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  1. S

    World Individual Postal Competition - October 2013

    Hi all Ponomarov - 9003 Bozhenko - LG400 Karpenko - LG400 Velichkin - LG400 Guzerchuk - LG110 all rifle with CZ barrel
  2. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    Translation probs. Volume of chamber, u're right.
  3. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    1. When I said: "The shorter barrel is - the more accurate will be rifle", I've wanted to admit, that: The longer barrel is, the more time bullet will be inside of it. While the bullet is inside of barrel (≈2.8ms), the whole shooting complex can be affected by some of the oscillating factors...
  4. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    Very hard for me to explain it in English. But I will try. :) My son will translate.
  5. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    Let me simply show some targets to you. Not really the best of.
  6. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    Let me simply show some targets to you. Not really the best of.
  7. S

    Optimum Barrel Length

    The shorter barrel is - the more accurate will be rifle. But barrel's length should be as short, as it's required to get the necessary power. Usually barrel's length is something nearly 500mm for 20-23J.