I just can't pass on this

Fred J

Active member
I like it but...

I like it but I wonder what the picture was originally taken for.
I kind of doubt the DPS would get involved in it like that.

On another note I do know a few former and present law enforcement officers that shoot, compete and have a great regard for the 2nd amendment but I have known and seen far far more who think that average citizens have no business or right owning firearms. Dont get mad just an observation that has formed over time.
I like it but I wonder what the picture was originally taken for.
I kind of doubt the DPS would get involved in it like that.

On another note I do know a few former and present law enforcement officers that shoot, compete and have a great regard for the 2nd amendment but I have known and seen far far more who think that average citizens have no business or right owning firearms. Dont get mad just an observation that has formed over time.


I'm not doubting your observations, but I do find them curious...especially since you live in Texas.

I live in California, land of the terminal wacko, and have been in law enforcement for 23 plus years now. I would venture to say that the VAST majority of coppers I know have no problems at all with the average citizen owning firearms. In fact, most encourage it. We realize that we can't be everywhere, and our response times vary, so you probably should know how to handle your biz if necessary. I know private firearm ownership came in handy for preserving my narrow, Irish arse one time.

CHIEFS of police are an entirely different story...

NRA Life Member

CHIEFS of police are an entirely different story...

NRA Life Member

Now THAT's an interesting observation!

I've dealt mainly with chiefs lately, and other soft-soled administrators, and found them to be anti-carry almost to a man here in WA. I had two people ask me "why" I'm pro-CCW and in both cases I just looked at them. I couldn't come up with a nice answer :) So I just said "no comment."
I say it based on things I have seen and observed in law enforcement officers.
I didnt mean this based on Texas Law enforcement but and in general statement.
My skepticism was based on how we can see politicians voice their opinions but you generally dont see a State Agency voice an opinion in this manner in any state.
I hoped it was real. Ill would have put it in the news paper, but before I do I was just looking for some way to confirm it or find out what the photo was originally for.

Well while writing this I got to searching for the answer

Here is the original caption for the original picture.
Texas DPS Troopers pose in Beaumont, Texas

Above: Texas Highway Patrol Troopers from across the state were called to aid the Beaumont area with hurricane Rita disaster efforts. Some of their duties included traffic control, riot and looting supression and general security. Several of the boys got together and posed with their patrol units at the local Academy store in Beaumont. Photographer: Unknown.
I say it based on things I have seen and observed in law enforcement officers.
I didnt mean this based on Texas Law enforcement but and in general statement.


I assumed (that word) you were talking about Texas Po Po as that is where you're from. I stand erected.


Chiefs work for, and answer to city managers. Coincidentally, they often share the same views. Funny how that works...

Sheriff's, being elected, work for and answer to the people...alot of whom live in rural/unincorporated areas. Probably why you see more pro-gun Sheriff's than Chiefs.

Yes Zebra I am from Texas.
I say these things based on things I have witnessed, observed and read, along with people and officers I have known.

I'm not doubting your observations, but I do find them curious...especially since you live in Texas.

I live in California, land of the terminal wacko, and have been in law enforcement for 23 plus years now. I would venture to say that the VAST majority of coppers I know have no problems at all with the average citizen owning firearms. In fact, most encourage it. We realize that we can't be everywhere, and our response times vary, so you probably should know how to handle your biz if necessary. I know private firearm ownership came in handy for preserving my narrow, Irish arse one time.

CHIEFS of police are an entirely different story...

NRA Life Member

Justin, While I spent most of my life in the Marine Corps I also was in LE for several years. I gotta tell you that I think LE "today" is in for some trying times. I say this because of many conversations I have been involved with in the last few weeks.

I live out in the country and on Friday and Saturday mornings most of the males of voting age are at the coffee shop for there weekly get togethers and BS sessions. The talk I am hearing is not good from the average guy concerning Law Enforcemant Officers. Most of them are having a real hard time understanding why so many show up and stand directly behind Obama at every speech he gives about the 2nd Amendment, and his push for gun control. There thinking, and my own to some extent, is that they (Law Enforcement) must be supporting him in this battle to take our guns away from us. If they didn't support him why are they there? Why are they clapping and grinning at his every word?

I must admit I am troubled myself by what I see Law Enforcement doing in there support for this clown. If this is there true feelings, and it seems to be, then Law Enforcement without the public's support is in for a damn tough road. Right now that support is dwindling and here in Alabama dwindling fast...

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I think you'll find most of the people behind Obama At that speech were there under duress, some called in sick.

Joe Salt
Boys, boys....... stop the food fight and let me explain to you what it likely going on here;

1) This photo was likely an Adobe "Photo Shopped" picture. I doubt that the PD/Sheriffs depart would orchestrate such an assembly in front of an Acadamy Store.

2) The message related to this contrived photo could be in regards to the fact that recently the Texas Legislature introduced a bill that would require Texas law enforcement agencies to uphold the 2nd amendmant and thwart any attempt by the Federal Government to ban Assault weapons or any other kind of currently legal to own weapon.

This bill recently presented in the Texas House of Rep to safeguard assault weapons ownership against any new Federal Laws. This legislation is mostly a symbolic "paper tiger" that would not survive at court level.......as Federal Law will usually always trump state law.
There has been more than a few Sheriffs in California write letters to the VP stating they would not enforce anti- 2 amendment laws.
Joe Salt, I going to have to call BS on that statement. No amount of prodding or prying or duress would have got me up there when Obama was talking on that subject, no way no how. These are grown men and women, they get to choose, and if they are being coerced then its time for them to put on there big boy pants and stand for something. If they are so weak as to do this because they are being prodded into it they deserve not there Badge or a job protecting the people they are "Sworn" to protect.

If the Constitution of the United States is not enough modivation, and not enough to stand up for. Then what is?

There has been more than a few Sheriffs in California write letters to the VP stating they would not enforce anti- 2 amendment laws.

John, I stand complettly with these departments doing this, I will support them in any way I can and will be proud to do so. The others well thats just another deal all together.

Roland I'm with you on this all the way, but I also hear that the Sheriff's are being told if they don't uphold the law they will be fired! We Elected them so how can they be fired by anyone else, there the ones we should be firing. None of this crap has anything to do about the criminal, there making us the criminals. and people better start waking up.

Joe Salt
Vani if you sroll back up and read what I posted it has a link to the original photo. The photo was not photo shopped however the photo was taken in Beaumont for....
Texas DPS Troopers pose in Beaumont, Texas
Above: Texas Highway Patrol Troopers from across the state were called to aid the Beaumont area with hurricane Rita disaster efforts. Some of their duties included traffic control, riot and looting supression and general security. Several of the boys got together and posed with their patrol units at the local Academy store in Beaumont. Photographer: Unknown.

Some one just used the photo and added their on verbage to make it the way it was for the original post.
Justin, While I spent most of my life in the Marine Corps I also was in LE for several years. I gotta tell you that I think LE "today" is in for some trying times. I say this because of many conversations I have been involved with in the last few weeks.

I live out in the country and on Friday and Saturday mornings most of the males of voting age are at the coffee shop for there weekly get togethers and BS sessions. The talk I am hearing is not good from the average guy concerning Law Enforcemant Officers. Most of them are having a real hard time understanding why so many show up and stand directly behind Obama at every speech he gives about the 2nd Amendment, and his push for gun control. There thinking, and my own to some extent, is that they (Law Enforcement) must be supporting him in this battle to take our guns away from us. If they didn't support him why are they there? Why are they clapping and grinning at his every word?

I must admit I am troubled myself by what I see Law Enforcement doing in there support for this clown. If this is there true feelings, and it seems to be, then Law Enforcement without the public's support is in for a damn tough road. Right now that support is dwindling and here in Alabama dwindling fast...



I've seen the photo-op yahoo's standing behind Obama, also. If I had to speculate, I'd say that some of them are there because they (wrongly) believe in the BS BO is selling. I'd venture to bet a majority of them are command staff of some rank or another.

Some maybe there because they were told to be there. You, being a life-long Marine ceratainly understand chains-of-command, rank structure, orders, etc. I'm sure there was a time or two during your military career when you got some order that you didn't agree with, but you did it anyway...because it was an order. Police organizations are quasi-military in make-up, so if Commander Crouton tells you to get all dollied up in your Class A's and go stand behind the president for a photo-op, you don't have alot of wiggle room. A similar situation would be a few years ago when Hillary was in theatre and took a picture with a smiling soldier. If you looked closely, the soldier had his fingers crossed.

And if you hear a CHIEF or a SHERIFF advocating gun control, don't assume the rank-and-file share the same view. Chief and Sheriff's can voice their political beliefs from the pulpit of their departments. Most, if not all police departments have policies in place barring line staff from speaking freely on matters where the perception is that officer is speaking for their department, is using his/her position as a member of Anywhere PD to add credibility to his statements or beliefs, or causes an "unfavorable" view or reflection upon the department. Sure-fire way to get a carrot snapping, so most of us keep it to ourselves.

Are there bozo cops out there who believe in gun control? Absolutely. Do some of them like BO? Yup. There are bozo's in every walk of life, unfortunately. Sorry to hear about the sitch in Bama'...

Thanks for your service.

I noticed on this mornings CBS news that in another piece on gun control that some of the Dems were meeting with Law Enforcement around the country that supports their anti-gun policies.
I do know some in and some ex law enforcement officers who are not in favor of gun control but I have met and seen many that are.