Are we so "cowed"??

I read the Forum all the time, though I don't contribute that often. Over the years I've noticed that Francis is attacked or maligned quite often. Charles

If we can't pick on Francis life would be dull.

You gotta' know and love Francis to understand.

(No, not that kind of love dammit)
Doesn't matter...

Charles - can't tell if your post is serious or in jest.

This time of year, Francis needs to be posted into submission. It's been waaaaaay to long since he's had his knuckles rapped by a sister!

BUT, be careful how you talk to Francis. He's really, really old.

Matter of fact he was in Michigan before it had two peninsulas!!

I think then that my post was successful. I met Francis at the Nationals at Holton in 2010, my first year shooting. My tenth match or so. I shot the first relay on bench 11, Francis drew bench 9. Me being the new shooter I was, and Francis being the experienced shooter and gentleman that he is, he just naturally helped, and boy did I need help. He wasn't the only shooter that offered help and advice. But, Francis offered his assistance with his unique style and sense of humor.(or maybe he was just amused with me?) I can't help but think, that if I wasn't such a pain in the ass with all my questions, Francis would have dropped several fewer points. And if not he certainly has a plausible excuse. That's the only time we've shot together, but we have talked on the phone a couple times and at the annual IBS meeting. Francis is definitely one of the good guys. But, then again who among us should escape harassment from our fellows, especially when they present such a good target. Thanks Francis. Cheers, Charles

Francis doesn't need any help dropping points. Points, X's, his teeth....something is always dropping!
He may be old but he is still fast.

We were talking about how God made dirt and he began waving around the recipe he wrote down when it was made, he dropped it so I was going to get a look at it but before I could pick it up he swooooped in and grabbed it right up.
Be gay with a gun in your hand! Traditional definition....PLEASE!!!!!

The Drill Sgt. taught ... "This is my rifle, this is my gun; this is for fighting and this is for fun" ... careful with the usage of "gun", Greg ...
Since you mentioned hairy a$$e$ I thank God he made women attracted to them. It's a miracle to me they are not all lesbians.