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  1. V

    Russian MU-12 Rifle

    I have one. What do I think about it? It's an interesting bit of kit - from the fifties I think. The trigger is a bit of a pain and the bolt-cocking is not exactly 'knife through butter'. I keep thinking I might have a play with the spring - and it would be good to fit another trigger...
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    dasher barrel lengh

    I'm shooting 105 Bergers with my Dasher and a 24 inch barrel in 600 yd benchrest. I'd use a longer one but this was a cut-down 6-284 (cheapskate) but it works very well. Vince (UK)
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    6x47 swiss match

    Swiss shooter I've had a few rifles chambered for the Swiss Match and 6-6.5x47 Lapua. The cases are very similar - the SM is about a millimetre shorter in the body and a millimetre longer in the neck. Thus, Swiss Match size brass can be created by simply running the 6.5x47 Lapua case though a...
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    Mike Walker

    Jeff, Target Shooter magazine will do an obituary for Mike in our April issue. Would you permit us to use your photograph? Incidentally Jeff, I don't know if you remember me but we met at the Benchrest Worlds in Austria a few years ago - I was part of the GB Team. Many thanks Vince (UK)
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    Bipod for F-TR?

    Guys - we have a write-up on Seb's first Joystick bi-pod in the March edition of Target Shooter which will be on-line any day now. Laurie Holland - who wrote the article - shot a 100.13v with it yesterday in an F/TR competition at 500 yds on the F Class target (with...
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    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    The Stiller guys came back straight away - the holes are the same as the Panda! Should be an easy swap. Vince
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    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    Thanks guys - I've used an iron before to release Araldite epoxy but I didn't know if it would work with Devcon or JB Weld. Also, Jerry Stiller warns about using too much heat with the Viper's glue-in tenon insert. The stock is rubbish anyway so if it doesn't come out, I don't mind destroying...
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    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    That's about it Seb - the Viper isn't mine but the price is right - especially if the screw-holes line up - I was hoping someone would know. I will get the Viper at weekend and take a chance! Cheers Vince
  9. V

    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    Seb - the Viper seems to be glued into the stock with Devcon. I don't know if it has screw-holes - I'm assuming it has. It might come out of the stock but I may end up destroying it. I'd just like to know, before I start, if the Viper will line up with the pillars in the new stock. If I...
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    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    Thanks Seb - yes, it must be close but the Viper (not drop port) is a glue-in and I might have to destroy the stock to get it out - which makes it less of an attractive proposition. Cheers Vince
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    Panda and Stiller Viper - how close?

    I've been given a really nice benchrest stock which formerly housed a Stolle Panda (screw-in). I'm building a 600 yd Light Gun BR rig and I know where there is a Stiller Viper action going very cheap but how close is it to the Panda footprint? Don't mind milling out and re-bedding but the...
  12. V

    Need a F/TR rifle built. I have a few questions

    If you look on the Great Britain F Class website at there is a write-up on last year's European F Class Championship - probably the biggest F Class shoot in the world. The equipment list for the top ten F/TR shooters shows three Barnard P actions, two Savage, three RPA (a...
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    New to F-class, help please!

    Seb, I did hear a rumour (from Brian Fox) that you might be coming to Diggle Ranges for a shoot? Vince
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    New to F-class, help please!

    Hi Seb, Vince here from the UK - I'll be at the Europeans and we'll look after you. Basically, you will shoot at 8, 9 & 1000 yards on each of two days - Friday and Saturday. 15 & 2 to count at each distance but 2 and 20 at 1000 yds. That means about 112 rounds plus 'blow off' shots - say...
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    Savage #12 F/TR 308 Reloading Question

    Mike, Why not start off by looking at what successful F/TR shooters are doing? If you look a the GB F Class website at you will see a couple of Top Ten equipment lists - for the Europeans and the GB League. You'll find which bullets and brass, powder, primers etc are used...
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    Regarding Precision Shooting Mag

    George, That would be good! Cheers Vince
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    Regarding Precision Shooting Mag

    Thank you George for your kind words about our magazine - Target Shooter - We also have a free iPad/iPhone app. As with Precision Shooting magazine, we are always looking for suitable articles and big match reports from your side of the pond. (Anyone going to the...
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    Anyone shooting 7 WSM?

    I'd start five thou. off the lands - then try moving the bullet forward in five thou. increments. I ended up about 7 thou. into the lands. Vince
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    Anyone shooting 7 WSM?

    I've always used about 66gn of Reloader 25 with the 180gn Berger (work up slowly as RL25 can vary in speed from batch to batch) A lot of the F Class shooters use Vit 165 but it didn't work for me. Vince (UK)
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    UKBRA changes the rules

    Jackie, I don't know of a 30BR benchgun in the UK - though I have all the components - reamer, bullets, barrel etc to build one - but for group shooting, is it really worth it? Vince (UK)