Search results

  1. Renegade

    Salem Pistol and Rifle Club results, 5/28

    We shot our first match at Salem since last years NE Regional last evening with three shooters in attendance. Rick Ingraham, John French and I met for the first of our summer Wed. evening shoots with John and I shooting LV and Rick shooting HV. Conditions were decent with temps in the high 50's...
  2. Renegade

    Salem Pistol and Rifle Club match Sat. 5/31

    btt So far we've got a half dozen or so shooters for next weekend's match at Salem. If I'm not mistaken this will be the only opportunity besides the Northeast Regional for shooters in this part of country to compete in the BIPM for the May/June match so if you'd like a shot (pun intended) at a...
  3. Renegade

    Progress Report

    Couldn't have said it any better than that, Joe. I hope we can build on what Steve and the other founders of USARB started and make Air Rifle Benchrest even more enjoyable than it already is. Todd
  4. Renegade

    Salem Pistol and Rifle Club match Sat. 5/31

    The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club in Salem NY will be hosting its first Air Rifle Benchrest match of the year on Sat. 5/31. We'll shoot two 3 target matches beginning at 9 am with bbq lunch between the matches. Please give me a heads up here or by email if you plan to attend so I can plan the...
  5. Renegade

    NorthEast Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Champion, Salem NY, June 28-29

    Pete, I'm sorry if I scheduled this match on top of one of yours...I thought I'd checked all of the North East rimfire and air rifle schedules thoroughly before I chose the dates just so this wouldn't happen:( Todd
  6. Renegade

    Love my New LV Class Air Rifle!

    Mike, I'm sure by now she's discovered there's absolutely NOTHING to do around Salem except count cows and your trip is in jeopardy! Have her look up Manchester, VT, Saratoga Springs and Lake George in NY. They're all between 30-35 miles of Salem and have a lot more to offer. Hope this helps! Todd
  7. Renegade

    NorthEast Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Champion, Salem NY, June 28-29

    I had forgotten all about the BIPM when I posted the match announcement (It's been a long week:o) but Brian Kelly just jogged my memory with a very generous sponsorship for the HV/BIPM match to be shot Sunday morning during the NE Regional. $100 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd and $50 for 3rd. Thanks...
  8. Renegade

    NorthEast Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Champion, Salem NY, June 28-29

    The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club will be hosting the third annual NorthEast Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Championship on Sat/Sun June 28-29 with open practice at the range on Fri June 27. We're still in the planning stages but in an effort to introduce the much larger NE Field Target group to BR...
  9. Renegade

    You had to be there....

    Hats off to Garrett and his crew for a match that ran like clockwork for the most part. I thought when I saw the schedule that there would be no way they could pull it off but they nailed it to within about 10 minutes. Not only did they put on a first class match, they gave away over $20000...
  10. Renegade

    Ev-2 for Sale in Classifieds

    Hi Steve, The Northeast Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Championship will be June 28-29 with open practice on the 27th. I have your deluxe accommodations in the mobile guest room reserved and have found a Daisy Red Rider BB gun for you to shoot the 50 yard Open match with. Todd
  11. Renegade

    Ev-2 for Sale in Classifieds

    Ev-2 for Sale in Classifieds- Sold
  12. Renegade

    BIPM and USA Scoreline Holbrook, MA April,5 at noon

    I'll see y'all on Saturday. The brown truck is bringing my new TM-1000X action and the parts to convert the old TM-1000 to LV tomorrow, plus I hope to have a benchrest stock finished for the Dawson by the weekend. Todd
  13. Renegade

    RIP Gary Mitchell

    I am so sorry to hear of Gary's passing. He was one of the great ones, always willing to help his fellow competitors no matter how new to the sport. Rest in peace Gary. Todd
  14. Renegade

    US NATIONALS Early bird registration ending TODAY

    Garrett, My PC wouldn't let me fill out the online payment so mine's on the way via snail mail. Todd
  15. Renegade


    Team Ukraine has been on my mind as well. I have had the chance to meet them....and get my butt kicked by them. Great guys, and I hope they are all safe. News from Ukraine tonight seems a bit more positive, hope the situation can be handled without more bloodshed. Todd
  16. Renegade

    Electronic Triggers

    Straight from the pick which end after reading. I dug out my 13 page copy of the Agenda from the WRABF/ERABSF meeting after getting a couple of phone calls and a pile of emails on the subject of rule changes today. I'm sorry, but I don't visit the forum very often anymore and...
  17. Renegade

    Pinnacle Mountain 1/11/14 Results

    Dave, As nasty as the ride in sounds, I still would have liked to have been there especially if it turns out that it was the last match at Pinnacle. I've enjoyed every match I've shot there since '03 and hope that your health improves so that we can all enjoy Pinnacles gentle breezes and...
  18. Renegade

    Jan. 11 - Air Rifle Bench Rest @ Pinnacle Mountain

    Dave, I'm sorry to say I won't be able to make it to the match tomorrow. The job I'm on requires me to work 7 days a week to stay ahead of the migrant workers (politically correct term, not the one I use in private!) that have invaded our area:mad: I had hoped to get enough done this week to...
  19. Renegade

    Holbrook Results 12/7/13 Chris or Pete are you missing your Air Tank?

    I wish I could have been there Paul! I hope you are feeling better soon! Congrats to Mark and Dan for the wins....getting kind of used to seeing those names at the top! Todd
  20. Renegade

    A friend- airguns- and questions

    Here's the one you want-.25 HM1000 from Rapid Air Weapons! ! I would have tried for the fly on the bottom of the target, myself:cool: Seriously, the HM1000 is mouse fart quiet and a high quality rifle based on the TM-1000 and BM-500 that many of us are...