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  1. R


    I don't have a solution, Boyd, but the characters you are getting are HTML code for the desired characters. Maybe you have an option somewhere to turn on or off HTML or use plain text, etc.
  2. R

    New IBS Grand-Agg Record ...

    At the Vermont State Championship (Yards) this weekend in St. Johnsbury, Randy Jarvais put up a 250/22X on Saturday and an amazing 250/18X at 200 yards on Sunday for a tentative new IBS record agg of 500/40X. To make this feat even more impressive, only two of 22 shooters stayed "clean" at 200...
  3. R

    Sorry for the "intermission"

    Au contraire, Wilbur. Thanks millions to you for your efforts ...
  4. R

    Herb Llewellyn shoots 250-25x at IBS Score Nationals

    Good on ya, Herb. Get that all out of your system before you come to Vermont ...
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    compact O-frame press?

    The only benchrest "O" press I've seen is the one by Bob Dodd, RFD, which I think Bruno's is a copy. If you've gotta have one, good luck. There are several "C" presses that are good and strong or the Harrell's or Hood's "flat O" style.
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    The Great Ammo Drought

    There is no solution to the greedy/hoarding dilemma. Those doing it think it's OK, those not doing it don't agree. It's kind of the American way. If I can, I will; if you can't, too bad. The aspect of hoarding that most troubles me is the people who go around to gun shops and just buy...
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    New Cooper

    Everybody's mileage varies, for sure. I now have three Coopers -- a Model 22 in .22 BR and two Model 21s in 6 and 22 PPC. They are the finest non-custom rifles I've ever owned. The .22 BR has been a bit finicky, but with a couple of good loads is a consistent 3/8" five-shot group at 100 yards...
  8. R

    BAT Model S

    Lee, I'm no expert but I have two BAT SV's -- a 30 BR and a 6 PPC, both RBLPRE -- and I think they are the best of the best. Short, light, extremely strong and as accurate as anything out there. If there is a drawback it would be the reduced bedding area, but I've seen no indication of that...
  9. R

    The .0077" Rifle ...

    Nice story on the Mike Stinnett rifle ...
  10. R

    Some discussion on the "new" IBS target, please.

    1. My old cloudy eyes still "see" black-on-white the best. 2. Why try to fix something that isn't broken. I read these forums several times a day and don't ever remember seeing a post complaining that the group target had lines too thick or that groups were getting mismeasured because of bold...
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    Thoughts on Roof design for covered line

    Range Roofs Calvin, attached is a picture of the shooting line at Caledonia Forest & Stream Club, one of the ranges referred to by vtmarmot above. All my photos are of shooters and none show a clear picture of our roof, but this one is close. As vtmarmot says, a roof of any kind increases...
  12. R

    Help Determining Fair Value of a BR Rig

    Greg, I would go onto Bob White's "Shooters List" and find a comparable gun. In all honesty, used BR rifles do not have a fixed value. A $3,500-to-build rifle can go for nearly half-price when it's time to sell it. I've bought several top-of-the-line used BR rigs for $1,800 to $1,900. The dies...
  13. R

    Mac McMillians' LV .009 World Record Is Under Assualt

    The original post merely states that the record is .009" ... it does not even mention what the potential new record might be. No harm, no foul. Feel the Peace. Good luck to Mike ...
  14. R

    Bolt Click (Again)

    RAG2, didn't notice in any of your posts, but does the bolt have "click" with new brass? After how many firings did it start to click? Before the 30 BR came along and the 6 PPC was still king of score shooting, just about every competitor at our matches had some form of bolt click -- from...
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    H 335 powder

    Andy, according to this ( link, H335 does not have direct ADI equivalent. It's a "ball" powder, very similar to W748.
  16. R

    Are we so "cowed"??

    The Drill Sgt. taught ... "This is my rifle, this is my gun; this is for fighting and this is for fun" ... careful with the usage of "gun", Greg ...
  17. R

    90* Triggers:

    Peter, my friend, I think you post is dated a day early ...
  18. R

    Canjar Trigger for Ruger #1

    No. 1 trigger You probably already know, but Eben Brown is one of the shops offering accessories and work on Ruger No. 1's ( and carries the Moyer and Kepplinger triggers ... but nothing is "cheap" these days.
  19. R

    Resizing mystery (to me, anyway)

    Peter, I find that Imperial works very well with my BR cases that are only minimally sized, but it does not have enough lubricity when sizing cases fired in factory chambers. Wayne hit it, use RCBS or any slippery lube.
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    Kroil in the bore

    I've never used Kroil for a lubricant, it is a penetrating oil and a good one. I know of no product that cleans barrels better than Kroil and J-B's. To each their own.