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  1. ScottD

    Benchrest history

    If you can find a copy of this book The Ultimate in Rifle Precision: the 1949 Yearbook of the Bench Rest Shooters' Association there were several others published up through the 50's also - Great reads and source of information. Even has all the...
  2. ScottD

    River Bend, Georgia Score Match Results --4/11/09

    Looks like y'all had a great match with plenty of wind. Kills me that i missed it. Congratulations Bob - Great shooting in some tough conditions. Good job on Ben Foster too - looks like it was a match to the end between you and Nick. And of course thanks to Dave, Ray, Brett and Bob for...
  3. ScottD

    LVFS question

    I'm not sure i really understand the question ....but if you shoot in a HV match - you are contesting the HV record (regardless of how much your gun weighs) and if you shooting in a LV match you are contesting the LV record.(you cannot shoot a heavy gun in the light class). Furthermore, you...
  4. ScottD

    Cheryl Hood surgery

    Amen Boy it is a relief to hear that Mrs. Hood is doing well. She may not know it, but there were lots of prayers coming her way on Monday. Cheryl and Charlie are some of the great people that make the Shamrock the event that it is. The Hoods were truly missed and we are all thankful for the...
  5. ScottD

    100yrd br?

    Moving backers I agree - a Savage in .223 or 6BR is the ticket. At least it is the ticket until someone else brings a full blown Benchrest Rifle - don't worry it will happen. As far as moving backers are concerned.... The Eastern Benchrest Shooters Association was formed in 1947. Moving...
  6. ScottD

    RiverBend Gun Club March Madness

    Nick ...I like the 6x42Bauer, but the crux to any wildcat cartridge is where can you get any good brass? Small primer pockets please? It would make a great deer cartridge if blown out to 30 cal. Kinda a short 300 Savage.
  7. ScottD

    RiverBend Gun Club March Madness

    Here is the report Nick - Don't look at your 100 yard agg vs your 200 yard agg. Look at your targets and you will find 4 or 5 individual shots that sealed your fate. (Of course using that same math my 600 yard agg would be in the teens:)) I...
  8. ScottD

    RiverBend Match 03/14 - Dave Rabin Wins

    If you didn't come to today's match at Riverbend, the first match of the year, you missed out. Actually you missed out on a cold, wet, windy match. I think we all spent more time in the scoring room trying to stay warm, than we did shooting. The first match of the year makes me think of what...
  9. ScottD

    observations from the range today...

    That is great shooting - you should be excited about that. These guys are right about wind flags. A 22 caliber 52g bullets at 3200fps has a 10mph wind drift of 12" at 300 yards. So, you did great for that much wind and no windflags. Using windflags will only make the groups get smaller.
  10. ScottD

    group diagnosing???

    Vertical stringing is caused by "not enough powder". Not sure why its never too much powder - everyone habitually always goes up. This may not apply to you but in my personal case..... Horizontal stringing is caused by "not enough brains"....causing me to always mumble to myself ..."watch the...
  11. ScottD

    wind flag question

    Boyd is right. Its not the weight - or lack of weight - if the surface area of the vane is not large enough comparatively to the surface area of the pinwheel; then the flag will rotate on its axis. Been there - done that. Either use smaller pinwheels or no pinwheel (i.e. counterweight) or...
  12. ScottD

    Ain't it the truth

    Reminds me of something that happened in the grocery store one time. I was in line behind this woman who was in line behind this older gentleman. She lays her purchases on the belt. She had a dozen eggs, a half gallon of orange juice, a loaf of wheat bread, and a tube of toothpaste. The old...
  13. ScottD

    Kids BB guns

    2nd update E gads! On the new list of things not to do. Don't let your kids take their Medals to school to show off. Especially when there is a picture of a rifle on them. Luckily one of the reasonable teachers got wind of it and made sure they got home quietly. The next day she took her...
  14. ScottD

    Cold weather bolt lube

    Synthetic I use Mobil One synthetic grease - even when its really cold it is still comes out of the syringe.
  15. ScottD

    Weaver scope with adj rings I can't believe that - never seen or even heard about those. It is a straight tube scope - no adjustment...inside a set of adjustable rings - looks like the rings are made by weaver too. The rings...
  16. ScottD

    Benchrest Starter question...

    Jackson...what you need is a rifle and ammo. To start with anyway..... The problem is not what you need - it's what your gonna want. You will want a new front rest ...actually probably two or three. A rear bag - probably two. One of every loading gadget known to man - and two of every gadget...
  17. ScottD

    Kids BB guns

    Update This is Sarah(L) and Claire after their first match. Both did fantastic and lead their team to a Third place finish out of 10 County teams. In addition, Sarah took 1st place in overall standing position with a score of 91 out of 100. That was out of more than 70 kids.
  18. ScottD

    Case cleaning

    ultrasonic all i use any more is ultrasonic 80/20 vinegar/water with a little soap then water rinse with baking soda added then rinse in hot water - let dry overnight. clean inside and out.
  19. ScottD

    Colored Coroplast

    Coroplast This is where i used to buy mine in colored sheets. it can be painted - but I never found a good way to cut it cleanly - i would think some type of hot wire or blade would work well. I ended up using a bandsaw with a blade made for cutting...
  20. ScottD

    Wind Meter

    I use one almost every match I use a windmeter at almost every match. I write the match reports for BRCentral and our clubs newsletter. So during one of the breaks in the match I will measure the wind so I can say "wind was gusting to 10 mph" That's about all they are good for. Scott