LVFS question



Here is the situation that I find myself in and I believe others share my misfortune. Having spent a year of time or at least a portion of in the building of a 10.5 lb. rifle worthy of taking to a regristered match, I find no match to compete in. Being of the stubborn type or just plain ignorant I intend to campaign this rifle anyway.
Now for the question, if in the course of a`match, if one should be so fortunate to break the record for LV and also break the record for HV would he or she garner both records as the LV gun is also competing against HV guns in a HV class?

In all humility
Danny Hensley
I'm not sure i really understand the question ....but if you shoot in a HV match - you are contesting the HV record (regardless of how much your gun weighs) and if you shooting in a LV match you are contesting the LV record.(you cannot shoot a heavy gun in the light class). Furthermore, you can even shoot your LV in an unlimited match and garner the Unlimited record if you can.

Simply put, the match being held (LV or HV) determines the records being contested - not the rifle you enter.
Danny is referring to VFS matches...Danny, when you fill out the registration form, you designate the rifle as a HVFS or a LVFS. The only record you can break is the one in which you register the rifle. There is at least one shooter that will campaign 2 LV rifles this year, but one will have to be registered as a HVFS in order to meet the new rules. That rifle will only be eligible for HVFS records even though its a light gun. That's the name of the game when both classes are shot during the same agg.

As Scott pointed out, this is the way its always been done in group shooting. Many shooters shoot one or two LV rifles throughout the course of a 2 gun event, but when shooting the HV 100 or 200, all rifles are HV...
Now for the question, if in the course of a`match, if one should be so fortunate to break the record for LV and also break the record for HV would he or she garner both records as the LV gun is also competing against HV guns in a HV class?

Danny Hensley

No, if you shoot LVFS that is your class.
In the past the LV record has been higher than the HV record in at least one instance I can recall.
