still trying to get rid of the flinch......



It's not as bad as it used to be, but how do you get rid of this bad habbit?
go burn a thousand rounds of 22LR, and wear double hearing protection.

While sitting at the bench have someone else load or not load the rifle for you with you not looking. RANDY
There are a couple of things that help me to keep from flinching. The first is to use ear plugs and ear muffs.

The second is to exhale when pulling the trigger. Even though I shoot free recoil, it seems to help.

Just last week it got warm enough for me to go to the range, so I took my .375 H&H (for some reason:rolleyes:), and short stroked the bolt on one shot. When I pulled the trigger, nothing happened except for the click. My first thought was a dud primer, until I opened the bolt on an empty chamber. My eyes didnt blink and the crosshairs were still on target.

The hearing protection helps me the most. I wont flinch even with heavy recoil, but loud noise will mess me up.
A friend told me to count silently from 10 down to 1 when I was on target & ready to shoot & the trigger would fire itself sometime in that period.

It's amazing how quickly it became a conditioned reflex that bypased the flinch.
About 30 years ago I started shooting a 300H&H and developed a flinch. I set little plastic bottles full of water at 100 yd. Shoot with both eyes open and concentrate on watching the bottles blow up. They will blow before the muzzel jumps. Later you can concentrate on seeing the bullet go thru your target. You don't have to see it but if you think you can, thats enough. On a clear day, you can see 22 rifle bullets if you don't flinch. Kenny
Do not fire until you are relaxed. If you are properly relaxed before you pull the trigger you will not be able to flinch even if you wanted to. Just make sure you are in control of the rifle, finding the method to control the recoil while being relaxed is the key.
plugs & muffs

Ditto on the ear plugs and ear muffs-also "FOCUS" on the target and practice,practice,practice-Stan-share your sport:)
also try

Also remember to wear a good solid style hat as the bones in the skull also trasfer noise to your ears. Even the type of glasses you wear can make some difference.

I don't know your style of shooting, but on my heavier recoiling (and louder) guns (like my 30-416) I put a piece of rubber or a good tactical cheek pad to cushion my spot weld. Nothing worse than being slapped in the face with that stock.

Good luck.
Put in a 3 pound trigger (or greater) and shoot like that for a while. It won't take long till you are forced to look the target all the way through the shot. Learn to ignore the gun going off.

Want the flinch to come back. Stick in a really light trigger. It won't take long.
Not trying to be smart but don't start with a 30BR (saw your other posts)
It's not as bad as it used to be, but how do you get rid of this bad habbit?

I'm with you... I had it bad from years of hunting with too large of guns. When I started shooting BR and had to concentrate on a small target, the flinch went away extremely fast. I would say within two weeks.
