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  1. M

    Meplat trimming by OAL or ogive

    Charles calculated BC does not account for yaw, as there is no way to predict it, and it would be unique to various combinations. You can see with JBM that meplats have by far the biggest affect on BC, given other expected bullet variances. IMO yaw induced by meplats is speculation. Also IMO...
  2. M

    Meplat trimming by OAL or ogive

    I agree with about Ogv-to-Base variance being low on the totem pole for BC variance. I don't see it as worth checking anymore than weight. I don't know of any meplat trimmer taken to base. All I'm aware of are taken to a point on the ogive. What I wonder though, and Dave you might have checked...
  3. M

    Which priming tool is best used to set primers to a uniform depth ?

    There is a bit of genius behind it. In operation, the seating stem is taken to bottom in the case pocket. While in this condition, the primer to seat is set between the dial tip and a landing it indicates off. Then the dial is zero'd. Now the primer is dropped off the land, the stem cleared of...
  4. M

    Which priming tool is best used to set primers to a uniform depth ?

    Primer crush does affect velocity. It can change 'boomyow' to 'click' in the extremes. The K&M seater(with an indicator) is the only seater I'm aware of that leaves primers at the same CRUSH(whatever you choose for it). It makes no difference if you uniform the pockets or not with this seater...
  5. M

    High pressure - LOW velocity

    I think his powder/lot is too fast. The problem cleared when going to lighter bullets, right?
  6. M

    6.5 wsm

    I setup a 6.5WSSM on a 16.5lb LG, just to play with. My current load is light at 47.4gr IMR4350, using 139Lapuas, 28" barrel, ~3010fps. I have pushed it over 3200, but accuracy is where it is with my barrels. Anyway, I've so far gone past 20 reloads on my first culled brass. It ain't ever gonna...
  7. M

    6.5x47 vs 6.5x284 for 1000 yd benchrest

    Greg when I say 1/2moa, it's 1/2 moa at range(not point blank). It's not 1/2moa of accuracy either, but consistency(grouping). I believe anyone who could do this consistently in 1Kyd competition, would do very well. That don't mean 'often', or at 100yds, or one tournament, during warm-ups...
  8. M

    6.5x47 vs 6.5x284 for 1000 yd benchrest

    Hence the popularity of the 6-6.5x47L,, it matches the Dasher(an actual 1kyd cartridge). But we've already got the dasher.. If you push a mouse to nearly the speed of a cat, the cat still eats. Extreme precision in grouping matters less at 1kyd. You only need to shoot 1/2moa consistently to...
  9. M

    6.5x47 vs 6.5x284 for 1000 yd benchrest

    I can't imagine a 6.5-284 loaded down to 2925fps shooting well either. Might as well go with a mini cartridge at better pressures for that.. It matters not to me, but I'm thinking the purpose for the 6.5x47L/6.5Creedmore is to fit AR platforms in various medium range competitions. I see these...
  10. M

    Lee Six still around?

    Not following ya Bill Not sure why the address is 'Kelbysix' Nor do I see 'Lee Six' stocks at there.. Am I missing it?
  11. M

    Lee Six still around?

    I don't see Lee Six stocks at Kelby's website. Smitty, already have a couple Modified Thumbhole Trackers. But my next project is for hunting. Not looking for flats on this one. Thanks for the input though guys.
  12. M

    Lee Six still around?

    Oh man that's a shame
  13. M

    Lee Six still around?

    Where could I find Lee Six thumbhole stocks? I just can't find the site anymore Thanks
  14. M

    6.5x47 vs 6.5x284 for 1000 yd benchrest

    I don't shoot either, and the best I can find implies that the 6.5x47L holds 47grH2O capacity. This seems mighty underpowered compared to others on that line. The 260 holds 55gr The 6.5-284 holds 66gr These loaded to potential will leave the 6.5x47L in the dust. Just as these will often be...
  15. M

    Technique for measuring case capacity

    And why would anyone need true case capacity? We get exactly what we need from h20 capacity checks. A relative comparison from case to case, lot to lot. And if you you use QuickLoad, you can enter your measured capacity(to the mouths), and your resultant velocity, and calibrate the powder file...
  16. M

    Technique for measuring case capacity

    Stand empty cases(on your scale) on a plastic golf tee pushed into the flash hole. Zero the scale. Use an dropper and water as mentioned with a drop of alcohol. If needed, touch a corner of tissue to flatten the meniscus(crescent). I've checked hundreds of cases this way
  17. M

    Barrel wear

    Jackie, it's my understanding that barrels can be set back as many times as the desired tune can be reached. Also, that these barrels continue to shoot very well. Would you say this is often true? Further notions of mine, stretch to understand why the 'combustion area' of a barrel destroys...
  18. M

    Barrel wear

    Is there evidence that barrels wear at all? What does firecracking have to do with wear,, or land retreat, or bore constriction? Isn't the question really, what causes barrel potential to take a hike??
  19. M

    Just Got My New Scale

    If winning ever was -all that matters, then what a waste of human time and resources.. No, it is about the learning. It is about great efforts toward understanding that would better us, not of others, but of ourselves. Haven't you recognized this in human beings?
  20. M

    Dillon D-Terminator Electronic Scale experience???

    Best digital reloading scale for many years, and very hard to find. Keep in mind that the 'NEW DILLON D-TERMINATOR' is no more than a cheap knock-off of the original. Not the same animal. But these days I use the CM1500, as it's as good as the original Dillon in every respect. If you decide you...