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  1. V

    I just can't pass on this

    Boys, boys....... stop the food fight and let me explain to you what it likely going on here; 1) This photo was likely an Adobe "Photo Shopped" picture. I doubt that the PD/Sheriffs depart would orchestrate such an assembly in front of an Acadamy Store. 2) The message related to this...
  2. V

    new long range rifle

    haha.....exactly what I was thinking! Incredible 100 meter group. And a 5 shot group no less!.....not a sllly 3 shot group.
  3. V

    Shipping a rifle?

    This is a commonly reported occurrence about things in the shipped box having disappeared.....especially magazines. Worse case scenario, what's to stop the FFL agent or one of the workers in the shop from stealing the bolt out of the rifle altogether if he so chooses......or accidently dropping...
  4. V

    270 Win or 280 Rem

    Bottom seem to want to be talked out of a 280 and into a 270 ......if the 270 is your preference, go for it so you're not unhappy later. IMHO, now that the great 270 advocate and outdoorsman Jack O'conner has been dead for a generation or two of new hunters, I've been hearing a...
  5. V

    Texas Senator Ted Cruz....pour it on!!

    He looks solid as a rock......and as cool as a cubecumber wnen having to tangle with these Democrats! Let's hope Senator Cruz remains that independent and fearless spokesman for conservatives that he's been thus far....... and hope that he doesn't get corrupted with the "go-along to...
  6. V

    Help with an AR

    Tom. It's a "redi-mag" holder which is a device that simply keeps another spare magazine ready to go. In the photo it is holding a 20 round mag but will hold a 30 as well. It's a matter of personal preference of which system you want to use to hold a spare magazine, and some guys simply use...
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    Help with an AR

    If all you really want to revert to this weapon is for a SHTF defense weapon, I don't think you can go any better then an Eotech holographic sight. It instantly puts an adjustable intensity red dot on your target. You can also put an Eotech magnifier in back of that sight if you don't mind...
  8. V

    Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15

    In case anybody has still yet to see exactly what his intentions for the purchase was; It was his way to show on video just how easy it was for "anybody off the street" to buy a handgun or an AR15. I suppose for folks that have never cared to own a firearm (ie; half of America) and can be...
  9. V

    Cuomo's gotta go !!!

    ........furthermore.....this is what the good 2nd amendment citizens of NY are up against. If history repeats itself, do you see any similarity here? Both are considered masters of propoganda.
  10. V

    Cuomo's gotta go !!!

    An attorney from NY explained this in great detail on another websight to the chagrin of many of the members there that had instantly taken this announcement to be great news. Essentially what he explained was each county in NY has a Supreme Court. A republican woman judge there ( I don't recall...
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    Cuomo's gotta go !!!

    One day in NY about 35 years ago, I figured it out that I WAS THE ONE THAT HAD TO GO! I did eventually deduct my situation and recognize my reality at the time, that if I was ever going to be at peace where I lived, it wasn't going to be a place that was inundated with liberals and Democrats...
  12. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    Al, BRUX didn't give me any advice. They only tried to be fine folks about it and guarantee the accuracy and my satisfaction no matter what. If the barrel's accuracy is spoiled because of it's being fluted now after it has already been completed, BRUX will cheerfully replace it at no charge...
  13. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    This video just confirms my feelings that the barrel makers who use the cut rifling method are really earning their money, and that the $300 or so that is charged for the barrel blank and labor/equipment costs involved in making that barrel really isn't a whole lot of money for me to have to...
  14. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    Very interesting. I just learned a lot about accurate barrel boring teqnique via reading that, and the reasons why each method will induces more or less stress on a barrel bore. I also found it interesting to learn that in todays modern automated world, the cut rifling machines that Brux and...
  15. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    Yes, about an hour ago after responding to Al's post I googled: "Does fluting a barrel effect accuracy?" There were 6 pages on this topic at Longrange Hunting forums in which the methods of various barrel makers are also mentioned...
  16. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    Hello Al, my opening post I said; "I asked Brux about the fact that generally a barrel maker flutes the blank first before they flute it." What I meant to say was "a barrel maker flutes the blank first before they bore it." Anyway, you seemed to know what I meant. It's interesting...
  17. V

    Does precision shooting magazine exist? Maybe that just makes me very stupid for not having a clue what he was talking about, but you very bright. Congrats.
  18. V

    Applying flutes AFTER the be or not to be???

    After waiting 4 months, I received my 1-8 twist Brux 6.5 barrel this week. It is intended for a 26" sendero style 6.5 Creedmoor rifle and has the typical .820" muzzle diameter of the Remington sendero or varmint contours, but it swells to about 30,000-50,000ths beefier then a factory...
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    Spread the word about this news clip

    Was it really necessary to insult catholics? What a jerk.