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  1. M

    Word of warning

    Well, sounded like replacement of 210s with WLRs that fired was validation that there isn't anything wrong with your bolt. But how do you know there isn't anything wrong with your bolt? What if the pin isn't pulling back the needed amount for some reason? What if it's a viscosity or clearance...
  2. M

    Word of warning

    When you deprime I doubt you'll find that the mis-fired primers actually fired. Is it hasty to rule out a bolt issue or presume a problem with primers now. It's cold out. Did your action get colder and colder while shooting? Did the misfires happen right off the bat, or after shooting some?
  3. M

    Cooper rifles-too good to be true?

    Maybe Cooper doesn't want their guns sold at Walmarts.. Maybe they are selling guns at exactly the rate desired. And I think all this 'custom' folklore puts their market exactly where they want it, -well in their control. If anyone wants to put em ALL down for the count, they only need to focus...
  4. M

    Cooper rifles-too good to be true?

    Well, I concede to "Custom Barrel Twist & Make" for +$415. That's new to me & I don't know what it might entail. Could just be non-Cooper-standard twists, that are not different in barrel brand, contours, or rifling. The rest are nice options, for people pretty proud of their guns. Eye candy...
  5. M

    Cooper rifles-too good to be true?

    Mine is serial# 3047, bought off the rack at Cabela's. To my knowledge there is not a single 'custom' option available from Cooper, other than wood grade. The Cooper is not a custom IMO. It's not a cheating wonder gun... It's merely a standard recipe for 1/2moa with light, flat base bullets.
  6. M

    Bullet Pointing?

    Forget it,, I don't have any basis for it..
  7. M

    Bullet Pointing?

    I predict lower POI for meplats fully closed, over those at ~25thou. I picture the wave migrating up the tip without a hollow cushion. Try it & tell if I'm right.
  8. M

    Cooper rifles-too good to be true?

    I love my son's Cooper. Accurate as all get out. But the 'proof' group hanging off these guns on the rack is deceptive. Cooper knows very well that potential buyers will assume the group is 100yds. Always took issue with that...
  9. M

    Help With Neck Turning

    I use the Lee Universal with a Neilson case lathe. Works pretty good with practice.
  10. M

    Ogive Variation?

    Sinclair doesn't have a tool that measures ogive radius variance. Are you referring to a bearing surface comparator?
  11. M


    Do you have any basis for it (adding barrel life) Brutal? I ask because you're the first to imply anything like this.
  12. M

    Ogive Variation?

    I might have been Bob's first customer for his ogive comparator, as I was sick of waiting for a machinist to finish mine(which was like Bob's). It's a good tool. I've found occasional bullets that leave the pack in 139Lapuas. Further testing showed that these caused big differences in trimmed...
  13. M

    BAT MOD. I think?? PICS Pease Look!!!

    From what I've seen, erratic means a primer fires like a different brand primer. So consider how other brands have performed with your load, and picture this happening intermittently. I guess it could be likened to a bad scope problem.. Well, a broken scope problem. I have been able to tweak ES...
  14. M

    BAT MOD. I think?? PICS Pease Look!!!

    Just my opinion, but I think primer ignition is more dependent on strike SPEED than anything else. My basis; No matter how dented you make an uncrushed(far from fully seated), loose primer, it is less likely to go off. You could crush it in a vice, or deprime hot, without ignition. As long as...
  15. M

    Bullet Pointing Die

    The world is getting a bit more cut-throat everyday.. I have a Whidden, and found it intersting that another version popped up out of the blue -just afterward. But then I also have a Farley and scratch my head over the sudden copies dividing their market. Same with Hornady's ChargeMaster copy...
  16. M

    Kestrel 4000?

    Stan, it measures pressure(and cannot 'measure' altitude). Kestrel has precalibrated the pressure reading. I cal check one every couple years at my shop Met Lab. It is pretty damn accurate. You can use a GPS unit, or known altitude location to set altitude. I've walked down to the ocean and...
  17. M


    There are 4 seperate and different things you're talking about here. 1. Carbon buildup 2. Throat burn-away 3. Friction 4. Copper fouling For all I know, burned WS2 adds to #1 I'm gonna have to compare treated/untreated barrels at the same shot count to know. But I would probably also have to...
  18. M

    Most bang for .....? Bullets.

    You didn't say what it was you're shooting at, or twist of barrels. But I like Jayner 22cal 50/52gr flatbase bullets for woodchucks out of a 14tw barrel. They are very consistant, good grouping, and I smack em to 600yds(which isn't bad for bipod shooting a Cooper in 223rem). They are reasonably...
  19. M


    Same with Eddie I clean alot more often, but never really found a point where it was necessary. Just afraid that if I don't clean I might wind up with too much carbon & ruin a barrel. Always believed that carbon would kill em if nothing else. Good to hear of another using WS2 without issue.
  20. M

    Chronograph alignment using Laser Bore Sighter

    I think the precision of it comes down to need. If your chrono is only needed for ES/SD, then somewhere close works. But if you want actual velocity(as close as you can get) the screens need to be setup with very little tolerance per axis. ~6-7yrs ago I used a cheap plastic muzzle loaded...