The Great Ammo Drought

Don't have a reasonable supply of whatever...ammo, bullets, primers, brass, rimfire are pretty pathetic! Greg

How so? Mayhap you just turned 21 and are a new member in the shooting community. This makes you pathetic?:confused:

maybe pathetic was a bit too strong a word to use for the unprepared. oops...perhaps the unprepared is too strong a reference about victimized by the system? :) Greg

But, in reality in the BR game you need to be 2 years ahead in your components imho. Why not, the stuff is better than money in the bank, and it won't ever be any cheaper unless the liberal element of this country wins out and nearly totally bans gun ownership.

Speaking about price, I stopped into LL Bean today. The last pound of Triple Seven I bought was $24.95, about 8 months ago. Today it is $35.95!!!!!!!!!!
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maybe pathetic was a bit too strong a word to use for the unprepared. oops...perhaps the unprepared is too strong a reference about victimized by the system? :) Greg

Speaking about price, I stopped into LL Bean today. The last pound of Triple Seven I bought was $24.95, about 8 months ago. Today it is $35.95!!!!!!!!!!

Last summer I purchased a bottle of Trail Boss from my LGS for $15.99.
Two weeks ago I purchased a bottle of Trail Boss from the same LGS for $17.50.

Gas has had a higher % of increase than powder, sounds as if you got ripped off, course it was L.L. Bean.
maybe pathetic was a bit too strong a word to use for the unprepared. oops...perhaps the unprepared is too strong a reference about victimized by the system? :) Greg

But, in reality in the BR game you need to be 2 years ahead in your components imho. Why not, the stuff is better than money in the bank, and it won't ever be any cheaper unless the liberal element of this country wins out and nearly totally bans gun ownership.

Enlighten us as to just how a new guy starting into the BR game as you put it can be prepared?

Prepared 2 years in advance when one didn't even realize he was getting into "the game".
Spare a thought for we Aussies. Seems like Hodgdon is grabbing all the powder we can produce here & we can't get the likes of Varget under the domestic label - and we don't even get to vote in your Presidential elections. ;)
Guys, I started this thread to pass on some info from Guns & Ammo magazine that attempts to explain the ammo shortage, not to start a pissing contest between members or as a political soap box. Please start another thread of your own if you want to keep up the childish bickering. Thanks.
I didn't buy

Last summer I purchased a bottle of Trail Boss from my LGS for $15.99.
Two weeks ago I purchased a bottle of Trail Boss from the same LGS for $17.50.

Gas has had a higher % of increase than powder, sounds as if you got ripped off, course it was L.L. Bean.

I have at least a two year supply! :)
Pretty tough

Enlighten us as to just how a new guy starting into the BR game as you put it can be prepared?

Prepared 2 years in advance when one didn't even realize he was getting into "the game".

At the moment. Hopefully things will change.

I was told by a reputable bullet maker ,that cut my order down 20% .to not worry i wont let you run out, guess what i have 45 115 30 s that he makes left .good thing i have found some of these and some of those.and also have a lazer 6ppc to shoot as well . Dont give me the pathetic stuff not buying it,,,, good thing they cant hoard up bass fishing lures and rods,,, shoot x s they are big bucks and hard to get...

If they can't get jackets they simply can't deliver even thought I'm sure they were honest in that they promised you. Even the bullet makers have been caught short.
Berger bullets

Just got off the phone with the rep at Berger bullets. For weeks I have been trying to find 70 grain .224 VLD bullets. I'm on a number if back order lists, checked almost all the dealer's web sites listed on the Berger web site..... NO JOY.
In talking with the rep, she said almost all of their production right now is geared up for hunting season. The larger bullets.!!
She checked the production schedule and they should be producing target bullets (70 grain) the middle of Sept.
Tried to get across to her that hunting season is only for a short while, while target shooting, competitions, practice, etc.etc.are all year long. ALSO we shoot more bullets total than most hunters would shoot in a life time. Asked her to pass that along.

You were trolling and got what you wanted.

Christ...Butch give it a rest...can't other people have an opinion (on this website) without you bashing them at every hard as you support the 2nd Amendment you trample all over the 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" are no better than the rest of us have some courtesy or keep it to yourself...
hunting clubs and retired men are the #1 enemy for shooters right now, sad to say. They're the guys that camp out, team up, and buy every single round of .22lr, 9mm, 45acp, 38/357, 223, 7.62x39, etc.. They buy it at walmart, dicks, Academy, cabela's, etc.....then flip it at a gun show, in a LGS, or online. No matter how much a person complains or how bad a situation gets, another man's greed will keep the shortage going.

This, the third post, seems to be the one that started the pissing contest.
In all honesty, most people including myself only think it is fair if it is going my way or the way I think it should.
Blaming someone else for my lack of preparation for the ammo shortage is rather petty on my part.
considering there is no "shortage"...there is only a fabricated buying out. Greed is what has caused the "shortage" and nothing more.
considering there is no "shortage"...there is only a fabricated buying out. Greed is what has caused the "shortage" and nothing more.

I'm not sure what you mean by "fabricated buying out". Explain please.

If someone buys more of a product than they currently use in order to ensure that they have sufficient quantity for future needs, is that greed or prudence?

Before I retired in 2005 I stocked up on non-perishable reloading components while I still had a decent cash flow. I don't think that makes me greedy.
There is no solution to the greedy/hoarding dilemma. Those doing it think it's OK, those not doing it don't agree. It's kind of the American way. If I can, I will; if you can't, too bad.

The aspect of hoarding that most troubles me is the people who go around to gun shops and just buy whatever's on the shelf, whether they need it or not. Having a reasonable stock of supplies that you use on a regular basis is, indeed, prudent. Buying things to resell at "scalper" prices is certainly the American way. There is an aspect to our capitalist attitude that I've got it and you don't, so therefore sucker, I'm smarter than you. The result of that is that sportsmen's worst enemy becomes other sportsmen. I wish there was more camaraderie in the corps, more people willing to say I've got enough for the next two years, I'll let somebody else have some. But I don't think that's going to happen.

There are some signs that the supply chain is starting to trickle and most distributors and dealers are doing a reasonable job keeping prices down. Most of the hoarders will either tire of it or run out of money after a while. A problem I fear is what happens when dealers finally have supplies on their shelves and thousands of their would-be customers have already got 10 years worth of supplies in hand? That could lead to drastic price reductions and/or business failures.

Lots of curious things in America these days ...
Christ...Butch give it a rest...can't other people have an opinion (on this website) without you bashing them at every hard as you support the 2nd Amendment you trample all over the 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" are no better than the rest of us have some courtesy or keep it to yourself...

Eddy, Can he post his opinions and I can't disagree?
I'm not sure what you mean by "fabricated buying out". Explain please.

If someone buys more of a product than they currently use in order to ensure that they have sufficient quantity for future needs, is that greed or prudence?

Before I retired in 2005 I stocked up on non-perishable reloading components while I still had a decent cash flow. I don't think that makes me greedy.

what I mean is, as i stated earlier, the guys that are camping out and waiting till the stores open each day...buying every bit of ammo...then going online, to flea markets, to gun shows, to other shops....and reselling for a profit. They don't buy ammo to shoot or hoard or store or anything OTHER than to flip it at an elevated prices that continually propagates the insane prices we're currently seeing.
Christ...Butch give it a rest...can't other people have an opinion (on this website) without you bashing them at every hard as you support the 2nd Amendment you trample all over the 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" are no better than the rest of us have some courtesy or keep it to yourself...

The use of the Ignore List is a wonderful feature in this site ... especially when activated for deserving souls! :)