H 335 powder


Bench 1

Unfortunatley the supply and demand is about to catch me with what powder I have left.I stoped by my local supplier today hoping to pick up some N 133 but was sad to see the shelves were almost completely empty. This guy has some conections and has always been able to get stuff when most others couldnt. I ask him what it was looking like getting some in. In which it was met with chuckle he said he had no idea and that he had never seen it this bad. Primers and powder are not out thier he said he got a shipment in the other day and they sent him 1,000 large rifle primers only out of a order for 75,000. He did have 1 8lb jug of H335 but I have never shot it before I bought it thinking It would be good to have as last resort. I was hoping somebody could tell me something about how it shoots in a ppc or if it is even worth messing with.

I shot H335 in my 6ppc Cooper last summer with mostly 1/2 MOA groups. 27 to 28 gr under 68 to 70 gr Barts and Speers. Velocity was 2800 to 2950. Just a little slower than V133 with same amount of powder. These were fireform loads since I was getting low on V133.
Just out of curiouity

Just out of curiouity what ADI powder is H335. I am assuming here that ADI are making this powder for Hodgdons since they make several others.
I haven't used H335 for quite awhile after trying it in .223's. Some lots gave good accuracy and velocity with standard SR primers while others would give lousy accuracy with anything but magnum primers (CCI 450's), but never as good as the lots that shot well with standard primers. I just gave up on the stuff.
Thanks for the info. I have talked to others who have said the same thing. I guess I will just put it away and use it for shooting rabbits and deer if it comes to that. I did find 6lbs of N133 that a local gun smith has. He wants to do some trading for some cci standard velocity 22LR I have. After looking on gun brokers I think I am going to hold on to them I never thought 22Lr would sell for $145.00 a brick. Thats crazy considering I paid $23.00 just 3 months ago. I bought 2 cases should have bought more. Biden made a statement the other day and said that $1,200.00 hunting will seem like a good trade for a $50.00 wal-mart gift card if you dont have any bullets. If you can not shoot it why keep it. Get ready boys its going to get ugly before this is over with.