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  1. R

    Found cause of verticle last few months. Scales.

    Alinwa. I will look for an MMX scale here localy or see if I can get a good jewelers scale. I will be after one I can plug in, not battery powered like this one so I can keep it on for a while as you stated. I will be moving house soon and hope to set up a good reloading room this time, so I can...
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    Found cause of verticle last few months. Scales.

    Rob, I realise that good quality scales are needed now, but money has always been a little tight. I got what I paid for didnt I? John, good tips. I will look into some jewelers scales, they dont have to read grains, just be consistant.
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    Found cause of verticle last few months. Scales.

    After having problems with verticle over the last few months and not being able to get rid of it at longer ranges, I think I found the cause. Useless bloody electronic scales. I was just loading the last 40 of 300 cases for the upcoming 5 day Queens shoot when I looked inside the cases to double...
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    Newlon Precision

    I,m glad they are getting good reports. After finding out that my existing dies were causing excessive bullet run out, I ordered a set of dies from Newlon last week.
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    Primer flattening

    If your barrel was chambered a little deep, then, yes your cases could be slamming back that .005-.006" with factory brass. Are you jamming the bullets hard into the lands with enough neck tension to hold the case against the bolt head when the firing pin hits it? Have you measured if the case...
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    7mm VLD bullet analysis, articles available

    You sure have been putting in a lot of work. I have been avidly reading the series and will be keen to see more bullets tested. It would be good to see something like 187gn BIBs and other flat bases tested as well as the current crop of 6mm projectiles. Good work.
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    Stiller Python

    I know John Giles recommended one for me a few weeks back, I,m not sure if he has one in stock but he might be worth a try.
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    6BRX Sizing ?????

    Are you certain that you have backed the adjuster nut off so that you can wind the bushing height adjuster rod all the way down? Maybe the bushing is not being pushed down to the bottom of its reccess in the die???
  9. R

    Velocity "nodes," is there a

    Concross. I,m not sure where I read it, I think it was in a full bore website or Australian fullbore target magazine.I now think the word the British used for this practice might have been compensation, not regulation. I,m no expert at this, so I am still interested in hearing any other...
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    Velocity "nodes," is there a

    Rust, something else to bring up. I take it that 1 node will be with the barrel at the top, then the next node will be with the barrel stopped at the bottom. I heard of the British using "regulation" I think was the term, where they tune it so it is slightly to one side of the center of the...
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    Where to get zircon sand for bags

    I have ordered a new rear bag and will be chasing something to stuff inside it. As I am in Australia, it Isnt economical to buy the stuff from Sinclair and pay more for postage than my rifle is worth. Which industries use Zircon, so I can narrow down my search.
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    I have to agree with Frankenlaurens, it is my go to powder and has got a few of my guns to perform in everything from 22BR with heavy bullets to 300 Weatherby with light bullets , with a few different sizes in between. I have been using a 4 year old batch lately but have just switched over to a...
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    accuracy node for 7mm magnum or WSM

    There appears to be nodes around 2950 fps up to 3050 fps and up to 3150 fps. I was expecting that with similar barrel lengths that there would have been a more definite velocity range, say around 250 fps apart from each other, but this doesnt seem to be the case. People seem to be shooting loads...
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    Disappearing Bullet

    Mikecr. I would say RPM was a lot to do with it. I wasnt a high presure load when the bullets came, apart, much lower then with the 22BR. Bore finish definitley makes a difference. I had a one barrel which would blow bullets apart realy quickly, and it also fouled realy badly and felt rough. The...
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    accuracy node for 7mm magnum or WSM

    It seems that with a node at 2925-2950 fps, that it is not much further ahead of the straight 284 which seems to have a node around 2800 fps, only another 125-150 fps. I thought nodes were about 200-300 fps apart. Maybe the bigger cases such as the booboo are needed to get to the 3100 fps node.
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    Disappearing Bullet

    I had a big problem with disappearing bullets in a 22/6mm imp. As others said, it was pushed to fast in a fast twist barrel. Sure it beat the wind pretty well, but each vapourized bullets was 10 points down. the 22/6mm imp barrels were rechambered in 22BR and 22BRX and the problem was solved...
  17. R

    Shooting technique for F Class???

    1st of all what caliber are you shooting? With my 6PPC, 22BR, 22BRX, 30BR I shoot free recoil, keeping my shoulder just of the butt plate. With my bigger recoiling 284, I pull the stock back a bit off the fore end stop on the front rest, then put some shoulder pressure into the butt plate...
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    accuracy node for 7mm magnum or WSM

    For any of the 7mm Rem mag, 7mm booboo or 7WSM shooters out there (long range target shooters) what velocity are you finding your barrel nodes at. With the straight 284, it seems to be around 2800 fps. Is it up around 3000 with the larger magnum cases shooting 180gn bullets?
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    NEW Berger 7mm 180 gr BT-THICK

    Tillroot1. For the velocity to have increased, it would seem initial presure would have to have increased due to the thicker jacket. Did you find that prsssure had jumped much? I,m keen to get hold of some when they land in OZ Eric, the website does not list them yet. Do you have a part number I...
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    Who can export bullets from USA

    PHaxell. Most of the bullets I use now, both in short and long range are made localy and go very well. Only problem is I dont know of anyone who has a long ogive 7mm die to make heavier 7mm bullets over here. I am having a good run with some custom flat base 7mm bullets in my 9" twist, but I was...