i know where i am at. .. .. , thanks dave..
I have shot them, and I think your looking at the wrong powders. You may want to try h4350, IMR4350, or reloader 17. Primers I used CCI br2's, and the load I had good luck with was around 40gr's and it is hot.

For Berger's load data, you need to e-mail Walt Berger bergerltd@aol.com
It will take a couple of days for him to get back to you but he will, or you can call Sinclair's http://www.sinclairintl.com/ they have been contracted to be advisers for Berger bullets.
I havent shot the Berger's in a .243, but I have shot alot of 95gr Nosler BT's, and they like 41grs of H4350 or 45grs of IMR 7828. Loaded to mag length the jump is .030. I used Fed 210M primers in Lapua brass.

If you are going to shoot them with jump, go with the H4350. If you seat to the lands or jam, then use IMR 7828. Both of these loads shoot under 1/2" at 100yds, and go over 2900fps from a 24" barrel.