Optimum Barrel Length

The shorter barrel is - the more accurate will be rifle.

But barrel's length should be as short, as it's required to get the necessary power.

Usually barrel's length is something nearly 500mm for 20-23J.
Welcome to the dark side Andy ;)

This guy’s worth listening to Peter, he knows his stuff.

I recently fitted a 17” (432mm) barrel to my TM1000 (16J) and it is unquestionably shooting better. Whether that’s because of the reduction in length from the standard 19” or whether it’s just a better barrel, I don’t know.

Ya, but Bill, how powerful a gun would you need to get the pellet down a bore that long. Plus, even if it made that trip, by the time the pellet reached the muzzle it probably would't have enough energy left to make the long trip across the .1 meters of open air to the target. Or were you talking about when facing the conditions of shooting Indoors?

bbl length

Who has the figures to prove that 500mm or 19 11/16 is the optimum length...............show me the beef!........and who did the study and when?
Not doubting it but would like to see the test data.

Frank Tirrell
optimum barrel length

Great shooting my friend but I have a 26 inch that does the same thing and so prompted my question.......and seriously thinking of cutting it off.

Now if one took a long barrel and cut it off and recrowned the thing very well every time say removing an inch or maybe two each time, strictly kept comparing apples to apples for each test and recorded all groups shot in a controlled environment then we would have some pretty conclusive numbers to evaluate.

Then too HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE NOT REACHED A GREAT TUNE LENGTH if it shoots best at 23 inches?

I would agree that there is an optimum barrel length for a given volume of air or even caliber........your thoughts?


Just to throw my 2¢ worth into the mix, it's my feeling that you should only cut from the breech end and not from the muzzle as with each stroke of the saw you'll be shortening up the choke and might eventually run out of it if you took enough of that 26 inch tube away.

And, about reaching 23 inches only to find that was where you wanted to stop? There would be no way of knowing that until after you had removed that next inch. And as we all know or have found out at one time or another, once she goes, she's gone.

Frank, if yours is a shooter now, please don't mess with it. I've seen pictures of your gun and it's a beauty all the way around.

Dave Shattuck
Welcome to the dark side Andy ;)

This guy’s worth listening to Peter, he knows his stuff.

I recently fitted a 17” (432mm) barrel to my TM1000 (16J) and it is unquestionably shooting better. Whether that’s because of the reduction in length from the standard 19” or whether it’s just a better barrel, I don’t know.



From where did you source your barrel? Custom air rifle barrels does not seem to be too easy to come by.

Hi Brian,

Great link. There is so much to learn, so what is "Polygon Rifling" as compared to other riflings? I guess it is not the method of rifling? I must also find someone to machine the barrel when the time comes.

I'll let you know if I need export help:)

Hi Brian,

Great link. There is so much to learn, so what is "Polygon Rifling" as compared to other riflings? I guess it is not the method of rifling? I must also find someone to machine the barrel when the time comes.

I'll let you know if I need export help:)


I'll let more informed air rifle shooters than me answer that one Jörgen. It doesn't seem to work well in 16J rifles from what I understand, but in 23J + I've heard some good reports.

Bbl length

In kicking this barrel length thing around it would seem that perhaps a place to have a look for the answer are the guns that win or presently hold records.
I would bet that the lengths vary a bit if not a lot, particularly if they are custom barrels. Another factor in the equation are the standard factory lengths of bbls. This sorta dictated the accepted length that we all initially bought into thinking they were smarter than we. I haven't checked the winning stats out but they really do not indicate anything unless there is a trend. Then AND ONLY THEN do we have something to make a fairly definitive statement on.

I still say it can be calculated.

Thanks for the Kudos on the gun Dave......lots of work.

Frank Tirrell
The shorter barrel is - the more accurate will be rifle.

But barrel's length should be as short, as it's required to get the necessary power.

Usually barrel's length is something nearly 500mm for 20-23J.

How do you go about finding the necessary power for a given length, or the reverse?

So, if 500mm is the standard (usually) for 20-23J barrels, a 27J barrel aught to be longer still?
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