Search results

  1. H

    Any results from Kane?

    Canucks raid from frigid north to take the 133'... rd annual Pie eating contest at Kane, Pa. Andy Laidlaw, in a performance rarely seen except at carnival sideshows, gnawed his way to victory with an impressive 37 pieces of world famous Kane Pie over the weekend. A big congrats goes out to Andy...
  2. H

    Gene Buckys Scope Mounts

    Pete, I've got one for a bat that I'd let go for 150. They originally sold for 250 I believe.
  3. H

    Roy Hunter Wins The Bud Prior

    Yep, ppc's 1st and 3rd and even though the equipment list don't show it, Allie won the 300 with a ppc, out X-ing the field.
  4. H

    101st Annual Hog Roast Match Recap!

    Jack, I'm pretty sure it's the 102nd annual Hogroast...:p
  5. H

    100 yd score mach, Fairfax VA 100yd 9/8/12

    We managed to get it in before the big front came through.
  6. H

    What action for a hunting rifle

    Ya know Al, custom huntin rifles don't need to shoot quarter minute groups. Some might call that overkill. Fact is that some of the finest hunting rifles in the world are built on Mausers. Not only that, some of the finest custom actions are DIRECT copies of the 98. I've got my share of the...
  7. H

    Growing the IBS

    I think this is the best post regarding the factory class debate so far. What it boils down to in reality is that Hunter class WAS the original "factory" class. I'm all for getting more folks to shoot BR, but I'm just not sure this is the best route. As for AR's, we at FFX Rod & Gun had one of...
  8. H

    Bag hardness ?

    TB couldn't possibly be right. Keep that bag as hard as possible.
  9. H

    Growing the IBS

    To all the prospective new shooters, Mike in Co is a Keyboard BR shooter, and doesn't represent Benchrest in any way. It would be nice if we could have some ID on these forums so that newbies would know who they should listen to.
  10. H

    Growing the IBS

    I personally don't see a problem with having 2 separate organizations. I don't think a merge would be bad, but I don't see a merger in the cards anyhow. There are a large number of shooters that probably have very little knowledge of what actually took place when the split occurred. There's an...
  11. H

    Growing the IBS

    Stop it Danny
  12. H

    Growing the IBS

    This is coming from the perspective of primarily a Group shooter, although I shoot all three disciplines. Unfortunately, very little being accomplished here. Too much in-fighting. I'm a Benchrest shooter first and foremost. I happen to live close to mainly IBS ranges, but a couple NBRSA ranges...
  13. H

    Nationals @ Weikert!!

    I don't have the results in front of me, but I can tell you that Tony won the 4 gun and HB grand in potential world record fashion. Larry Costa managed to squeak out another point with a win in the HB 200 this afternoon, and was second in the 4 gun, followed by Jeff Thompson and Andy Shifflett...
  14. H

    sunday july 29th aurora gun club MBABR match

    When did this become a PS forum?
  15. H

    Pictures of my latest custom

    neck bone connected to the wrist bone?:rolleyes:
  16. H

    Tee shirt Fundraiser at the Keystone Challenge

    I don't know if I'll make it to mainville, but I'll be at the Nats. Put me down for one also.
  17. H

    You'll just have to break out your 6ppc if you want to see sub .25 MOA accuracy

    The answer to your question is no, a factory rifle should not be expected to shoot quarter minute groups consistently. It's not impossible, but probably less than 1 percent of factory rifles are capable of this. Most would be lucky to shoot 1 minute. Shooting the occasional quarter inch group...
  18. H

    260AI or 280AI for the edge in 100 yard accuracy?

    What it boils down to is that neither of these chamberings would be chosen for competing in 100, or even 200 or 300 for that matter. In a properly built rifle, either will probably satisfy what you want to achieve however. I'd choose the 280 just because I think it is better suited for LR game...
  19. H

    Need Some Help

    I wont be at Mill Creek Dave, but I'd be happy to assist Jack in disposing of the packages' contents
  20. H


    .1612" iirc