Gabby Giffords husband buys AR-15

I love this stuff, [I just past a back ground check]! well I past one in 1969 and haven't had a problem, passing one since, but they still want to take my second amendment rights whats this guy trying to say if my wife got shot I'd be mad also, but I wouldn't blame it on the gun. Some people need to be a little bit smarter so than can see how stupid they are.

Joe Salt
You have to wonder how many 30 round magazines he bought for his new AR 15 modern modular sporting/personal protection rifle. Good choice Mark. We should follow your example.
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i have...multiple times......
i live in co and magpul..the producers of one of the most popular after market mags is here too. they just set up a co only purchase plan..if you live here they will ship them to you at msrp..which is 1/2 of current selling price...
annd will moce out of the state if hi cap mags are banned..

mike in co
You have to wonder how many 30 round magazines he bought for his new AR 15 modern modular sporting/personal protection rifle. We should follow his example.
Move here Magpul!

move out of the state if hi cap mags are banned..

Well Mike, we here in Oklahoma would LOVE to have'em.......... It's still the US of A here in okie land... ALL 77 Counties...! UhhhhHUUU..berry!

If you wanted to make this up you just couldn't. These cats are just amazing. I guess being a liberal is a passport to being stupid.

It was also reported that he was going to turn it over to the local Police Dept as soon as he received it :rolleyes::confused:
Lol On that one Police dept? why did he buy it in the first place?.
Its more smoke and mirrors by the elected Elete.
More laws for us not Them.
The statement/report came out a day or two AFTER the notice of the purchase. Covering his *** I believe.
Yes thats the way it works They become Con men and women.
The big con get elected to a position get on a special interest payroll, Get donations for reelection .
Get special treatment . Oh yes Mr ....... can i kiss your butt today. They live off the good graces of the taxpayers.
Treat you like their servent.
In case anybody has still yet to see exactly what his intentions for the purchase was; It was his way to show on video just how easy it was for "anybody off the street" to buy a handgun or an AR15.

I suppose for folks that have never cared to own a firearm (ie; half of America) and can be swayed and manipulated by the hysterical liberal media and their Democrat friends, this might surprise and alarm those people that we as US citizens can actually walk into most gun shops across America, meet the legal requirements, and buy some sort of a firearm.....whether it be for hunting, target or clay bird shooting, or personal security. For so many truly ignorant Americans .......oh the horror to witness this 240 year old American right in progress!!!!

I'm so disgusted with Democrats and liberals, that I could just spit. They have succeeded in destroying a great nation......and continue to hasten the pace of that implosion.
Yes a Navy Officer and Astronaut must have a hard time passing a background check.
It seems he's keeping the 45 and always intended too. Why one semi auto is acceptable and another is evil I cannot imagine, especially considering his wife was shot with a pistol.
This little gun buying spree has convinced Gabby to post two photos of herself on FB holding an AR and an AK with a breif description of her love and respect for firearms. Yet they both stick to the conclusion rampant peace would break out if we simply ban the scary looking ones of no value to ordinary citizens. On a similar note Feinsteins bill does have a clause in it that agents of the government will not be affected by the ban. How much you wanna bet congessmen and senators are considered agents of the government.

In other gun control news theres reportedly some ambiguous wording in NY's SAFE act. It seems theres a couple passages that MAY make it a crime to own more than five guns. More severe charges for owning ten guns. One interpretation has these charges going into effect if a firearm is used to assault a person (self defense?) The other interprtation is these charges stand alone and create criminals out of anyone possessing 5-10 firearms irregardless of conduct. NY'ers should be worried either way. Hastily, poorly written laws have severe consequences on the citizenry as prosecutors interpret laws in different ways until legal remedy can be found. I wish you folks in NY good luck. Ct's turn is just around the corner.
We New yorkers are doing everything we can to overturn that stupid SAFE law.

We had an injunction denied for Political reasons. I guess the judge was a bought and paid for judge , hopeing for higher office.

That said the fight will continue in appeals court.

We will ALL remember at ELECTION TIME

It will eventually catch up with Them.
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Since there is no Irony, Hypocrisy & Sarcasm section here on BR.Com, I vote this should go into the humor thread.
I have said it before and Ill say it again. The thing that burns my asd most is that they use the School shooting as the launch pad for the latest round of restrictions.
When in truth the AR was in the car and never went inside. The nut only used handgunS. I guess he didnt have high capacity mags so he carried MULTIPLE handguns......

Like Mulder used to say "the truth is out there". The only problem is its being buried so deep no one is looking for it anymore.